Evaluate the size, weight, and more of a model using the measure and mass properties tools. Understand how the material and coordinate system of a part affect its mass properties. Measure between points and circles to determine the size of a part.
6 months ago
Use the ConfigurationManager to add configurations to an assembly and show two versions of its components. Also, explore the advanced options of configuration properties. Use the ConfigurationManager to add configurations to an assembly. Use the advanced options of the configuration properties to control new components and mates. Create two versions of the assembly to represent different available components.
6 months ago
Use sketch relations and dimensions to fully define a sketch. Understand the status of a sketch, either under defined, fully defined, or over defined. Evaluate a sketch to determine why it is under defined.
4 months ago
Use automatic sketch relations to capture design intent as you sketch a profile. Identify the icons that appear on the cursor to signify automatic sketch relations. Create a sketch profile and add automatic sketch relations as you sketch.
6 months ago
Copy instances of one or more features or bodies by mirroring them across a reference plane or planar face. The resultant copy is reversed, as if seen in a mirror, maintaining symmetry. Create mirror patterns of features and bodies. Control results with geometry pattern option.
6 months ago
Create circles and arcs as entities in a sketch. Learn about the variety of tools you can use to create circles and arc. Understand when you might choose the different circle and arc tools based on points in the center or along the perimeter of the circle or arc.
4 months ago
Use sketch relations to fully define a sketch and capture design intent. Learn about automatic sketch relations and sketch relations that you add manually. Add relations between two lines to understand common sketch relations. Add relations between circles and arcs to observe additional sketch relations.
6 months ago
Use the Interference Detection tool to identify any overlap between parts in an assembly. Clearance between parts can also be detected using the Clearance Verification tool. Use the Interference Detection tool to identify interferences between assembly components. Explore the options available within the Interference Detection tool. Use the Clearance Verification tool to identify clearances between assembly components. Explore the options available with the Clearance Verification tool.
6 months ago
Explore the various methods for moving and rotating components, including dragging, using the triad, and setting the options in the PropertyManager. Explore the options for detecting collisions between components. Calculate the minimum clearance distance between components. Move and rotate a component by dragging, using the triad, or using the options in the PropertyManager. Identify the clearance between options when moving components. Detect collisions between moving components and other components.
6 months ago
Understand the importance of picking the correct sketch plane for starting a part. Choose the starting feature and starting sketch plane for a part. Understand how the choice of a starting sketch plane can affect the drawing.
4 months ago
Use bill of materials (BOM) tables to call out the components of an assembly. Bill of materials can be modified in many ways and new table templates can be generated to save customizations. Tabulated bill of materials can list information about multiple configurations within the same table. Create a bill of materials for an assembly. Modify a bill of materials table to add and reorder column. Save a bill of materials as a template. Create a tabulated bill of materials.
6 months ago
Contour selection options allow individual contours to be selected within a sketch. By making use of contour selection techniques, a single sketch can be used to produce multiple features. Use the Contour Select Tool to pre-select contours for a feature. Use the Selected Contours options for a feature to define areas of a sketch to use. Use a single sketch to generate multiple features. Understand the icons displayed when using selected contours and sharing sketches.
6 months ago
Mirror existing sketch entities with the Mirror Entities tool or by adding symmetric relations. Or, dynamically mirror sketch entities as you create them. Mirror sketch entities that you previously created. Dynamically mirror sketch entities as you create them. Add symmetric relations to sketch entities to mirror the entities.
6 months ago
Use design tables to quickly create many configurations that change the values of dimensions and the suppression states of features. Set up a model to effectively use design tables. Understand the options when creating a design table. Add columns to a design table for additional dimensions and features to control. Add rows to a design table for additional configurations to create.
6 months ago
Use design tables to quickly create many configurations that change the suppression states of components, mates, and assembly features. Also, you can use design tables to configure the dimensions of mates and assembly features. Understand the options when creating a design table. Use data validation to restrict values entered in the design table. Set configuration properties to control new mates and components. Change the configuration of components in the assembly design table.
4 months ago
Create fillets and chamfers to modify geometry in a sketch. Set the size and options for the sketch fillets and sketch chamfers. Create fillets and chamfers in a sketch. Understand the options for creating sketch fillets and sketch chamfers.
6 months ago
Add materials to parts for calculations of mass properties, for use with SOLIDWORKS Simulation, and to modify the appearance of the part. Define the material for a part. Add a custom material to a part. Use configurations to assign different materials to a part.
4 months ago
Use standard mates to constrain the degrees of freedom of components relative to other components or reference geometry such as planes or axes. Learn about standard mate types such as coincident, concentric, and more. Understand how selected entities such as faces, edges, vertices, planes, or axes determines the available mate types.
4 months ago
Create a pattern of one or more features or bodies in one or two circular directions. The circular direction is based on a cylindrical or conical face, a circular or linear edge, centerline or axis. Spacing of instances can be controlled in different ways. Create circular patterns of existing features. Vary spacing and range.
6 months ago
Create points, axes, and coordinate systems to aid in the creation of features and helps with the use of measurement tools. Explore the options to create reference points, axes, and coordinate systems based on one or more model entities.
6 months ago
Create ellipses and slots as entities in a sketch. Learn about the variety of tools you can use to create ellipses and slots. Understand when you might choose the different ellipse and slot tools based on points in the center or along the perimeter of the ellipse or slot.
4 months ago
Create rectangles as entities in a sketch. Learn about the variety of tools you can use to create rectangles. Understand when you might choose the different rectangle tools based on the center and corners of the rectangle.
4 months ago
Exploded views can be created in assemblies to assist in detailing and visualizing components. Learn how to create an exploded view in an assembly. Use the options within the Exploded View command to explode single and multiple components. Understand the options for exploding sub-assemblies. Automate spacing for multiple components in a chain explode step. Learn how to animate explode steps.
4 months ago
Diagnose and repair issues with sketches including extraneous geometry, dangling dimensions, and dangling relations. Diagnose problems in a part. Repair sketch geometry problems. Repair dangling relations and dimensions. Use the What's Wrong dialog. Edit the plane used by a sketch.
6 months ago