Replace one component with another in an assembly. Replace selected instances of a component in an assembly with a new part. Optionally, re-attach mates to simplify the insertion of the replacement component.
1 year ago
Create references between parts in the assembly using external references. Understand the difference between in-context and out-of-context external references. Lock, unlock, and break external references to stop the propagation of design changes.
1 year ago
Insert features in an assembly that exist only in the assembly and not the individual part files. Add a Hole Wizard assembly feature. Create an assembly feature cut to act as a section view. Modify the feature scope to determine which parts are affected by the assembly feature.
1 year ago
Use both bottom-up and top-down assembly modeling design techniques to insert and modify components in an assembly. Insert components into an assembly using a bottom-up approach. Modify a component using a top-down approach. Create a new component using a top-down approach.
2 years ago
Edit the values of distance, angle, and limit mates. Add distance and angle mates according to the specifications in a drawing table. Edit the values of the distance and angle mates that you create.
2 years ago
Move the components within a sub-assembly using flexible sub-assemblies. Modify the component properties of a sub-assembly to change it from rigid to flexible. Drag components of a flexible sub-assembly in the main assembly to observe their motion. Learn about the impact that flexible sub-assemblies have on overall assembly performance.
2 years ago