Use drawing view commands that are specific to working with assembly models including broken out section views, alternate position views, and exploded views. Use drawing view properties to represent assembly configurations. Create a broken-out section view to show internal components of the assembly. Create an alternate position view using an existing or a new configuration. Create an exploded assembly drawing view.
2 years ago
Learn the basics of SOLIDWORKS assembly design, by opening an assembly and adding components and mates. Open an existing assembly. Insert components into an assembly. Mate components using common types. Understand degrees of freedom and show assembly motion. Open components from the assembly. Hide and show components.
1 year ago
Model parts in the context of an assembly, using references to other components to complete the design. The design intent for new parts (sizes of features, placement of components in the assembly, etc.) comes from other components in the assembly. Build a virtual part in the context of an assembly by employing Top-Down assembly modeling techniques. Create features in the assembly context by referencing geometry in mating parts. Understand InPlace mates and external references. Identify external references in the FeatureManager design tree.
1 year ago