Training Catalog
Search for, manage and view exisiting reports created by SolidWorks Utilities. Export reports to a briefcase or delete reports. Search for, manage, and view SolidWorks Utilities reports. Export and delete reports.
1 year ago
Learn DimXpert in Assembly to define dimensions and tolerances for overall sizes and installation interfaces in assembly environment. All the existing DimXpert capabilities in part are supported in assembly. Use Auto Dimension Scheme define the installation hole spacing. Use Location and Size dimension tools to define hole sizes and assembly feature dimensions and tolerances. Apply manual basic dimensions. Select edges instead of faces for easier definition. Place dimensions per mouse move just like in 2D drawings or sketches. Update flag notes automatically. Display coordinate systems per feature control frames.
4 years ago
Copy instances of one or more features or bodies by mirroring them across a reference plane or planar face. The resultant copy is reversed, as if seen in a mirror, maintaining symmetry. Create mirror patterns of features and bodies. Control results with geometry pattern option.
6 months ago
The Indent command will form an impression of a selected tool body in a selected target body of a part. By using the options within the Indent command, a simple cut, thickness, or clearance can be formed around the tool body region. Understand the options within the Indent command. Create an Indent feature to form faces of a part around selected tool bodies. Use the Delete Body command to remove tool bodies from the part.
2 years ago
A multibody sheet metal part has multiple sets of specific sheet metal features in the same feature tree. There are also multiple flat pattern features. The cut list shows each individual body. Learn the process for creating a multibody sheet metal part, and also some of the uses of such a part. Use sheet metal tools to create a new sheet metal body. Use a linear or circular pattern, mirror, or move/copy to duplicate a body. Use Insert Part to add a body into an existing sheet metal part. Divide a sheet metal body into multiple bodies. Learn some of the basic uses of multibody sheet metal design.
2 years ago
Import a Piping and Instrumentation Diagram file, which describes the routes, lines, descriptions, and connections of a piping system in text format. Create equipment and routing from the imported file. Learn the basic format and content of a P & ID file. Insert equipment from an imported P & ID file. Create a guideline spline for a piping system, and a route that fits the spline.
1 year ago
Learn how shells are used to model thin structures. Create shells on thin structures using the shell manager. Apply symmetry fixtures to reduce computational efforts.
1 year ago
Generate a Bill of Characteristics: Manually or automatically extract annotations. Leverage the SOLIDWORKS Inspection Addin or Standalone application based on your workflow.
1 year ago
Explore flat pattern feature options including parameters, corner options, grain direction, and faces to exclude. Create a drawing from a flat pattern, adding dimensions and other annotations. Explore flat pattern options. Create a drawing from a flat pattern.
1 year ago
Understand the characteristics of a large assembly, how SOLIDWORKS opens an assembly, and what can cause it to slow down. Also, a quick look at some possible solutions. Explore what makes a large assembly. Learn the sequence of steps SOLIDWORKS uses to open an assembly. Discover some common large assembly slowdowns.
1 year ago
An introduction to the many types view manipulation for parts, assemblies, and drawings. Explore the different types of views. Understand how to manipulate views using menus, the keyboard, mouse, and reference triad.
3 months ago
Use the Edit Definition command to modify contouring operation leadin and leadout parameters. Modify leadin type. Modify leadin amount and overlap. Modify arc radius and arc angle.
2 years ago
Add a jog to an existing flange. A jog adds material to a sheet metal part by creating two bends and a flat from a sketch line. The mirror feature adds symmetry in sheet metal designs. Add a jog to an existing flange. Incorporate symmetry in sheet metal designs. Position a jog.
2 years ago
Review additional resources available to SOLIDWORKS users and platform administrators. Access platform help topics. Connect to SOLIDWORKS specific communities. Explore resources provided in the SOLIDWORKS community wiki.
1 month ago
Understand what to do when a 3D printing job is complete. Learn the safest ways to remove a part from the machine. Understand how to prepare the machine for future jobs.
1 year ago
Animate an assembly from a first-person perspective. Create walkthrough animations. Position the camera throughout the animation sequence. Align the camera to a sketch path throughout the animation sequence. Save animations as AVI files.
2 years ago
Use the Coordinate System command to define and assign a Fixture Coordinate System for the active machine. Select the method for defining coordinate system. Define and select a coordinate system. Examine the option for creating a SOLIDWORKS coordinate system.
4 years ago
Use Modify Configurations options to create and manage configurations in user-defined tables. Configure sketch and feature dimensions with Configure Dimension. Use Configure Feature to configure suppression of features. Configure the part material with Configure Materials. And, use Configure Component to configure the component suppression, fixed state, and configuration.
1 year ago
Utilize functions of the Costing Task Pane and CostingManager tab to analyze the cost of manufacturing a sheet metal part. Use the Costing Task Pane to evaluate materials costs. Learn how to customize material options for material and blank size. Use the Costing Manager to evaluate manufacturing costs. Learn how to customize cost values for manufacturing. Understand the values displayed in the Estimated Cost Per Part. Generate a cost analysis report.
2 years ago
Every design requires changes as it evolves; the modification commands provide ways to manipulate and create new entities to realize every type of drawing. Mirror Copy Rotate, and move entities Explode blocks Delete Stretch Power trim unwanted entities
1 year ago
Explore the user interface of SOLIDWORKS Treehouse, an assembly structure planning tool for managers and designers alike. Tour the user interface to explore how to use SOLIDWORKS Treehouse. Build the structure for a new assembly complete with parts and drawings.
2 years ago
Add draft to cast and molded parts. Understand the various types of draft features you can create. Perform Draft Analysis to determine which faces need draft added to them.
4 months ago
Use the Split Route tool to add junction points to existing routes. Create geometry at the J-point to orient an in-line fitting. Use the Split Route tool to add a junction point to an existing route. Create 3D geometry at a junction point. Use 3D geometry to orient an in-line fitting.
1 year ago
This series covers contact hierarchy, pin connectors and spring connectors. Apply material to pin connectors to analyze strength. Create springs with preload to account for spring tension. Use contact hierarchy to control contacts.
4 months ago