This lesson contains exercises so you can improve your proficiency with Sketching before taking the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) exam.
2 年 前
This lesson contains exercises so you can improve your proficiency with Features and Parts before taking the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) exam. There are 12 practice exercises for Features and Parts so this is the first of two lessons containing these exercises.
2 年 前
This lesson contains exercises so you can improve your proficiency with Features and Parts before taking the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) exam. There are 12 practice exercises for Features and Parts so this is the second of two lessons containing these exercises.
2 年 前
This lesson contains exercises so you can improve your proficiency with Assemblies before taking the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) exam.
2 年 前
This lesson contains exercises so you can improve your proficiency with Additional Tools before taking the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) exam. The additional tools include reference geometry, configurations, making changes to a model, and more. There are 10 practice exercises for Additional Tools so this is the second of two lessons containing these exercises.
2 年 前
This lesson contains exercises so you can improve your proficiency with Additional Tools before taking the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) exam. The additional tools include reference geometry, configurations, making changes to a model, and more. There are 10 practice exercises for Additional Tools so this is the second of two lessons containing these exercises.
2 年 前
瞭解 Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional 測驗。 發現取得認證的優點。 瞭解為取得認證而需具備的一些 SOLIDWORKS 技能。
2 年 前
瞭解 Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional 測驗的組成部分。 認識測驗的三個部分:零件模型化、模型組態及零件修改,以及組合件模型化。 瞭解您可視需要無限次地重考測驗的每一部分,但每次嘗試之間有一個等待期,在等待期結束後才能再次重考。
2 年 前
瞭解 Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional 測驗的先決條件。 瞭解如何針對 CSWP 測驗做足最佳準備。 識別您應學習 SOLIDWORKS 軟體中的哪些部分。
2 年 前
在 Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional 範例測驗中,更新控制零件整體形狀和大小的參數。 手動編輯個別尺寸並整體變更變數值。 重新計算模型以確保所有特徵都正確更新。
2 年 前
在 Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional 範例測驗中,移除特徵、加入特徵及編輯現有特徵,以變更零件。 移除、加入及編輯特徵,以變更零件。 取得零件的物質特性。
2 年 前
在 Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional 範例測驗中,修改所提供範例零件的特徵及草圖。 變更填料特徵的草圖輪廓及終止條件。 在 FeatureManager(特徵管理員) 設計樹狀結構中,重新排序特徵。 取得零件的物質特性。
2 年 前
在 Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional 範例測驗中,修改所提供範例零件的草圖並調整特徵順序。 修改草圖以變更伸長填料的輪廓。 調整特徵順序並保持父子限制條件。 取得零件的物質特性。
2 年 前
在工程視圖上鎖住焦點,以在您於該視圖中工作時,視圖保持為使用中。 將草圖圖元及註記加入已鎖住焦點的視圖。
2 年 前
產生零件號球,建立零件表中項目與工程視圖中相對應項目的關聯。 使用「零件號球」、「自動零件號球」及「堆疊式零件號球」工具,在工程圖上建立零件號球。 使用磁性線對正零件號球。
2 年 前
沿著一條分模線將一個跨面分割成兩個面。 針對模具的起模方向來分析零件,以判定分模線的最佳位置。 使用「分模線」工具來產生分模線。
2 年 前
在 Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional 範例測驗中,產生組合件部分的第一個零件。 使用工程圖上的視圖及尺寸,產生組合件的零件。 根據參考座標系統取得零件的質量中心。
1 年 前
在 Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional 範例測驗中,將額外的零組件加入組合件。 下載零組件並將其插入組合件。 加入結合以放置零組件。 使用碰撞偵測來移動零組件。 量測兩條邊線之間的角度。
1 年 前
在零件表中使用數學關係式來計算值。 使用 IF、AVERAGE、COUNT 等各種函數來計算資料。 計算總成本 (單位成本乘以數量)。 判定組合件中所有零組件的成本總和。
1 年 前
Understand the basics of additive manufacturing. Understand the differences between subtractive and additive manufacturing processes. Learn about the costs and capabilities of various 3D printing processes.
1 年 前
Understand the differences between various 3D printing processes. Learn about the common 3D printing processes: Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) and Stereolithography (SLA). Learn about more advanced processes: Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) and Selective Laser Melting (SLM) Understand why some 3D printers are “open” or “closed” and why some machines are larger than others.
1 年 前
Understand the materials used in 3D printing processes. Learn about the advantages of Polylactic Acid (PLA) and Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) materials that are used in FDM printers. Learn about the differences in the resins used SLA printers.
1 年 前
Understand how to prepare a 3D printer to achieve the best results. Learn how to prepare the build plate to ensure correct part adhesion. Learn how to handle and load materials into the machine.
1 年 前
Understand some steps you can take to ensure a successful 3D printing job. Learn ways to send a file to a 3D printer. Learn what to watch for when a print begins to make sure the part prints correctly. Learn different ways to monitor the machine while it is printing.
1 年 前