Run a toolpath simulation to examine material removal. Run a toolpath simulation. Control the toolpath simulation. Utilize display options.
4 年 前
Reorder operations manually to optimize the machining workflow. Perform manual operation reordering via drag and drop. Reorder multiple features using multiselect.
4 年 前
Use the Sort Operations command to automatically reorder operations. Examine sort operations process options. Set sort by order for operation type.
4 年 前
Use the Edit Definition command to modify roughing operations. Change pocketing pattern. Set side parameters. Set depth parameters.
4 年 前
Duplicate dimensions are often grouped together on a drawing but might need to be inspected separately: Extract and identify the quantity. Change the quantity. List characteristics separately.
4 年 前
It is important, when creating an inspection report, that the items are ballooned in the correct order. Also numbering schemes can help quickly identify characteristics: Change the order of the characteristics. Define balloon sequences. Manually change a balloon number.
4 年 前
Use the Edit Definition command to optimize a roughing operation to increase toolpath efficiency and reduce machine cycle time. Modify the optimization of a rough mill operation. Set optimization method to shortest path. Set start point options. Simulate the toolpath to examine results.
4 年 前
Working with Large Assemblies can be a challenge, but with the proper tools and techniques they can be managed. Learn about what happens when you open an assembly, choosing the best assembly mode, the available assembly techniques and some helpful settings and tips.
Learning Path
4 年 前
SustainabilityXpress 可預估模型碳足跡、其生命週期中的能源消耗、空氣酸化及水優養化。 隨即會分析資訊,例如使用的材質、製造過程、製作區域、使用區域和壽命終結。 探索不同的材質和製造過程如何影響設計的環境影響力 指定產品使用資訊,以決定運輸和壽命終結的值。 瞭解「環境影響」圖表中顯示的資訊。 瞭解如何設定環境影響基準線來比較變更。 產生 Sustainability 輸出的報告。
4 年 前
使用現有的線路設計組合件範本,來產生、編輯和儲存自訂的線路設計組合件範本。 產生和儲存自訂的線路設計組合件範本。 指定不同的繪圖標準、單位和其他文件屬性,作為您在使用自訂範本產生新路線時將使用的預設值。
4 年 前
將 reducing outlet tee 插入現有路線,並使用鍵盤快速鍵和三度空間參考來旋轉並決定方位。 使用「自動產生路線」工具來連接從其他特徵產生的管路。 將路線中接頭加入現有路線。 使用鍵盤快速鍵和三度空間參考,來放置路線中接頭並決定方位。
4 年 前
使用資料庫的正交軟管和標準接頭,來連接現有零組件。 使用「自動產生路線」功能自動產生路線 加入標準接頭到組合件。 在特徵之間產生正交路線。
4 年 前
Learn about SOLIDWORKS Product Data Management (PDM) to help you get your design data under control and substantially improve the way your teams manage and collaborate on product development.
Learning Path
3 年 前
Learn about how SOLIDWORKS Simulation can help you analyze the dynamic structural response of your parts or assemblies to the transient load or excitation. Review the basic functionality and available modules, understand the difference between static and dynamic responses of structures. Understand the transient time history and harmonic simulation modules.
Learning Path
3 年 前
Review the difference between small displacement linear, and large displacement nonlinear analyses. Introduce the concept of time curves, and discuss basic options. Solve small displacement linear analysis to demonstrate inaccurate solution. Define a nonlinear simulation study. Use time curves to control variation of the nonlinear loading. Use fixed increment stepping, and autostepping stepping procedures to solve the nonlinear problem. Postprocess results of the nonlinear simulation. Compare results from nonlinear studies with various setup parameters.
3 年 前
Introduction to the force control and displacement control methods in nonlinear module. Experience and resolve solution instabilities when solving nonlinear problems. Define nonlinear study boundary conditions and loads. Stabilize force control method to arrive to a final solution. Solve the problem using the displacement control method. Adjust boundary conditions for the displacement control method. Compare nonlinear results from the force control, and the displacement control methods.
3 年 前
Introduction to the material nonlinearity, namely metal plasticity. Effect of mesh quality on the quality of the numerical stress results. Solve problem with linear small displacement solution and identify a need for the nonlinear solution due to high stress. Define nonlinear study boundary conditions and loads. Define nonlinear material model with von Mises plasticity. Use simplified bi-linear plasticity material model. Review the stress and displacement results at various times. Study effect of mesh quality on the quality of the stress results. Use the mesh sectioning feature to review stress distribution within the bodies.
3 年 前
Use the Post Process command to generate NC code from the parts toolpath and operation information. Select the post processor within the machine dialog. Run the Post Process command and set a file name and location for saving. Generate the NC code and select the option to Open G-Code in the SOLIDWORKS CAM NC Editor. Review the NC code within the SOLIDWORKS CAM NC Editor.
2 年 前
圖塊會將草圖圖元和尺寸組成群組,使其在草圖中視為一體來移動。 搭配配置草圖後,便可直接從組合件草圖進行至完整組合件。 產生、編輯和儲存圖塊。 使用圖塊產生組合件的配置草圖。 根據現有圖塊建立組合件零組件。
2 年 前
Use the edit definition command to modify contouring (finish) operations. Review contour operation parameters. Review side parameters settings. Review feeds and speeds tab.
2 年 前
Use the Edit Definition command to modify contouring operation leadin and leadout parameters. Modify leadin type. Modify leadin amount and overlap. Modify arc radius and arc angle.
2 年 前
Use Interactive Feature Regognition (IFR) to manually create a machinable feature. Create a corner slot feature using the 2.5 axis feature command. Review geometry selection options to define the feature. Set the feature end condition. Modify the machining strategy for the feature.
2 年 前
Use the Combine Operations and Link Operation commands to combine like operation types. Combine operations for all like rough and contour mill operations. Drag and drop a hole feature from one center drill operation to a like center drill operation. Link like contour mill operations between two different setups.
2 年 前
Use the New Contain Area command on an operation to restrict toolpaths to a specific area. Copy the face mill operation containing the avoid areas and delete the avoid areas from the copy. Create contain areas on the copied face mill operation using the 2D sketches in the part. Generate a toolpath for the copied face mill operation. Examine the contain areas of the face mill operation.
2 年 前