Review the basic functionality of the SOLIDWORKS Nonlinear module. Show activation of SOLIDWORKS Simulation Add-In. Learn three basic nonlinear phenomena in engineering calculations. Review of control methods available in the module. Review of basic material models available in the module.
3 años hace
Review the difference between small displacement linear, and large displacement nonlinear analyses. Introduce the concept of time curves, and discuss basic options. Solve small displacement linear analysis to demonstrate inaccurate solution. Define a nonlinear simulation study. Use time curves to control variation of the nonlinear loading. Use fixed increment stepping, and autostepping stepping procedures to solve the nonlinear problem. Postprocess results of the nonlinear simulation. Compare results from nonlinear studies with various setup parameters.
3 años hace
Introduction to the force control and displacement control methods in nonlinear module. Experience and resolve solution instabilities when solving nonlinear problems. Define nonlinear study boundary conditions and loads. Stabilize force control method to arrive to a final solution. Solve the problem using the displacement control method. Adjust boundary conditions for the displacement control method. Compare nonlinear results from the force control, and the displacement control methods.
3 años hace
Introduction to the material nonlinearity, namely metal plasticity. Effect of mesh quality on the quality of the numerical stress results. Solve problem with linear small displacement solution and identify a need for the nonlinear solution due to high stress. Define nonlinear study boundary conditions and loads. Define nonlinear material model with von Mises plasticity. Use simplified bi-linear plasticity material model. Review the stress and displacement results at various times. Study effect of mesh quality on the quality of the stress results. Use the mesh sectioning feature to review stress distribution within the bodies.
3 años hace
Las animaciones proporcionan una representación visual adicional de cómo se montar o desmonta un ensamblaje, y muestran el orden en el que se agregan las piezas. Las animaciones son el complemento perfecto de las vistas explosionadas y ayudan tanto a fabricantes como a ensambladores a entender exactamente cómo se unen los componentes. Las animaciones también sirven como una herramienta de marketing estupenda, ya que pueden mostrar la complejidad del diseño, así como lo refinado que es el producto final. En esta lección, crearemos una animación en SOLIDWORKS Composer en la que se muestre una vista explosionada de los componentes adicionales del ensamblaje.
3 años hace
Descubra cómo iniciar un sistema de recorrido y cómo el subensamblaje de recorrido organiza y almacena los componentes de un recorrido. Active el complemento Sistema de recorrido. Localice los menús de tuberías, tubos y electricidad. Comprenda un subensamblaje de sistema de recorrido. Identifique los componentes de biblioteca del sistema de recorrido. Utilice Routing Library Manager para agregar una configuración.
3 años hace
Aprenda a optimizar diseños para reducir el peso del modelo variando sus cotas. Aplique parámetros y restricciones para optimizar el diseño y alcanzar sus objetivos. Descubra cómo se utilizan los estudios de diseño con Simulation.
3 años hace
Las vistas explosionadas se pueden crear en SOLIDWORKS Composer y son increíblemente útiles para visualizar todos los componentes utilizados en un ensamblaje, o para mostrar cómo ensamblarlo, desensamblarlo o repararlo. Las vistas explosionadas también se pueden utilizar para otros fines, como hacer gala de un diseño durante una presentación de marketing. En esta lección, se muestra una vista explosionada y la documentación de los componentes individuales mediante la adición de etiquetas a cada pieza del ensamblaje.
3 años hace
Observe el análisis de tensión de una pieza utilizando SimulationXpress para determinar la deformación de la pieza bajo la influencia de una carga (fuerza o presión). Comprenda las premisas y las limitaciones de SimulationXpress. Observe cómo el análisis de tensión se deforma en una pieza.
3 años hace
Generate a cam profile based on an input follower displacement from a data set. Define a motion of a follower using Data Points. Generate a cam profile using Trace Path. Verify the generated cam profile.
2 años hace
Simulate a mechanism placing an object into a box and a cover on the box. Apply servo motors. Add proximity sensors. Create and run event based motion study.
2 años hace
Understand the components of SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard, the role of each component, and how the components interact with each other. These components include: Microsoft® SQL Server® Express. SOLIDWORKS PDM Database Server. SOLIDWORKS PDM Archive Server. The three SOLIDWORKS PDM Client types.
2 años hace
Learn how to a create SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard vault and setup a local client view. Create and configure a SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard vault. Setup a local client view connection to the newly created vault.
2 años hace
Understand how to validate a newly created PDM vault by performing standard PDM operations. Add and share files and folders via the Windows Explorer vault view. Version a SOLIDWORKS part file and transition through a workflow to release.
2 años hace
Understand the steps to perform as complete backup of PDM. Use Microsoft® SQL Server® Management Studio to backup PDM vault databases. Use the SOLIDWORKS PDM Archive Server configuration tool to backup vault user credentials. Locate and backup the vaults file archives.
2 años hace
Understand how to install and configure the components of SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard. Install and configure Microsoft® SQL Server® Express. Install Microsoft® SQL Server® Management Studio. Install the SOLIDWORKS PDM Database Server. Install the SOLIDWORKS PDM Archive Server. Install the SOLIDWORKS PDM CAD Editor client.
2 años hace
Automate the conversion of imported part geometry into a SOLIDWORKS feature-based, parametric model. Open an imported data file in SOLIDWORKS. Use the Import Diagnostics tool to repair imported geometry. View the FeatureWorks options. Use the Automatic feature Recognition Mode. Map the features to the part model. Guide the Automatic Recognition Mode for the best results.
2 años hace
Control the conversion of imported part geometry into a SOLIDWORKS feature-based parametric model by converting specific features interactively. Interactively convert feature types. Convert features types that cannot be used with automated methods. Recognize multiple similar features at the same time. Re-recognize geometry and change it to a different type. Add patterns from the list of recognized features.
2 años hace
Use Volume features to recognize geometry that does not match any other feature type. The volume feature can be replaced with a standard SOLIDWORKS feature. Recognize volume features. Recognize boss and cut revolve features. Use the Up To Face option with cut extrudes. Replace volume features with standard cut features. Edit the mapped features.
2 años hace
Convert imported sheet metal part geometry into SOLIDWORKS feature-based, sheet metal, parametric models. Recognize common sheet metal features such as Base Flanges and Sketched Bends. Flatten the result to view the flat pattern. Use a hybrid approach combining the automatic and interactive methods.
2 años hace
Convert imported assembly and multibody geometry into SOLIDWORKS feature-based, parametric models. Recognize imported assembly geometry as multiple parts. Use Edit Feature to recognize only selected features from the part. Use child features to recognize multiple features with a single selection.
2 años hace
Learn about SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation software. View sample applications from the real world. View sample real world examples where the software was used.
2 años hace
Prepare SOLIDWORKS geometry for Flow Simulation analysis. Create lids manually. Create lids using the Lid Creation tool. Check if the geometry is water tight for internal flow analysis. Detect leaks in improperly sealed geometry.
2 años hace
Build the SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation project. Use Wizard to define Flow Simulation project. Define boundary conditions. Define goals. Mesh the model geometry.
2 años hace