Contour selection options allow individual contours to be selected within a sketch. By making use of contour selection techniques, a single sketch can be used to produce multiple features. Use the Contour Select Tool to pre-select contours for a feature. Use the Selected Contours options for a feature to define areas of a sketch to use. Use a single sketch to generate multiple features. Understand the icons displayed when using selected contours and sharing sketches.
6 months ago
Use the ConfigurationManager to add configurations and modify the part by controlling the suppression state of features and by configuring dimensions. Use the ConfigurationManager to add configurations to a part. Suppress features to represent a different version of the model. Configure dimensions to create different size versions of the part.
6 months ago
Create a sketch driven pattern, table driven pattern, curve driven pattern, and a fill pattern. These patterns allow you to pattern features in non-linear or non-circular directions. Use sketch points to define a sketch driven pattern. Specify coordinates for a table driven pattern. Convert entities to create a sketch for a curve driven pattern. Distribute features within a boundary using a fill pattern.
6 months ago
Create fillets and chamfers to modify geometry in a sketch. Set the size and options for the sketch fillets and sketch chamfers. Create fillets and chamfers in a sketch. Understand the options for creating sketch fillets and sketch chamfers.
6 months ago
Learn the basics of SOLIDWORKS design, and build a SOLIDWORKS feature-based, parametric, solid model using sketches and features. Create a new sketch. Sketch geometry like lines and circles. Add relations and dimensions. Revolve and extrude sketches to create features. Shell to create a thin walled model. Test the design with dimensional changes.
9 months ago