Based on analyses result, optimize factor of safety, maximum stress or maximum displacement value to an acceptable value. Vary a dimension within the range to try to meet the requirement. Make the design leaner or reduce material cost if it meets or exceeds the factor of safety. Achieve factor of safety through optimizing design. Use built-in automation capability to optimize a model. Run simulation.
4 years ago
This module covers how to use Annotation Views to organize Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI). View PMI using the Dynamic Annotation Views tool. Insert orthogonal Annotation Views and add a custom Annotation View using the By Selection option. Reassign PMI to different Annotation Views to organize the display. Use viewports to view the model from multiple perspectives at the same time.
3 years ago
This module covers three technical summaries for using SOLIDWORKS MBD. For drafted parts: Create DimXpert Location dimensions between drafted surfaces by suppressing draft or using intersection geometry. For sheet metal: Use a separate configuration for the flat pattern of a sheet metal part. Use reference dimensions to dimension between sheet metal bend lines. For weldment structures: Use cut lists to display dimensions for structural members of weldment structures. Add 3D Notes to the weldment structure and apply weldment symbols.
3 years ago
Understand how to start routing and how the route subassembly organizes and stores the components of a route. Enable the Routing add-in. Locate the Piping, Tubing and Electrical menus. Understand a routing subassembly. Identify routing library components. Use the routing library manager to load settings.
3 years ago
Learn how to optimize designs to reduce model weight by varying model dimensions. Apply parameters and constraints to optimize your design to meet goals. Learn how design studies are used with Simulation.
3 years ago
Observe stress analysis of a part using SimulationXpress to determine the deformation of the part under the influence of a load (force or pressure). Understand the assumptions and limitations of SimulationXpress. Observe stress analysis being performed on a part.
3 years ago
Use the Machine dialog to define the parameters of the machine tool used to manufacture the part. Set machine properties to select machine type and duty for manufacturing. Select tool crib to be used by machine. Select the post processor used to generate NC code. Set posting parameters for post processor.
2 years ago
Use the Post Process command to generate NC code from the parts toolpath and operation information. Select the post processor within the machine dialog. Run the Post Process command and set a file name and location for saving. Generate the NC code and select the option to Open G-Code in the SOLIDWORKS CAM NC Editor. Review the NC code within the SOLIDWORKS CAM NC Editor.
2 years ago
Blocks group sketch entities and dimensions together so that they move as one in a sketch. Together with a layout sketch, you can go directly from an assembly sketch to the full assembly. Create, edit and save blocks. Create a layout sketch of an assembly using blocks. Build assembly components based on the existing blocks.
2 years ago
Use the Stock Manager to define the material, stock type and size to machine the part from. Select the stock material. Select stock type to define size and shape. Set the stock size options. View the stock preview.
2 years ago
Use Automatic Feature Regognition (AFR) to automatically extract the machinable features to be machined. Set options to define feature types to extract. Review the hole recognition and feature groups options. Review options to automatically generate operations and toolpaths. Extract machineable features and review the features in the CAM Feature Tree.
2 years ago
Use the edit definition command to modify contouring (finish) operations. Review contour operation parameters. Review side parameters settings. Review feeds and speeds tab.
2 years ago
Use the Edit Definition command to modify contouring operation leadin and leadout parameters. Modify leadin type. Modify leadin amount and overlap. Modify arc radius and arc angle.
2 years ago
Use Interactive Feature Regognition (IFR) to manually create a machinable feature. Create a corner slot feature using the 2.5 axis feature command. Review geometry selection options to define the feature. Set the feature end condition. Modify the machining strategy for the feature.
2 years ago
Use the Combine Operations and Link Operation commands to combine like operation types. Combine operations for all like rough and contour mill operations. Drag and drop a hole feature from one center drill operation to a like center drill operation. Link like contour mill operations between two different setups.
2 years ago
Use the New Contain Area command on an operation to restrict toolpaths to a specific area. Copy the face mill operation containing the avoid areas and delete the avoid areas from the copy. Create contain areas on the copied face mill operation using the 2D sketches in the part. Generate a toolpath for the copied face mill operation. Examine the contain areas of the face mill operation.
2 years ago
This module introduces DimXpert tools used to define a model in 3D. It covers the organization of annotations in the DimXpertManager. It also cover how to quickly annotate a model using the Auto Dimension Scheme tool. Explains the DimXpertManager. Use the Auto Dimension Scheme tool. How to use different Annotation types (Datums, Geometric Tolerances, Size dimensions, Location dimensions and Pattern Feature tool). Create a Collection Pattern using the Pattern Feature tool.
2 years ago
This module covers advanced DimXpert techniques. It covers how to leverage multiple configurations to organize Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI). Understand Intersection Geometry. Use the Auto Dimension Scheme to create polar dimensions. Create multiple configurations for organized PMI. Use the Copy Scheme tool to transfer PMI from one configuration to another. Import DimXpert Annotations into a 2D drawing.
2 years ago
This module covers additional Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) tools used to define a model in 3D. Apply reference dimensions and reuse feature dimensions. Apply and customize datum targets. Add default notes from the Design Library and add 3D notes. Create and save a tolerance style to be reused. Add surface finishes and weldment symbols.
2 years ago
This module covers 3D Views. For parts: Create Planar Section Views. Create Zonal Section Views. For assemblies: Capture multiple display states. Capture multiple configurations.
2 years ago
This module covers publishing and consuming 3D PDF and eDrawings files. Add custom properties and text fields. Publish a part to a 3D PDF. Publish an assembly to a 3D PDF and eDrawings. Resize DimXpert Annotations before publishing to a 3D PDF. Interrogate 3D PDFs and eDrawings.
2 years ago
This module explains how to use the Auto Dimension Scheme. Define Prismatic and Turned parts. Use the Auto Dimension Scheme to apply Plus and Minus tolerances. Use the Auto Dimension Scheme to apply geometric tolerances. Reassign Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) to new Annotation Views.
2 years ago
Learn more advanced 3D PDF capabilities to communicate 3D design intention clearly with downstream production who may not have SOLIDWORKS installed. Attach SOLIDWORKS or STEP files to 3D PDF using free Adobe Reader. Insert multiple sheets. Insert multiple viewports. Insert multiple tables. Display solid outline and illustration modes. Display flat-to-screen notes and tables. Attach files to 3D PDF using free Adobe Reader.
2 years ago
Create and use a custom route specification template using the Routing Library Manager. Specify size and schedule of pipe segments. Select pipes and elbows from the Piping and Tubing Database. Insert route components with route specification templates.
2 years ago