Training Catalog
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Learn different ways to manage drawings in DraftSight. How to create a new drawing Create a custom template Export a drawing to a PDF Save and reserve a drawing in the 3DEXPERIENCE
1 year ago
Navigate through all the documents of your inspection project: Move between pages. Zoom In/Out. Hide or show extracted annotations.
1 year ago
Find out who DraftSight is for, what it can do to help you and your organization, and which DraftSight product will best meet your requirements. Who DraftSight is for. Why you should choose DraftSight. Which product best suits your needs.
1 year ago
Extract information from your 2D drawings using the "Optical Character Recognition" or OCR tool: Read and interpret notes, dimensions and GD&T. Define the operation, classification or method. Highlight key characteristics.
1 year ago
Learn about SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation software. View sample applications from the real world. View sample real world examples where the software was used.
2 years ago
Insert driving dimensions into a sketch using the versatile Smart Dimension tool. With a single tool, you can create radial dimensions for arc, linear dimensions between two points, and more. The dimension that appears depends on the entities you select. Insert linear, angular, radial, and other dimensions. Modify dimensions. Move and reattach dimensions.
6 months ago
Review the basic functionality of the SOLIDWORKS Dynamics module. Show activation of SOLIDWORKS Simulation Add-In. Review the available modules for specific dynamic load times.
4 months ago
Explore and configure the platform settings for revision and lifecycle control. Understand revision naming rules. Examine the settings used to configure revision schemes. Review access rules for lifecycle and collaboration commands. Explore a SOLIDWORKS lifecycle scenario using the default revision scheme.
29 days ago
Dimensioning is a vital part of most designs; adding dimensions help realize a clear design description and evident construction interpretation. Apply linear dimensions Adjust drafting styles Create and use bounding boxes Use Smart Dimensions and widgets Use pallets to modify dimensions
1 year ago
Use the rules panel to link the captured models to the forms you created for data entry. Utilize logic and math operators to define the rules. Drive the output model and drawing by entering parameters into the form.
1 year ago
Learn how to optimize designs to reduce model weight by varying model dimensions. Apply parameters and constraints to optimize your design to meet goals. Learn how design studies are used with Simulation.
3 years ago
The Hole Wizard feature creates standard-sized holes according to ANSI, ISO, and other international standards. Hole type, size, and placement location are input by the user. Create hole wizard holes. Learn the elements and options of a wizard hole. Create multiple holes in the same feature.
6 months ago
In this module, you will learn how to configure the 3DEXPERIENCE platform on cloud to set a scalable environment and well-organized applications.
Learning Path
5 months ago
Learn about various drawing types that you can create in SOLIDWORKS Electrical. Understand how Wiring Line Diagrams can be used to create high-level synoptic drawings. Use Scheme drawings to create detailed designs using electrical symbols, components and wires. Create Mixed Scheme drawings to combine high-level and detailed schematic information on one page.
1 year ago
Learn how to put the finishing touches on a 3D printed part. Understand how to clean and finish parts. Learn how to assemble parts into one larger part. Understand how to cure parts after printing.
1 year ago
Discover how to analyze a portion of a larger assembly to save time and to get more accurate results using submodeling. Create a submodel study from a parent study. Discover how loads transfer automatically into a submodel study. Save time and computational resources while maintaining accurate results. Use eDrawings to save the results.
3 months ago
Model parts in the context of an assembly, using references to other components to complete the design. The design intent for new parts (sizes of features, placement of components in the assembly, etc.) comes from other components in the assembly. Build a virtual part in the context of an assembly by employing Top-Down assembly modeling techniques. Create features in the assembly context by referencing geometry in mating parts. Understand InPlace mates and external references. Identify external references in the FeatureManager design tree.
1 year ago
This module covers advanced DimXpert techniques. It covers how to leverage multiple configurations to organize Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI). Understand Intersection Geometry. Use the Auto Dimension Scheme to create polar dimensions. Create multiple configurations for organized PMI. Use the Copy Scheme tool to transfer PMI from one configuration to another. Import DimXpert Annotations into a 2D drawing.
2 years ago
Understanding the import process into SOLIDWORKS Visualize is essential to working efficiently, and can be controlled by both the import settings and the organization of the original CAD file. Learn the two most common import settings to setup the Visualize project for different workflows; one to make the model quick and easy to work with and the other to allow for live updates and more flexibility with the model grouping. Learn how to best prepare your CAD file for the desired Visualize experience. Understand how to efficiently import models into Visualize by selecting the appropriate Import Settings. Utilize CAD Live-Update for a seamless design process.
1 year ago
Get familiar with the Structural Designer role and understand the user interface of the Linear Structural Validation app. Learn how to access the Linear Structural Validation app from the 3DEXPEREINCE platform. Learn how to access the Linear Structural Validation app directly from SOLIDWORKS using the Collaborative Designer for SOLIDWORKS role. Understand the key assumptions of the Linear Structural Validation app.
1 year ago
Use the Machine dialog to define the parameters of the machine tool used to manufacture the part. Set machine properties to select machine type and duty for manufacturing. Select tool crib to be used by machine. Select the post processor used to generate NC code. Set posting parameters for post processor.
2 years ago
Build the SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation project. Use Wizard to define Flow Simulation project. Define boundary conditions. Define goals. Mesh the model geometry.
2 years ago
Import 2D PDFs or 2D/3D CAD Files to start creating your inspection reports: Import additional files. Navigate between all the files of your project. Organize your project.
4 years ago
The Digger tool is a patented technology in SOLIDWORKS Composer that allows you to zoom into a part, create detail views and fade away actors in order to see internal components or mechanisms. Using the Digger tool allows users to easily create detail views of interior components of an assembly without having to manually hide actors in the assembly. Additionally, this tool helps give a better understanding of actors and assemblies with its ability to zoom into any specific portion of a part or assembly. In this lesson, you'll see how the Digger tool can be used to create multiple detail views of both the exterior and some interior areas of an assembly.
4 years ago