Use design tables to quickly create many configurations that change the suppression states of components, mates, and assembly features. Also, you can use design tables to configure the dimensions of mates and assembly features. Understand the options when creating a design table. Use data validation to restrict values entered in the design table. Set configuration properties to control new mates and components. Change the configuration of components in the assembly design table.
4 months ago
Use the Physical Dynamics options when moving components to allow realistic interaction between assembly components. Physical dynamics identifies collisions between faces and allows components to push one another when they come into contact. Understand options within the Move Component command. Use the Physical Dynamics option to simulate interaction between components being moved. Understand the limitations of using Physical Dynamics versus a Motion Study. Learn how to troubleshoot issues when using the physical dynamics option.
4 months ago
Replace one component with another in the assembly for the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional sample exam. Replace the instances of a component in an assembly with a new part. Re-attach mates to the replacement component.
4 months ago
Identify interfering components and adjust mates to repair the assembly for the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional sample exam. Find the center of mass of an assembly relative to a coordinate system. Insert and mate a new component. Use the Interference Detection tool to identify interferences between components.
4 months ago
Create and insert a subassembly into the assembly for the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional sample exam. Download, insert, and mate components in a subassembly. Change the subassembly from rigid to flexible to move components.
4 months ago
Create assemblies by adding and orienting existing parts in an assembly. Add mates to connect the components. Create a new assembly from a part. Introduce the assembly FeatureManager design tree. Insert components into the assembly. Move and rotate components. Add mates between components.
6 months ago
Use the Interference Detection tool to identify any overlap between parts in an assembly. Clearance between parts can also be detected using the Clearance Verification tool. Use the Interference Detection tool to identify interferences between assembly components. Explore the options available within the Interference Detection tool. Use the Clearance Verification tool to identify clearances between assembly components. Explore the options available with the Clearance Verification tool.
6 months ago
Use the ConfigurationManager to add configurations to an assembly and show two versions of its components. Also, explore the advanced options of configuration properties. Use the ConfigurationManager to add configurations to an assembly. Use the advanced options of the configuration properties to control new components and mates. Create two versions of the assembly to represent different available components.
6 months ago
Explore the various methods for moving and rotating components, including dragging, using the triad, and setting the options in the PropertyManager. Explore the options for detecting collisions between components. Calculate the minimum clearance distance between components. Move and rotate a component by dragging, using the triad, or using the options in the PropertyManager. Identify the clearance between options when moving components. Detect collisions between moving components and other components.
6 months ago
Use bill of materials (BOM) tables to call out the components of an assembly. Bill of materials can be modified in many ways and new table templates can be generated to save customizations. Tabulated bill of materials can list information about multiple configurations within the same table. Create a bill of materials for an assembly. Modify a bill of materials table to add and reorder column. Save a bill of materials as a template. Create a tabulated bill of materials.
6 months ago
Model parts in the context of an assembly, using references to other components to complete the design. The design intent for new parts (sizes of features, placement of components in the assembly, etc.) comes from other components in the assembly. Build a virtual part in the context of an assembly by employing Top-Down assembly modeling techniques. Create features in the assembly context by referencing geometry in mating parts. Understand InPlace mates and external references. Identify external references in the FeatureManager design tree.
1 year ago
Mirror Component creates opposite-hand, but otherwise identical, versions of parts or subassembies. Specify which components are mirrored and which are purely copied (i.e. fasteners, which should not be mirrored). The geometry of a mirrored component changes to create a truly mirrored version, known as an "opposite-hand" version. Mirror components about an assembly plane. Create mirrored versions of parts in an assembly. Create opposite-hand versions of parts.
1 year ago
Create flexible tubing routes between existing components in an assembly. Edit tubing routes to accomodate tubing clips and cylindrical envelopes. Use the Repair Route command and the Re-route Spline option to resolve any errors. Create flexible tube routes. Edit routes using tubing clips and envelopes.
1 year ago
Make changes to route geometry using 3D sketches. Edit routes by deleting, trimming, and adding sketch geometry. Delete existing fittings and add replacements fittings. Edit existing routes. Delete existing fittings. Add replacement fittings.
1 year ago
Automatically create a piping route between connections. You choose from one of many possible routes. You can specify that the route goes around model geometry or through reference geometry. Drag and drop flanges. Create a new piping route. Create route geometry using auto-route. View multiple route solutions. Evaluate route solutions.
1 year ago
Add additional components to the assembly for the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional sample exam. Download and insert components into the assembly. Add mates to position the components. Move the components using Collision Detection. Measure the angle between two edges.
1 year ago
Replace one component with another in an assembly. Replace selected instances of a component in an assembly with a new part. Optionally, re-attach mates to simplify the insertion of the replacement component.
1 year ago
Create references between parts in the assembly using external references. Understand the difference between in-context and out-of-context external references. Lock, unlock, and break external references to stop the propagation of design changes.
1 year ago
Insert features in an assembly that exist only in the assembly and not the individual part files. Add a Hole Wizard assembly feature. Create an assembly feature cut to act as a section view. Modify the feature scope to determine which parts are affected by the assembly feature.
1 year ago
Select components according to their position relative to assembly envelopes and hide, suppress, or delete the selected components. Utilize assembly envelopes as reference components that are ignored by bills of materials and mass property calculations. Convert components to assembly envelopes. Select components based on their position relative to an assembly envelope. Hide or show components selected using an assembly envelope.
1 year ago
Create smart components by selecting components and features in a defining assembly. Then, insert smart components into an assembly to add the components and create the features. Create smart components in a defining assembly. Insert smart components into an assembly to create components and features. Select reference faces for the features of a smart component.
1 year ago
Add fasteners from the Toolbox library to the hole wizard holes and cylindrical cuts on selected faces or to an entire assembly. Add a sensor to monitor property values. Set up an alert to notify you if the property value is outside acceptable limits. Automatically add fasteners to an assembly. Edit the settings for the default fasteners. Edit existing fasteners. Add washers and nuts to secure fasteners.
1 year ago
Large Design Review mode offers faster performance and enhanced visual features while limiting access to details of constituent parts and subassemblies. Large Design Review mode is ideal for visual presentations, rough measurements, and section views. Open an assembly in Large Design Review mode. Review the available tools and features in Large Design Review mode. Explore the limitations of Large Design Review mode.
1 year ago
Define sensors to monitor specific properties of a model and alert you if a value is outside a range you specify. Add a sensor to monitor property values. Set up an alert to notify you if the property value is outside acceptable limits.
1 year ago