Review the basic functionality of the SOLIDWORKS Dynamics module. Show activation of SOLIDWORKS Simulation Add-In. Review the available modules for specific dynamic load times.
4 meses atrás
Setup initial dynamic simulation, solve and postprocess the results. Understand the importance of natural frequencies in dynamic simulations. Compare the dynamic and static results. Setup, run and postprocess a basic transient study Calculate a sufficient number of natural frequencies Use the mass participation factor to estimate a sufficient number of natural frequencies Run dynamic simulation for slow and fast forces, and compare their results
4 meses atrás
Setup, run and postprocess a dynamic simulation with the base motion shock excitation. Understand the optimum mesh design, and get more familiar with the estimation of the minimum number of natural frequencies. Understand the basics of damping. Setup, run and postprocess a transient study Define base excitation shock load Use the mass participation factor to select a sufficient number of natural frequencies Optimize the finite element mesh for dynamic simulation Define structural damping Calculate the maximum time step Use remote mass to simplify the model
4 meses atrás
Setup, run and postprocess a harmonic simulation. Understand and practice the frequency domain excitation definition. Practice postprocessing results from the harmonic study. Setup, run and postprocess a harmonic study Use the mass participation factor to select a sufficient number of natural frequencies Optimize the finite element mesh for dynamic simulation Define the harmonic load in the frequency domain Postprocess results from the harmonic study
4 meses atrás
Saiba como analisar partes de montagens maiores para economizar tempo e obter resultados mais precisos com a submodelagem. Crie estudos de submodelos com base em estudos pai. Descubra como ocorre a transferência automática das cargas para estudos de submodelos. Economize tempo e recursos computacionais, com a garantia de resultados precisos. Use eDrawings para salvar os resultados.
4 meses atrás
Explore todos os módulos para conhecer o pacote de produtos SOLIDWORKS Simulation. Use o SOLIDWORKS Flow para analisar a transferência de calor e o fluxo de fluidos. Use o SOLIDWORKS Sustainability para reduzir o impacto ambiental dos seus projetos. Use o SOLIDWORKS Simulation para explorar a análise de tensão-esforço. Use o SOLIDWORKS Motion para analisar a dinâmica de corpos rígidos. Use o SOLIDWORKS Plastics para visualizar os padrões de preenchimento de peças plásticas injetadas.
20 dias atrás