Use a familiar find and replace tool to search and change the text for various types of annotations on a drawing sheet. Find and replace text in drawing annotations.
5 months ago
Analyze different regions of a part to identify which portions of the part are at the target thickness, and assess which regions may lead to issues when creating a mold. Learn to use Thickness Analysis to display regions of a part are that are not at the target thickness. Save and view a Thickness Analysis report.
9 months ago
A parting line borders the surfaces that belong to the core and the cavity of a mold. Learn to automatically select a parting line or manually select one for more complex models. Learn how to scale parts to adjust for shrinkage. Perform a Draft Analysis to display faces with positive and negative draft. Create a parting line feature manually and automatically.
9 months ago
Paste or \"paint\" the properties of an existing feature onto other features. The features may be in the same part or a another part. Copy and paste feature properties from one feature to another.
9 months ago
Explore the differences between solid and surface bodies and learn why surface modeling can be a solution to challenging modeling tasks. Understand the difference between a surface and solid body in SOLIDWORKS. Learn why surface modeling should be used.
9 months ago
Use the Freeform feature to create organic features by adjusting the outward and inward shape of a face. Modify faces using control curves and control points to create curvilinear designs. Use the Freeform feature to create a shape with an organic feel. Create control curves and control points. Deform a face using control curves, control points, and the triad. Edit a sketch to make the freeform grid follow the shape of the face to be deformed.
9 months ago
The Combine command makes use of separate solid bodies within a part. By using this tool, solid bodies volumes can be added together, subtracted, or produce a solid from the common volume between bodies. The Combine command makes use of separate solid bodies within a part. By using this tool, solid bodies volumes can be added together, subtracted, or produce a solid from the common volume between bodies. Use the Subtract option within the Combine tool to subtract one solid body from another. Use the Common option within the Combine tool to result in a solid produced from the intersection of solid bodies.
9 months ago
Apply options to constant radius fillets to modify adjacent features, faces, and edges. Use options to control geometry in a constant radius fillet. Keep or eliminate features contained within the fillet region. Set the overflow type to determine how fillets behave when they are larger than the available space. Smooth corners where two fillets edges meet.
9 months ago
Create face fillets to modify and repair imported geometry. Define the size and shape of the fillet using selected faces and edges instead of a constant radius value. Use options such as Curvature continuous, Constant width, Tangent propagation, and Hold lines to define the face fillet. Modify imported geometry using a face fillet. Ensure curvature continuity with faces adjacent to the fillet. Set a constant chord length of a fillet. Define a stopping edge, or hold line, for a face fillet.
9 months ago
Create an intersect feature to represent the fluid inside a bottle. Then, use the mass properties tool to determine the volume of the feature you created. Create a configuration to represent the liquid in the bottle. Create a reference plane to represent the fill level of the bottle. Use an intersect feature to model the liquid inside a bottle. Use mass properties to determine the volume of a solid body.
9 months ago
Use surfacing techniques to create custom blends where fillets produce undesireable results. Remove unwanted faces from a model using the Delete Face command. Use Face Curves and sketches to create a trimming boundaries. Trim faces to form a clean boundary for the blend. Use the Filled Surface command to create a surface tangent to all adjacent faces. Use Knit Surface to combine the surface bodies in the model. Use Thicken to transform the surfaces into solid geometry.
9 months ago
A structural member profile is a cross-section of a beam, tube, channel, or other structural member type. Sweeping this profile along segments of a layout sketch creates the structural member\'s geometry. There are full collections of profiles and sizes available for download, and it is also possible to create customized profiles. Learn how to access the additional content for standard structural member profile sizes. Create a custom weldment profile by saving a sketch as a Library Feature Part. Use the Structural Member command to create a structural member from a structural member profile. Use the Locate Profile option to choose a sketch point for aligning a structural member.
1 year ago
Export sheet metal bodies to .dxf or .dwg files. Examine and edit parts in the DXF/DWG Cleanup window. Export sheet metal bodies to .dxf or .dwg files. Examine and edit parts in the DXF/DWG Cleanup window.
1 year ago
The Design Library contains a number of sample forming tools, including embosses, extruded flanges, lances, louvers, and ribs. Learn to use these standard tools, as well as to create your own simple custom tools, to meet design needs. Drag and drop standard forming tools from the Design Library to form a sheet metal part. Edit a standard forming tool, customizing it to meet individual design needs. Set the stopping face and faces to remove within a part to be used as a custom forming tool.
1 year ago
Learn properties specific to sheet metal. Use the Sheet Metal feature to control sheet metal gauges, bend allowances, and Auto Relief options. Use the Sheet Metal feature to control sheet metal properties. Use a gauge table to control sheet metal gauges. Understand and use the 5 options to control the bend allowance. Use the Auto Relief feature to contol the type and location of relief cuts.
1 year ago
Explore the use of clips to create routes. Guide a route using existing clips and add new clips during the creation of a new route. Guide a route using existing clips in an assembly. Add new clips from the Design Library during the creation of a new route. Use keyboard shortcuts to position and orient clips.
1 year ago
Route flattening and detailing functionality creates 2D route drawings from 3D electrical route assemblies. There are 2 methods to do this, annotation and manufacturing. The manufacturing style is discussed in this module lesson. Adjust curvature and orientation of flattened wiring routes. Flatten wiring routes.
1 year ago
Create a flattened annotation route for use in a 2D drawing. Insert and edit different tables displaying information pertaining to the route. Distinguish between annotation style and manufacture style drawings. Use the Flatten Route tool to create the flattened route and drawing. Learn to insert, edit and adjust an electrical BOM, cut list, connector table, and auto balloon in the drawing. Learn to edit flattened route.
1 year ago
Create and edit rigid conduit and wiring routes to connect two electrical receptacle boxes. Understand that the center line of conduit defines the electrical conduit route. Understand that electrical routing components require hybrid components containing CPoints. Use the Auto Route feature to generate route lines. Edit existing route to add desired components.
1 year ago
Walk through the process of starting an electrical route by dragging and dropping electrical routing components into an assembly. Take advantage of auto-routing to connect components. Construct a wire route using the "Start By Drag/Drop" command. Create a route between the endpoints of stub lines with the "Auto-Route" routing mode. Use the "Edit Wires" command to add electrical attributes to a route.
1 year ago
Model parts in the context of an assembly, using references to other components to complete the design. The design intent for new parts (sizes of features, placement of components in the assembly, etc.) comes from other components in the assembly. Build a virtual part in the context of an assembly by employing Top-Down assembly modeling techniques. Create features in the assembly context by referencing geometry in mating parts. Understand InPlace mates and external references. Identify external references in the FeatureManager design tree.
1 year ago
Mirror Component creates opposite-hand, but otherwise identical, versions of parts or subassembies. Specify which components are mirrored and which are purely copied (i.e. fasteners, which should not be mirrored). The geometry of a mirrored component changes to create a truly mirrored version, known as an \"opposite-hand\" version. Mirror components about an assembly plane. Create mirrored versions of parts in an assembly. Create opposite-hand versions of parts.
1 year ago
Create a spring using a sweep feature defined in the context of an assembly. Then, animate the spring by adding a linear motor in MotionManager. Create an animation. Model a spring using an in-context sweep. Add a linear motor to stretch and compress the spring. Understand the impact of rebuild errors on animations.
1 year ago
Learn to use a grid system, which is a type reference geometry, to represent a skeleton of structural members. Create a grid system to represent the center lines of structural members.
1 year ago