Take advantage of selected global and local settings, techniques, and tips that can lead to faster assemblies. Examine helpful settings in System Options and Document Properties. Understand how to work with large assembly FeatureManager design trees. Learn a few tips to speed up view manipulations.
This is an introduction to some of the assembly techniques that can further reduce the time required to open and edit your large assembly. Learn the advantages of using assembly techniques. Examine some details about each technique. Understand how the testing tool Assembly Visualization can help you find components that need to be simplified.
Compare opening an assembly using each of the three assembly modes: Resolved, Lightweight, and Large Design Review. Discover the differences between each mode. Examine the best use for each mode and how to use them. Understand the options when switching between modes.
Understand the characteristics of a large assembly, how SOLIDWORKS opens an assembly, and what can cause it to slow down. Also, a quick look at some possible solutions. Explore what makes a large assembly. Learn the sequence of steps SOLIDWORKS uses to open an assembly. Discover some common large assembly slowdowns.