Catálogo de capacitación
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Use the Machine dialog to define the parameters of the machine tool used to manufacture the part. Set machine properties to select machine type and duty for manufacturing. Select tool crib to be used by machine. Select the post processor used to generate NC code. Set posting parameters for post processor.
3 años hace
Use the Coordinate System command to define and assign a Fixture Coordinate System for the active machine. Select the method for defining coordinate system. Define and select a coordinate system. Examine the option for creating a SOLIDWORKS coordinate system.
4 años hace
Use Automatic Feature Regognition (AFR) to automatically extract the machinable features to be machined. Set options to define feature types to extract. Review the hole recognition and feature groups options. Review options to automatically generate operations and toolpaths. Extract machineable features and review the features in the CAM Feature Tree.
2 años hace
Use the Stock Manager to define the material, stock type and size to machine the part from. Select the stock material. Select stock type to define size and shape. Set the stock size options. View the stock preview.
2 años hace