Define an accurate 2D profile or sketch using Geometric and/or Dimensional Constraints. Geometric Constraints create and uphold relationships between sketch entities while Dimensional Constraints specify distances or angles between the sketch entities. Assign Geometric Constraints such as Horizontal, Vertical, Coincident, Perpendicular, Parallel, Tangent, etc. Create Dimensional Constraints with numeric values with labels. Manage Dimensional Constraints for edit, delete and create user-defined parameters.
15 天 前
Manipulate the 3D Model view properly to work on the geometry as intended. Use a variety of tools to enable rotating the model freely, updating the model view type and to add custom coordinates systems to get the right location and angle. View the 3D model at different angles such as Top, Bottom, Left and various isometric angles. Use the computer mouse or orbit command to freely pan, zoom and rotate the 3D model. Learn to view with different view types such as Wireframe, Hidden, Gouraud, Flat with Edges, etc. Setup custom coordinates systems with CCS defining based on a view or entity.
15 天 前
路線展平及尺寸細目功能可讓您從 3D 電路路線組合件產生 2D 路線工程圖。有 2 種方法可完成此工作:註記和製造。 本單元課程討論的是製造樣式。 調整展平配線路線的曲率和方位。 展平配線路線。
1 年 前
產生圖頁格式及範本。圖頁格式可指定工程圖頁的外觀,包括圖頁大小、標題圖塊等。 工程圖範本是所有工程圖的起點,包括工程圖屬性、預先定義的視圖等。 瞭解圖頁格式及工程圖範本之間的差異。 產生自訂工程圖範本。 自訂並儲存標準的圖頁格式。 將標誌等 OLE 物件插入圖頁格式。 將註記連結至工程圖的自訂屬性或工程圖參考的模型。
1 年 前
插入並操控現有工程視圖中的尺寸。 您可從模型輸入尺寸、產生自訂從動尺寸,或是在視圖之間移動尺寸。 插入並操控驅動尺寸。 產生從動尺寸。 編輯尺寸的屬性。
1 年 前
Create some very complex 3D surfaces or geometries by defining a mesh with custom contours and numerous editable points for better control and design. Create basic primitive mesh shapes as a starting point to the design. Generate individual mesh faces using 3D Face tool. Control a network of mesh points by defining an outer perimeter with the Edge Mesh tool to fill it in. Use the 3D Mesh command allowing to define the location of every point in a mesh.
15 天 前
產生並使用鑽孔表格及一般表格,以在工程圖上顯示不同類型的資料,例如替代零件模型組態。 產生鑽孔表格,以在工程圖上顯示鑽孔大小及位置。 使用一般表格顯示任何自訂資料。 編輯現有表格並調整其大小。
2 年 前
Use the Property Tab Builder stand-alone utility to build a customized user interface, or ‘tab’, and add file properties. Create Custom or Configuration Properties. Choose from seven different types of controls. Take data from external sources such as text or Excel files.
1 年 前
Learn how to add components and symbols to your schematics and associate them with manufacturer parts. Add individual components manually and import them all at once from a spreadsheet. Insert component symbols and associate manufacturer parts. Use the options available in the Symbol Insertion panel and the Symbol Selector for classification and filtering.
1 年 前
從現有零件檔案產生工程圖、插入基本視圖,以及插入與操控尺寸及標註。 製作零件的基本工程圖。 插入標準視圖。 從模型輸入尺寸到工程圖中。 變更尺寸。 示範模型及其工程圖之間的關聯性。
6 月 前