Use the Physical Dynamics options when moving components to allow realistic interaction between assembly components. Physical dynamics identifies collisions between faces and allows components to push one another when they come into contact. Understand options within the Move Component command. Use the Physical Dynamics option to simulate interaction between components being moved. Understand the limitations of using Physical Dynamics versus a Motion Study. Learn how to troubleshoot issues when using the physical dynamics option.
4 months ago
Explore the differences between solid and surface bodies and learn why surface modeling can be a solution to challenging modeling tasks. Understand the difference between a surface and solid body in SOLIDWORKS. Learn why surface modeling should be used.
4 months ago
Use the Freeform feature to create organic features by adjusting the outward and inward shape of a face. Modify faces using control curves and control points to create curvilinear designs. Use the Freeform feature to create a shape with an organic feel. Create control curves and control points. Deform a face using control curves, control points, and the triad. Edit a sketch to make the freeform grid follow the shape of the face to be deformed.
4 months ago
Use the Interference Detection tool to identify any overlap between parts in an assembly. Clearance between parts can also be detected using the Clearance Verification tool. Use the Interference Detection tool to identify interferences between assembly components. Explore the options available within the Interference Detection tool. Use the Clearance Verification tool to identify clearances between assembly components. Explore the options available with the Clearance Verification tool.
6 months ago
Create reference planes in any orientation using existing reference and solid geometry. You use reference planes for sketching or as a reference for other features. Create reference planes in a variety of orientations from different reference selections. Create reference planes from one or more geometric references.
6 months ago
Contour selection options allow individual contours to be selected within a sketch. By making use of contour selection techniques, a single sketch can be used to produce multiple features. Use the Contour Select Tool to pre-select contours for a feature. Use the Selected Contours options for a feature to define areas of a sketch to use. Use a single sketch to generate multiple features. Understand the icons displayed when using selected contours and sharing sketches.
6 months ago
Use the sketch tools Convert Entities and Offset Entities to reference sketch entities and model geometry to create new sketch entities. If the original geometry changes, then the converted and offset entities also change. Create converted entities into a new sketch. Create offset entities. Create a slot using offset entities.
6 months ago
Mirror existing sketch entities with the Mirror Entities tool or by adding symmetric relations. Or, dynamically mirror sketch entities as you create them. Mirror sketch entities that you previously created. Dynamically mirror sketch entities as you create them. Add symmetric relations to sketch entities to mirror the entities.
6 months ago
Use the ConfigurationManager to add configurations to an assembly and show two versions of its components. Also, explore the advanced options of configuration properties. Use the ConfigurationManager to add configurations to an assembly. Use the advanced options of the configuration properties to control new components and mates. Create two versions of the assembly to represent different available components.
6 months ago
Use the ConfigurationManager to add configurations and modify the part by controlling the suppression state of features and by configuring dimensions. Use the ConfigurationManager to add configurations to a part. Suppress features to represent a different version of the model. Configure dimensions to create different size versions of the part.
6 months ago
Global variables declare a named value that dimensions can be set equal to or that can be used in equations. Equations are mathematical expressions that can define dimension values as well as relate dimensions to each other. Create global variables. Use global variables to set fillet features to be equal radii. Use global variables in equations. Use equations to control dimension values.
6 months ago
Insert driving dimensions into a sketch using the versatile Smart Dimension tool. With a single tool, you can create radial dimensions for arc, linear dimensions between two points, and more. The dimension that appears depends on the entities you select. Insert linear, angular, radial, and other dimensions. Modify dimensions. Move and reattach dimensions.
6 months ago
Trim sketch entities to remove unwanted geometry. Trim sketch entities by their proximity and intersections with other sketch entities. Trim sketch entities using Power, Corner, Closest, and Inside and Outside options.
6 months ago
Create a drawing from an existing part file, insert basic views, and insert and manipulate dimensions and callouts. Make a basic drawing of a part. Insert standard views. Import dimensions from a model into a drawing. Make a change to a dimension. Demonstrate the associativity between the model and its drawings.
6 months ago
Learn the basics of SOLIDWORKS design, and build a SOLIDWORKS feature-based, parametric, solid model using sketches and features. Create a new sketch. Sketch geometry like lines and circles. Add relations and dimensions. Revolve and extrude sketches to create features. Shell to create a thin walled model. Test the design with dimensional changes.
9 months ago
Model parts in the context of an assembly, using references to other components to complete the design. The design intent for new parts (sizes of features, placement of components in the assembly, etc.) comes from other components in the assembly. Build a virtual part in the context of an assembly by employing Top-Down assembly modeling techniques. Create features in the assembly context by referencing geometry in mating parts. Understand InPlace mates and external references. Identify external references in the FeatureManager design tree.
1 year ago
Mirror Component creates opposite-hand, but otherwise identical, versions of parts or subassembies. Specify which components are mirrored and which are purely copied (i.e. fasteners, which should not be mirrored). The geometry of a mirrored component changes to create a truly mirrored version, known as an "opposite-hand" version. Mirror components about an assembly plane. Create mirrored versions of parts in an assembly. Create opposite-hand versions of parts.
1 year ago
Learn to use a grid system, which is a type reference geometry, to represent a skeleton of structural members. Create a grid system to represent the center lines of structural members.
1 year ago
Create fillet beads and weld beads in a part. Learn the advantages of and differences between both features. Understand when to use each kind of weld. Create fillet beads and weld beads. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of each feature as well as when to use them. Use intermittent and staggered welds.
1 year ago
Create a cut list to organize the bodies in a weldment part. Add custom properties to the components of a weldment structure so the propertie appear in the cut list. Similar to a BOM in an assembly, the cut list provides details of the weldment members. Create and edit a cut list. Edit custom properties. Edit the material of the bodies in a weldment part.
1 year ago
Create a weldment frame from a series of layout sketches. The weldment environment uses standard weldment profiles to define the type of structural members in the weldment. Members of the same type and size are created in one feature. Create a weldment frame. Insert structural members. Relocate the profile sketch. Change corner treatments.
1 year ago
Create cuts on both folded and flattened sheet metal parts. Utilize the link to thickness and normal cut options. Convert a part to sheet metal and use a curve pattern to make multiple cuts on a cone. Create cuts on both folded and flattened sheet metal parts. Convert a part to sheet metal. Use a curve pattern to make multiple cuts on a cone. Utilize the link to thickness and normal cut options.
1 year ago
Explore the Miter Flange feature, including sketching the profile, edge selection, and other pertinent options. Create a miter flange. Learn and understand the different options for miter flange.
1 year ago
Create a sheet metal part of constant wall thickness using sheet metal features. Explore the fundamentals of creating sheet metal parts using the flange method. Create a base flange in a sheet metal part. Understand the use of gauge tables and sheet metal options. Flatten a sheet metal part.
1 year ago