Learn how to add new users and groups and assign permissions. Add users to a newly created vault. Create groups and add users to groups. Assign permissions to users at the group level.
Understand how to validate a newly created PDM vault by performing standard PDM operations. Add and share files and folders via the Windows Explorer vault view. Version a SOLIDWORKS part file and transition through a workflow to release.
Understand how to install and configure the components of SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard. Install and configure Microsoft® SQL Server® Express. Install Microsoft® SQL Server® Management Studio. Install the SOLIDWORKS PDM Database Server. Install the SOLIDWORKS PDM Archive Server. Install the SOLIDWORKS PDM CAD Editor client.
Understand the components of SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard, the role of each component, and how the components interact with each other. These components include: Microsoft® SQL Server® Express. SOLIDWORKS PDM Database Server. SOLIDWORKS PDM Archive Server. The three SOLIDWORKS PDM Client types.
Understand the steps to perform as complete backup of PDM. Use Microsoft® SQL Server® Management Studio to backup PDM vault databases. Use the SOLIDWORKS PDM Archive Server configuration tool to backup vault user credentials. Locate and backup the vaults file archives.
Learn how to a create SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard vault and setup a local client view. Create and configure a SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard vault. Setup a local client view connection to the newly created vault.