Understand the basics of additive manufacturing. Understand the differences between subtractive and additive manufacturing processes. Learn about the costs and capabilities of various 3D printing processes.
1 年 前
Understand the differences between various 3D printing processes. Learn about the common 3D printing processes: Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) and Stereolithography (SLA). Learn about more advanced processes: Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) and Selective Laser Melting (SLM) Understand why some 3D printers are “open” or “closed” and why some machines are larger than others.
1 年 前
Understand the materials used in 3D printing processes. Learn about the advantages of Polylactic Acid (PLA) and Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) materials that are used in FDM printers. Learn about the differences in the resins used SLA printers.
1 年 前
Understand how to prepare a 3D printer to achieve the best results. Learn how to prepare the build plate to ensure correct part adhesion. Learn how to handle and load materials into the machine.
1 年 前
Understand some steps you can take to ensure a successful 3D printing job. Learn ways to send a file to a 3D printer. Learn what to watch for when a print begins to make sure the part prints correctly. Learn different ways to monitor the machine while it is printing.
1 年 前
Understand what to do when a 3D printing job is complete. Learn the safest ways to remove a part from the machine. Understand how to prepare the machine for future jobs.
1 年 前
Learn how to put the finishing touches on a 3D printed part. Understand how to clean and finish parts. Learn how to assemble parts into one larger part. Understand how to cure parts after printing.
1 年 前
Understand various software options for creating designs for use with 3D printers. Learn about the different tools that SOLIDWORKS offers to make 3D printing easy. Learn about Augmented Intelligence tools that can help design complicated parts. Learn about products like 3DXpert to assist in printing assemblies. Learn about new 3D printing technology.
1 年 前
安裝及使用進行 SOLIDWORKS 認證測驗時所用的測驗軟體。 下載 Tester Pro Client 軟體。 探索使用者介面以及應試經驗的關鍵環節。
1 年 前
瞭解 CSWA 測驗的零件模型建構部分。 檢視 CSWA 範例測驗中用來模型化零件的技術。 檢視 CSWA 範例測驗。
1 年 前
瀏覽 SOLIDWORKS 認證中心以檢視您已完成的認證、檢閱測驗結果及其他項目。 探索 SOLIDWORKS 認證中心提供的工具。 檢視使用者設定。 搜尋取得認證的使用者、取得認證的經銷商,以及訓練中心。
7 月 前
使用用途廣泛的「智慧型尺寸」工具,將驅動尺寸插入草圖。您可以使用單一工具,針對弧、兩點之間的線性尺寸及其他項目,產生徑向尺寸。 顯示的尺寸會依據您選擇的圖元而定。 插入線性、角度、徑向及其他尺寸。 修改尺寸。 移動及重新附加尺寸。
6 月 前
延伸草圖輪廓以產生伸長填料,藉此加入材質及伸長除料以移除材質。 使用草圖限制條件和尺寸來定義輪廓。 瞭解伸長特徵的一些選項。 使用伸長填料加入材質,以及使用伸長除料移除材質。
6 月 前
瞭解在基準面或平坦面上開始製作草圖的差異。 在參考基準面上產生第一個 2D 草圖輪廓。 在零件的平坦模型面上產生其他 2D 草圖輪廓。
6 月 前
Learn how to prepare a model before 3D printing. Understand how to orient the part for the best printing results. Understand the implication of infill, wall thickness, shrinkage, and more on part strength and material usage.
4 月 前
Understand how export settings impact the quality of the 3D printed model. Learn about the different file types supported by todays 3D printers. Learn how to change file settings in SOLIDWORKS for better print results.
4 月 前
使用認證測驗衡量您對 SOLIDWORKS 軟體的知識與技能。 識別三種主要認證等級與專家測驗。 瀏覽 SOLIDWORKS 網頁的認證頁面。 瞭解如何產生帳戶及購買測驗。
4 月 前
瞭解 CSWA 測驗的組合件模型建構部分。 檢視 CSWA 範例測驗中,用來插入零組件與加入結合以建立組合件的技術。 檢視 CSWA 範例測驗。
4 月 前