將拔模加入鑄造及成型零件。 瞭解您可產生的各類型拔模特徵。 執行「拔模分析」以決定哪些面需要加入拔模。
1 月 前
在 Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional 範例測驗中,產生組合件部分的第一個零件。 使用工程圖上的視圖及尺寸,產生組合件的零件。 根據參考座標系統取得零件的質量中心。
3 月 前
參考其他零組件,在組合件的關聯中模型化零件,以完成設計。 新零件的設計意圖 (特徵大小、組合件中零組件的放置等),來自於組合件中的其他零組件。 利用由上而下的組合件模型化技術,在組合件的關聯中建立虛擬零件。 參考結合零件中的幾何,在組合件關聯中產生特徵。 瞭解 InPlace 結合及外部參考。 識別 FeatureManager(特徵管理員) 設計樹狀結構中的外部參考。
3 月 前
針對您常用的零組件定義結合圖元及結合類型。 當您加入零組件至組合件時,可自動為您加入某些結合。 針對常用的零組件定義結合圖元及結合類型。 將有結合參考的零組件加入組合件。 針對您拖曳至組合件的零組件選擇模型組態。
3 月 前
在 Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional 範例測驗中,移除特徵、加入特徵及編輯現有特徵,以變更零件。 移除、加入及編輯特徵,以變更零件。 取得零件的物質特性。
3 月 前
同時使用由下而上和由上而下的組合件模型化設計技術,在組合件中插入及修改零組件。 使用由下而上的方法,將零組件插入組合件。 使用由上而下的方法來修改零組件。 使用由上而下的方法來產生新零組件。
3 月 前
編輯距離、角度及限制結合的值。 根據工程圖表格中的規格來調整距離和角度結合。 編輯您產生之距離與角度結合的值。
3 月 前
當模型的內部除料特徵是設計中最重要的一環時,方法之一是產生實體特徵來代表零件的負空間。 完成負空間後,便可使用「結合」指令,從另一個實體主體減去體積。 使用實體幾何代表多樣性的內部空間,來產生零件的負空間。 在幾何周圍產生個別的實體本體,作為多樣性的主要本體。 使用減除操作來結合零件中的實體本體。
3 月 前
學習使用模型化技術,以便有效地將零件設計轉換為已完成加工鑄造的交付項目。 設計零件的生產模具,以產生摩托車齒輪箱。 一開始先設計齒輪箱的核心 (或稱負空間)。 將齒輪箱的複製排列 (或稱外部面) 另行設計為實體主體。 將模具主體儲存為新的零件檔案。 結合實體主體,並從複製排列中減去核心。 套用機械加工特徵,完成模型。
3 月 前
This lesson contains exercises so you can improve your proficiency with Additional Tools before taking the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) exam. The additional tools include reference geometry, configurations, making changes to a model, and more. There are 10 practice exercises for Additional Tools so this is the second of two lessons containing these exercises.
4 月 前
This lesson contains exercises so you can improve your proficiency with Additional Tools before taking the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) exam. The additional tools include reference geometry, configurations, making changes to a model, and more. There are 10 practice exercises for Additional Tools so this is the second of two lessons containing these exercises.
5 月 前
This lesson contains exercises so you can improve your proficiency with Assemblies before taking the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) exam.
5 月 前
This lesson contains exercises so you can improve your proficiency with Features and Parts before taking the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) exam. There are 12 practice exercises for Features and Parts so this is the second of two lessons containing these exercises.
5 月 前
This lesson contains exercises so you can improve your proficiency with Features and Parts before taking the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) exam. There are 12 practice exercises for Features and Parts so this is the first of two lessons containing these exercises.
5 月 前
This lesson contains exercises so you can improve your proficiency with Sketching before taking the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) exam.
5 月 前
Learn to shorten, extend, or add corner treatments to a structure using the Corner Management tool. Learn to trim and extend structural members. Add simple and complex corner treatments.
5 月 前
Use the Property Tab Builder stand-alone utility to build a customized user interface, or ‘tab’, and add file properties. Create Custom or Configuration Properties. Choose from seven different types of controls. Take data from external sources such as text or Excel files.
6 月 前
Add new non-graphic properties to fully describe a SOLIDWORKS part, assembly, or drawing. Add Custom Properties using user-defined text and SOLIDWORKS special properties. Understand the downstream uses of properties in drawing annotations and tables. Use properties to select assembly components.
6 月 前
Use Modify Configurations options to create and manage configurations in user-defined tables. Configure sketch and feature dimensions with Configure Dimension. Use Configure Feature to configure suppression of features. Configure the part material with Configure Materials. And, use Configure Component to configure the component suppression, fixed state, and configuration.
6 月 前
6 月 前
Learn how to add new users and groups and assign permissions. Add users to a newly created vault. Create groups and add users to groups. Assign permissions to users at the group level.
7 月 前
Understand how to validate a newly created PDM vault by performing standard PDM operations. Add and share files and folders via the Windows Explorer vault view. Version a SOLIDWORKS part file and transition through a workflow to release.
7 月 前
Understand how to install and configure the components of SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard. Install and configure Microsoft® SQL Server® Express. Install Microsoft® SQL Server® Management Studio. Install the SOLIDWORKS PDM Database Server. Install the SOLIDWORKS PDM Archive Server. Install the SOLIDWORKS PDM CAD Editor client.
7 月 前
Understand the components of SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard, the role of each component, and how the components interact with each other. These components include: Microsoft® SQL Server® Express. SOLIDWORKS PDM Database Server. SOLIDWORKS PDM Archive Server. The three SOLIDWORKS PDM Client types.
7 月 前