Hollow out solid bodies using the Shell feature. Apply different wall thicknesses to selected faces. Select multiple faces to be removed in the shelling operation. Understand how the shelling operation affects filleted and rounded edges.
1 year ago
Use several direct editing techniques for working with imported geometry using surfacing tools. Explore the Delete Face tool, the Delete Hole command, and the Untrim Surface tool. Use the Delete Face tool to remove an unwanted imported geometry feature. Use Delete Hole and Untrim Surface to remove an unwanted imported geometry feature. Convert a surface body into a solid body using the Thicken command.
1 year ago
Use extruded, revolved, and swept surfaces to create geometry. Trim, extend, knit, and thicken the surfaces to finish the thin-walled model. Extrude a sketch to create a surface. Revolve a sketch about an axis to create a surface. Trim a surface using a sketch or another surface as the trim tool. Sweep an open profile along a path to create a surface. Combine multiple surfaces into a single body using knit surfaces. Thicken a surface body to create a solid body.
1 year ago
Compare the features of two parts and classify the differences into two categories: unique features that exist in only one part and modified features that exist in both parts. Find differences between the features of similar parts. Classify the features as unique or modified.
1 year ago
Create smart components by selecting components and features in a defining assembly. Then, insert smart components into an assembly to add the components and create the features. Create smart components in a defining assembly. Insert smart components into an assembly to create components and features. Select reference faces for the features of a smart component.
1 year ago
Sketch and loft between two sketch profiles to create a sheet metal part. Understand the requirements for the sketch profiles and the loft feature. Sketch the profiles for a lofted sheet metal part. Understand the requirements for a lofted sheet metal part. Set the thickness and bend line options.
2 years ago
Explore gauge tables and bend tables which store default values of specifc parts. Populate and utilize sample tables provided during installation. Create and customize the sample tables to meet your own needs. Customize and create bend tables. Understand the use of gauge tables and bend tables.
2 years ago
Add a jog to an existing flange. A jog adds material to a sheet metal part by creating two bends and a flat from a sketch line. The mirror feature adds symmetry in sheet metal designs. Add a jog to an existing flange. Incorporate symmetry in sheet metal designs. Position a jog.
2 years ago
Import parts into SOLIDWORKS, then use the rip feature to create thin cuts in sheet metal geometry between adjacent flanges. Insert bends to convert the model to a sheet metal part to flatten and further edit the part. Import other file types into SOLIDWORKS. Use rip feature to create thin cuts. Add bends to part to convert part to sheet metal.
2 years ago
Locate and diagnose problems in geometry imported from other CAD software. Then, use surface tools to repair the damaged geometry. Diagnose problems in a model with verification on rebuild, import diagnostics, and check entity. Heal faulty faces using the import diagnostics tool. Delete faulty faces and use various surface tools to re-create the geometry. Display curvature and check the minimum radius of curvature. Delete and replace fillets to create smoother blends. Extend, trim, and knit surfaces.
2 years ago
Use surface tools to create complex blends at the intersections of surfaces. The tools used in this module include trim surfaces, lofted surfaces, and fill surfaces. Trim surfaces using a sketch as the trim entity. Create a blend between surfaces using a lofted surface. Fill an area that is completely bounded by surfaces using the fill surface tool.
2 years ago
Select features or elements of a particular type so that they may be acted upon in one operation. Operations include appearance changes, suppression changes, and more. Bulk-select by feature type. Understand the options and search criteria of the Power Select tool.
2 years ago
Check for sharp edges, sliver faces, discontinuous geometry and more. This affords you the opportunity to fix these issues before finalizing a design. Check a model for insignificant geometry, sliver faces, sharp edges, and discontinuous geometry. Specify search criteria.
2 years ago
Compare the geometry of two parts to find face and volumetric differences. It is particularly useful for comparisons to imported geometry. Find differences in the geometry of similar parts. Find differences in the volumes of similar parts.
2 years ago
Use this tool to find the differences between two bill of materials (BOM) tables. Differences include changes in quantity, part number, etc.. Find differences between similar BOMs. Set options of the Compare BOM tool. Interpret the output of the Compare BOM tool to identify the differences between BOMs.
2 years ago
Create a side core with draft from sketches on molds with trapped molding areas. Use feature freeze bar to exclude features from being rebuilt. Create side cores on molds. Exclude features from being rebuilt.
2 years ago
Create parting surfaces using parting lines by separating mold cavity faces from mold core faces using the parting surfaces tool. Create parting surfaces at the parting line that are perpendicular to the direction of pull. Explore the options of a parting surface.
2 years ago
Use the Shut-off surfaces tool to close open molding areas in a part to cut the tooling block into two pieces. Identify open molding areas in the part. Utilize the Shut-off Surfaces tool to close open molding areas. Understand when shut-off surfaces are required.
2 years ago
Determine if proper draft exists in a part to be molded. Without proper draft, the part may fail to successfully eject from the mold. Evaluate draft on a molded part. Examine the different classes of drafted faces.
2 years ago
Modify the features and sketches in the sample part provided for the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional sample exam. Change the sketch profile and end condition of a boss feature. Reorder features in the FeatureManager design tree. Obtain the mass properties of the part.
2 years ago
Change the part for the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional sample exam by removing features, adding features, and editing existing features. Remove, add, and edit features to change the part. Obtain the mass properties of the part.
2 years ago
Update the parameters that control the overall shape and size of the part for the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional sample exam. Manual edit individual dimensions and globally change the values of variables. Rebuild the model to ensure that all features update correctly.
2 years ago
SOLIDWORKS includes many tools for evaluating part geometry. By analyzing the curvature of a parts curves and surfaces, you can evaluate the quality of transitions between features and the surfaces themselves. Understand what curvature is. Display Curvature to use colors to evaluate the surfaces of a model. Use Curvature Combs to evaluate sketch curves. Learn how to display the minimum radius and inflection points of a curve. Use zebra stripes to simulate reflections on faces of a model. Understand how to use evaluate tools to recognize tangency and curvature continuous conditions.
2 years ago
When the internal cut features of a model are of most importance in a design, one approach is to create solid features that represent the negative space of a part. Once the negative space is complete, the Combine command can be used to subtract the volume from another solid body. Use solid geometry representing the interior space of a manifold to create the negative space of the part. Create a separate solid body surrounding the geometry as the main body of the manifold. Combine the solid bodies in the part using a subtract operation.
2 years ago