學習使用模型化技術,以便有效地將零件設計轉換為已完成加工鑄造的交付項目。 設計零件的生產模具,以產生摩托車齒輪箱。 一開始先設計齒輪箱的核心 (或稱負空間)。 將齒輪箱的複製排列 (或稱外部面) 另行設計為實體主體。 將模具主體儲存為新的零件檔案。 結合實體主體,並從複製排列中減去核心。 套用機械加工特徵,完成模型。
1 月 前
在 Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional 範例測驗中,更新控制零件整體形狀和大小的參數。 手動編輯個別尺寸並整體變更變數值。 重新計算模型以確保所有特徵都正確更新。
1 月 前
瞭解 Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional 測驗的先決條件。 瞭解如何針對 CSWP 測驗做足最佳準備。 識別您應學習 SOLIDWORKS 軟體中的哪些部分。
1 月 前
瞭解 Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional 測驗的組成部分。 認識測驗的三個部分:零件模型化、模型組態及零件修改,以及組合件模型化。 瞭解您可視需要無限次地重考測驗的每一部分,但每次嘗試之間有一個等待期,在等待期結束後才能再次重考。
1 月 前
瞭解 Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional 測驗。 發現取得認證的優點。 瞭解為取得認證而需具備的一些 SOLIDWORKS 技能。
1 月 前
使用彈性次組合件,來移動次組合件中的零組件。 修改次組合件的零組件屬性,將其由剛性變更為彈性。 在主要組合件中拖曳彈性次組合件的零組件,以觀察其動作。 瞭解彈性次組合件對整體組合件效能的影響。
1 月 前
使用「移動面」和「刪除面」工具來修改輸入的非參數式幾何。 移動本體的面以增加模型大小。 刪除面以移除及修補模型的圓角面。 偏移圓柱面以增加圓柱填料的直徑。
1 月 前
使用您在組合件中產生爆炸視圖所用的一些相同工具,在多本體零件中產生爆炸視圖。 在爆炸及解除爆炸狀態之間切換。 編輯爆炸步驟。 針對每個模型組態產生多個爆炸視圖。
1 月 前
若零件邊線太接近,以致無法正確產生圓角時,利用個別實體本體通常有助於改善問題。 將特徵切割為個別的實體本體。 套用圓角至個別本體。 使用「結合」指令,重新將本體加在一起。 套用其他圓角至零件,以完成模型。
1 月 前
疊層拉伸在輪廓之間作疊層轉移來產生特徵。疊層拉伸可以是基材、填料、除料或表面。 指定限制及連接參數,以獲得想要的結果。 在兩個輪廓之間產生基本的疊層拉伸特徵。 使用中心線曲線、終止限制及連接點來精細化形狀。 正確地選擇疊層拉伸輪廓及連接點。
1 月 前
在 Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional 範例測驗中,修改所提供範例零件的草圖並調整特徵順序。 修改草圖以變更伸長填料的輪廓。 調整特徵順序並保持父子限制條件。 取得零件的物質特性。
1 月 前
在 Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional 範例測驗中,修改所提供範例零件的特徵及草圖。 變更填料特徵的草圖輪廓及終止條件。 在 FeatureManager(特徵管理員) 設計樹狀結構中,重新排序特徵。 取得零件的物質特性。
1 月 前
This lesson contains exercises so you can improve your proficiency with Additional Tools before taking the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) exam. The additional tools include reference geometry, configurations, making changes to a model, and more. There are 10 practice exercises for Additional Tools so this is the second of two lessons containing these exercises.
1 月 前
複習範例測驗的問題,為 Certified SolidWorks Professional 測驗做準備。 在 CSWP 範例測驗的一部分中製作零件的模型。 在 CSWP 範例測驗的另一部分中修改該零件。 在 CSWP 範例測驗的最後一部分中產生組合件。
Learning Path
2 月 前
瞭解如何以建立子模型的方式分析較大組合件中的一部分,以節省時間並取得較精確的結果。 從父系研究中產生子模型研究。 探索如何將負載自動轉移至子模型研究。 節省時間和計算資源,同時保持精確的結果。 使用 eDrawings 儲存結果。
2 月 前
This lesson contains exercises so you can improve your proficiency with Additional Tools before taking the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) exam. The additional tools include reference geometry, configurations, making changes to a model, and more. There are 10 practice exercises for Additional Tools so this is the second of two lessons containing these exercises.
2 月 前
This lesson contains exercises so you can improve your proficiency with Assemblies before taking the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) exam.
2 月 前
This lesson contains exercises so you can improve your proficiency with Features and Parts before taking the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) exam. There are 12 practice exercises for Features and Parts so this is the second of two lessons containing these exercises.
2 月 前
This lesson contains exercises so you can improve your proficiency with Features and Parts before taking the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) exam. There are 12 practice exercises for Features and Parts so this is the first of two lessons containing these exercises.
2 月 前
This lesson contains exercises so you can improve your proficiency with Sketching before taking the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) exam.
2 月 前
The goal of this course is to teach you to create Weldment parts and drawings in SOLIDWORKS. Weldment functions are designed for modeling structural members and are especially useful for creating frames and woodworking projects. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to https://www.solidworks.com/support/training/training-files to download the complete set of files.
3 月 前
The goal of this course is to explore many of the surfacing features inside SOLIDWORKS. Along with how to create and apply these surfacing features, additional features and methods commonly used in ergonomic and industrial designed models are also introduced. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to https://www.solidworks.com/support/training/training-files to download the complete set of files.
3 月 前
When significant structural deformations, high stresses or complex contacts exist in applications, limitations of the static linear study are likely going to be reached. In such situations nonlinear computational algorithms need to be utilized. In this course, you will learn about the basic types of nonlinearities, and how to approach their solutions. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to https://www.solidworks.com/support/training/training-files to download the complete set of files.
3 月 前
In this course, you will learn about what types of dynamic environments exist and the tools available for their simulation. Dynamic problems can be computationally intensive. For that reason, dynamic loads are divided into several basic types. Each will call for a different simulation tool to treat it efficiently. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to https://www.solidworks.com/support/training/training-files to download the complete set of files.
3 月 前