In this module, you will learn how to collaborate across disciplines with full flexibility and traceability to define and develop innovative products.
Learning Path
2 Monate Vor
In this module, you will learn how to collaborate using the platform’s various applications to deploy a single source of truth collaborative environment for better decision making and operations excellence.
Learning Path
2 Monate Vor
In this module, you will learn how to collaboratively innovate through flexible team-based project planning and execution.
Learning Path
2 Monate Vor
Arbeiten Sie die Fragen aus der Musterprüfung durch, um sich auf die Prüfung „Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional“ vorzubereiten. Modellieren eines Teils für einen Teilbereich der CSWP-Musterprüfung Ändern des Teils für einen anderen Teilbereich der CSWP-Musterprüfung Erstellen einer Baugruppe für den abschließenden Teil der CSWP-Musterprüfung
Learning Path
4 Monate Vor
Manufacturing Definition Creator ロールでは、xDrawing アプリケーションとリソースを使用して、制限なく注釈をつけ、プロダクト製造情報を共有することができます。 このロールでは、モデル ベースの定義と 2D 図面を使用して、プロダクトに柔軟に注釈を付けられます。
Learning Path
5 Monate Vor
3D Creator is a role on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform that contains the xDesign app for 3D modeling. You can quickly get started with creating a new physical product, sketching, adding features, creating reference geometry, using patterns, editing models, and creating assemblies. In addition, you can learn about the flexibility of super features, working with multibody parts, and using direct editing tools.
Learning Path
5 Monate Vor
Learn about the basics of using a Structure System to create structures.
Learning Path
5 Monate Vor
Easily manage your data and product lifecycle in the cloud, helping you to increase business agility and bring innovative products to market faster.
Learning Path
6 Monate Vor
Learn the basics of using the 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS role, with the SOLIDWORKS Connected app, to creating new, open existing, and saving documents to the platform.
Learning Path
6 Monate Vor
In this module, you will learn how to use 3DLean to improve team meetings animation and boost cross-team collaboration.
Learning Path
6 Monate Vor
DraftSight is a feature-rich CAD tool for every type of design. This course will take you through the basics of DraftSight, from managing drawings with the 3DEXPERIENCE to using core tools that can complete any design and publish to a hard copy of PDF. Learn how to create and modify designs, clarify with dimensions, and use blocks to simplify the drawing content. If you want to learn about how to use DraftSight to do 3D modeling and work with Constraints try the DraftSight 3D Modeling and 2D Constraints Fundamentals and Basic Concepts learning path. After completing the learning path, put your knowledge to the test and showcase your experience by taking the DraftSight Associate Certification.
Learning Path
7 Monate Vor
この学習モジュールは、DELMIA Shop Floor Machining アプリケーションを使用して、作業を迅速に開始できるように設計されています。ここでは、SOLIDWORKS で CAD データを準備することから、DELMIA Shop Floor Machining で G コードを生成することまで、すべての基本事項について説明します。
Learning Path
7 Monate Vor
3D Sculptor は、3D モデリング用の xShape アプリケーションを含む 3DEXPERIENCE Platform のロールです。直感的なプッシュ/プル操作を使用して複雑なサーフェスを作成できます。画像やスケッチをテンプレートとして使用して 3D サーフェスのモデリングを作成できます。終了時にサブディビジョン サーフェスはジオメトリに自動的に変換されます。
Learning Path
7 Monate Vor
Structural Mechanics Engineer ロールの概要。ロールの基本を理解し、部品とアセンブリーの簡単な構造解析を実行します。
Learning Path
7 Monate Vor
このモジュールでは、クラウド上の 3DEXPERIENCE Platform を構成して、スケーラブルな環境と適切に編成されたアプリケーションを設定する方法について学習します。
Learning Path
8 Monate Vor
In this learning module you will enhance your xDesign skill by solving various CAD problem statements to prepare for the SOLIDWORKS 3D Creator - Associate! Learning is designed for in class assignments as well as users that want to learn more on their own. You will create sketches to apply various features like extruded bosses, cuts, revolves and sweep. You will also define mates to create assemblies of parts.
Learning Path
8 Monate Vor
In this learning module you will enhance your SOLIDWORKS skill by solving various CAD problem statements to prepare for the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate Exam (CSWA)! Learning is designed for in class assignments as well as users that want to learn more on their own. You will create sketches to apply various features like extruded bosses, cuts, revolves and sweep. You will also define mates to create assemblies of parts.
Learning Path
10 Monate Vor
Easily manage your data and product lifecycle in the cloud, helping you to increase business agility and bring innovative products to market faster.
Learning Path
10 Monate Vor
クラウド サービスに関する学習モジュールで、SOLIDWORKS を 3DEXPERIENCE Platform に接続し、あらゆるユーザーと簡単にコラボレーションする方法について理解します。
Learning Path
1 Jahr Vor
Arbeiten Sie diese Lernmodule durch, um sich auf die Prüfung „CSWPA – Gusswerkzeuge“ vorzubereiten. Vorstellung der Bereiche der SOLIDWORKS Software, die Sie sich vor dem Ablegen der Prüfung ansehen müssen Informationen zu Formschrägen, Kernen, Hohlräumen, Verschlussoberflächen, Trennfugen und anderen Themen für die Prüfung „CSWPA – Gusswerkzeuge“ Durcharbeiten der Fragen aus der Musterprüfung
Learning Path
1 Jahr Vor
Learning Path
1 Jahr Vor
3D Creator ロールの概要を学習します。xDesign アプリケーションの基本を理解し、シンプルな部品とアセンブリーを作成します。
Learning Path
1 Jahr Vor
Learn the fundamental aspects of the SOLIDWORKS 3D CAD software. You will: Create sketches using lines, rectangles, arcs, and more. You'll use dimensions and relations to define the size and shape of the sketches. Use the sketches to develop extruded bosses, cuts, revolves, and more into 3D solids, commonly called parts. Combine the parts into assemblies and define the relationships between the parts using mates. Capture manufacturing information with 2D drawings of your 3D parts and assemblies. Learn about the additional tools that allow you to do even more with your parts and assemblies. You'll learn how to edit sketches and parts to make design changes and you'll learn about configurations to create families of parts such as bolts of different lengths and diameters.
Learning Path
1 Jahr Vor
In this learning path, you will learn how to use the platform management tools and the Platform Manager role to setup and configure the 3DEXPERIENCE platform for SOLIDWORKS users. You will create and configure a design environment, review setup and permissions, map properties, configure revisions, and control lifecycle status.
Learning Path
2 Jahre Vor