Use the ConfigurationManager to add configurations and modify the part by controlling the suppression state of features and by configuring dimensions. Use the ConfigurationManager to add configurations to a part. Suppress features to represent a different version of the model. Configure dimensions to create different size versions of the part.
6 months ago
Global variables declare a named value that dimensions can be set equal to or that can be used in equations. Equations are mathematical expressions that can define dimension values as well as relate dimensions to each other. Create global variables. Use global variables to set fillet features to be equal radii. Use global variables in equations. Use equations to control dimension values.
6 months ago
Insert driving dimensions into a sketch using the versatile Smart Dimension tool. With a single tool, you can create radial dimensions for arc, linear dimensions between two points, and more. The dimension that appears depends on the entities you select. Insert linear, angular, radial, and other dimensions. Modify dimensions. Move and reattach dimensions.
6 months ago
Trim sketch entities to remove unwanted geometry. Trim sketch entities by their proximity and intersections with other sketch entities. Trim sketch entities using Power, Corner, Closest, and Inside and Outside options.
6 months ago
Create a drawing from an existing part file, insert basic views, and insert and manipulate dimensions and callouts. Make a basic drawing of a part. Insert standard views. Import dimensions from a model into a drawing. Make a change to a dimension. Demonstrate the associativity between the model and its drawings.
6 months ago
Create a sketch driven pattern, table driven pattern, curve driven pattern, and a fill pattern. These patterns allow you to pattern features in non-linear or non-circular directions. Use sketch points to define a sketch driven pattern. Specify coordinates for a table driven pattern. Convert entities to create a sketch for a curve driven pattern. Distribute features within a boundary using a fill pattern.
6 months ago
An introduction to the basics of SOLIDWORKS and the user interface. Explore the definition of SOLIDWORKS. Understand how Design Intent is used. Explore the SOLIDWORKS user interface. Access the SOLIDWORKS Options.
6 months ago
Copy instances of one or more features or bodies by mirroring them across a reference plane or planar face. The resultant copy is reversed, as if seen in a mirror, maintaining symmetry. Create mirror patterns of features and bodies. Control results with geometry pattern option.
6 months ago
Create a pattern of one or more features or bodies in one or two circular directions. The circular direction is based on a cylindrical or conical face, a circular or linear edge, centerline or axis. Spacing of instances can be controlled in different ways. Create circular patterns of existing features. Vary spacing and range.
6 months ago
Create a pattern of one or more features or bodies in one or two linear directions. Unwanted instances can be left out of the pattern, and spacing and other dimensions may be varied. Create bi-directional linear patterns of existing features. Skip instances in a pattern. Vary parameters of pattern instances.
6 months ago
The Hole Wizard feature creates standard-sized holes according to ANSI, ISO, and other international standards. Hole type, size, and placement location are input by the user. Create hole wizard holes. Learn the elements and options of a wizard hole. Create multiple holes in the same feature.
6 months ago
Create fillets and chamfers to modify geometry in a sketch. Set the size and options for the sketch fillets and sketch chamfers. Create fillets and chamfers in a sketch. Understand the options for creating sketch fillets and sketch chamfers.
6 months ago
Learn the basics of SOLIDWORKS design, and build a SOLIDWORKS feature-based, parametric, solid model using sketches and features. Create a new sketch. Sketch geometry like lines and circles. Add relations and dimensions. Revolve and extrude sketches to create features. Shell to create a thin walled model. Test the design with dimensional changes.
9 months ago
Use Modify Configurations options to create and manage configurations in user-defined tables. Configure sketch and feature dimensions with Configure Dimension. Use Configure Feature to configure suppression of features. Configure the part material with Configure Materials. And, use Configure Component to configure the component suppression, fixed state, and configuration.
1 year ago
Export sheet metal bodies to .dxf or .dwg files. Examine and edit parts in the DXF/DWG Cleanup window. Export sheet metal bodies to .dxf or .dwg files. Examine and edit parts in the DXF/DWG Cleanup window.
1 year ago
Learn properties specific to sheet metal. Use the Sheet Metal feature to control sheet metal gauges, bend allowances, and Auto Relief options. Use the Sheet Metal feature to control sheet metal properties. Use a gauge table to control sheet metal gauges. Understand and use the 5 options to control the bend allowance. Use the Auto Relief feature to contol the type and location of relief cuts.
1 year ago
Explore the use of clips to create routes. Guide a route using existing clips and add new clips during the creation of a new route. Guide a route using existing clips in an assembly. Add new clips from the Design Library during the creation of a new route. Use keyboard shortcuts to position and orient clips.
1 year ago
Add new non-graphic properties to fully describe a SOLIDWORKS part, assembly, or drawing. Add Custom Properties using user-defined text and SOLIDWORKS special properties. Understand the downstream uses of properties in drawing annotations and tables. Use properties to select assembly components.
1 year ago
Model parts in the context of an assembly, using references to other components to complete the design. The design intent for new parts (sizes of features, placement of components in the assembly, etc.) comes from other components in the assembly. Build a virtual part in the context of an assembly by employing Top-Down assembly modeling techniques. Create features in the assembly context by referencing geometry in mating parts. Understand InPlace mates and external references. Identify external references in the FeatureManager design tree.
1 year ago
Mirror Component creates opposite-hand, but otherwise identical, versions of parts or subassembies. Specify which components are mirrored and which are purely copied (i.e. fasteners, which should not be mirrored). The geometry of a mirrored component changes to create a truly mirrored version, known as an "opposite-hand" version. Mirror components about an assembly plane. Create mirrored versions of parts in an assembly. Create opposite-hand versions of parts.
1 year ago
Hollow out solid bodies using the Shell feature. Apply different wall thicknesses to selected faces. Select multiple faces to be removed in the shelling operation. Understand how the shelling operation affects filleted and rounded edges.
1 year ago
Add end caps to close openings at the ends of structural members. Create an end cap in a weldment part file. Set the offset values and shape of the end cap.
1 year ago
Add gussets to increase the strength and stability of welded models. Understand the options for gusset features including the profile shape, thickness, and so on. Add a gusset between two structural members.
1 year ago
Learn to use a grid system, which is a type reference geometry, to represent a skeleton of structural members. Create a grid system to represent the center lines of structural members.
1 year ago