Training Catalog
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Learn how to access and navigate the SOLIDWORKS Certification Center for taking certification exams.
Learning Path
6 years ago
Learn about DriveWorksXpress to automate your design process.
Learning Path
6 years ago
Learn about FloXpress to calculate how fluid flows through models. *@$#*Découvrez l'utilisation de FloXpress pour calculer comment le fluide circule dans les modèles. Découvrez FloXpress pour effectuer une analyse simplifiée d'écoulement des fluides sur un modèle à l'aide de l'analyse numérique de mécanique des fluides (CFD). Découvrez comment configurer l'analyse CFD dans FloXpress. Générez et interprétez les résultats de l'analyse CFD à l'aide de FloXpress. *@$#*Erfahren Sie, wie mithilfe von FloXpress berechnet werden kann, wie Fluide durch Modelle fließen. Lernen Sie FloXpress kennen und erfahren Sie, wie Sie eine erste grobe Flüssigkeitsströmungsanalyse mithilfe der Strömungsberechnung durchführen. Einrichten einer Strömungsmechanikanalyse in FloXpress Generieren und Interpretieren der Ergebnisse der Strömungsmechanikanalyse mithilfe von FloXpress *@$#*FloXpress を使用して、モデル内の流体の流れを計算する方法について学習します。 FloXpress で計算流体力学(CFD)を用いたファースト パス流体フロー解析を実行します。 FloXpress での CFD 解析のセットアップ方法を学びます。 FloXpress を使用した CFD 解析の結果を出力して解釈します。 *@$#*Aprenda a calcular cómo fluyen los fluidos dentro de los modelos con FloXpress. Descubra el uso de FloXpress para realizar un análisis inicial de flujo de fluidos mediante la dinámica de fluidos computacional (CFD). Aprenda a configurar el análisis de CFD en FloXpress. Genere e interprete los resultados del análisis de CFD mediante FloXpress. *@$#*Jak používat FloXpress k výpočtu toku tekutiny v modelech. Použití FloXpress k provedení prvotního průběhu analýzy proudění tekutin na modelu, který používá výpočet dynamiky tekutin (CFD). Jak nakonfigurovat analýzu CFD ve FloXpress. Generování a interpretace výsledků analýzy CFD s použitím FloXpress. *@$#*Informazioni su come utilizzare FloXpress per calcolare il flusso dei fluidi attraverso i modelli. Informazioni su come utilizzare Discover FloXpress per eseguire un'analisi del flusso dei fluidi al primo passaggio su un modello, utilizzando la fluidodinamica computazionale (CFD). Viene spiegato come impostare l'analisi CFD in FloXpress. Generazione e interpretazione dei risultati dell'analisi CFD tramite FloXpress. *@$#*모델의 유체 유동을 계산하는 FloXpress에 대해 학습합니다. 전산유체해석(CFD)을 사용하여 모델에 대해 초회통과 유체 유동 해석을 수행하는 FloXpress를 살펴봅니다. FloXpress에서 CFD 해석을 설정하는 방법에 대해 학습합니다. FloXpress를 사용하여 CFD 해석 결과를 생성 및 해석합니다. *@$#*Poznaj FloXpress i dowiedz się, jak obliczyć przepływ płynu przez modele. Naucz się wykonywać we FloXpress analizę pierwszego przepływu płynu przez model w oparciu o metodę obliczeniowej dynamiki płynów (CFD). Dowiedz się, jak skonfigurować analizę CFD we FloXpress. Generuj i interpretuj wyniki analizy CFD z wykorzystaniem FloXpress. *@$#*Conheça o FloXpress para calcular o fluxo de fluidos pelos modelos. Conheça o FloXpress para fazer análises iniciais de fluxo de fluido em modelos por meio de dinâmicas computacionais de fluídos (CFD, Computational Fluid Dynamics). Aprenda a configurar a análise CFD no FloXpress. Gere e interprete os resultados da análise CFD usando o FloXpress. *@$#*Основные сведения о возможностях FloXpress для расчета потока жидкости через модели. Обзор FloXpress и первичный анализ потока жидкости в модели с помощью вычислительной гидродинамики (CFD). Настройка анализа CFD в FloXpress. Генерация и интерпретация результатов анализа CFD с использованием FloXpress. *@$#*Akışkanların modeller üzerinden nasıl aktığını hesaplamak için FloXpress hakkında bilgi edinin. Hesaplamalı akışkanlar dinamiği (CFD) kullanarak bir model üzerinde ilk geçiş akışkan akış analizi gerçekleştirmek üzere FloXpress'i keşfedin. FloXpress'de CFD analizini ayarlamayı öğrenin. FloXpress kullanarak CFD analizinin sonuçlarını oluşturun ve yorumlayın. *@$#*了解如何使用 FloXpress 计算流体在模型内流动的方式。 了解 FloXpress 如何使用计算流体动力学 (CFD) 对模型执行初步流体流动分析。 了解如何在 FloXpress 中设置 CFD 分析。 使用 FloXpress 生成并解释 CFD 分析的结果。 *@$#*瞭解 FloXpress 以計算流體如何在模型中流動。 探索 FloXpress,並在模型上使用計算流體力學 (CFD) 執行首渡流體流動分析。 瞭解如何在 FloXpress 中設定 CFD 分析。 使用 FloXpress 來產生並解譯 CFD 分析的結果。
Learning Path
6 years ago
Learn about SimulationXpress to perform first pass stress analysis of parts.
Learning Path
6 years ago
Learn about some of the key features of SOLIDWORKS Composer.
Learning Path
6 years ago
Learn about SOLIDWORKS Costing to calculate manufacturing costs for some parts.
Learning Path
6 years ago
Learn about SOLIDWORKS MBD, which is an integrated drawingless manufacturing solution for SOLIDWORKS 3D design software.
Learning Path
6 years ago
Prepare for the Certified Additive Manufacturing exam. Learn about the SLA, SLS, and FDM processes of 3D printing, and how it’s rapidly changing the manufacturing world. This learning path will cover the basics of setting up and running successful parts from your FDM or SLA printer. Once you’re done with the learning path, head over to for information on how to take the CSWA-AM exam so you can demonstrate your knowledge of this technology.
Learning Path
6 years ago
Complete this learning path to learn more about the fundamentals of 3D Modeling and 2D Constraints functionalities available in the DraftSight Premium and Enterprise Plus products exclusively. Learn more at:
Learning Path
4 years ago
See how to import an assembly into SOLIDWORKS Treehouse, then make modifications to the assembly. Edit the custom properties, quantities, and suppression state of components in an assembly. Add a sub-assembly and parts to an assembly in SOLIDWORKS Treehouse. Open assemblies in SOLIDWORKS and review the modifications made in SOLIDWORKS Treehouse.
4 years ago
Import 2D PDFs or 2D/3D CAD Files to start creating your inspection reports: Import additional files. Navigate between all the files of your project. Organize your project.
4 years ago
Customize your inspection projects balloons to highlight different aspect of your parts or different classifications: Change the color, text size, and balloon shape. Add/Remove prefix and suffix. Set balloon customization at the document level or in a template.
4 years ago
The Digger tool is a patented technology in SOLIDWORKS Composer that allows you to zoom into a part, create detail views and fade away actors in order to see internal components or mechanisms. Using the Digger tool allows users to easily create detail views of interior components of an assembly without having to manually hide actors in the assembly. Additionally, this tool helps give a better understanding of actors and assemblies with its ability to zoom into any specific portion of a part or assembly. In this lesson, you'll see how the Digger tool can be used to create multiple detail views of both the exterior and some interior areas of an assembly.
4 years ago
Since vector graphics scale without distorting the image, they are very useful when trying to insert images into other documents, such as a PDF or a Word doc. Vector images also allow for a clean professional look for marketing purposes. In this lesson, you'll see detail views added to this exploded view and create a vector image of both of them.
4 years ago
Use the Coordinate System command to define and assign a Fixture Coordinate System for the active machine. Select the method for defining coordinate system. Define and select a coordinate system. Examine the option for creating a SOLIDWORKS coordinate system.
4 years ago
This module covers the 3D PDF Template Editor. Components include: Text types, BOM tables, Model Area, and the 3D PDF Views Thumbnail tab. For parts: Change the template logo. Map a custom property from Template Editor to SOLIDWORKS. For assemblies: Add existing Theme folder to the Publish to 3D PDF dialog. Publish and consume a 3D PDF and eDrawings files.
4 years ago
This module is a SOLIDWORKS MBD overview. It covers the process of defining a model in 3D, capturing 3D Views and publishing a 3D PDF and eDrawings file. Learn how to add Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) to a model in 3D. Create a Collection Pattern using the Pattern Feature tool. Become familiar with the 3D PDF Template Editor. How to publish a 3D PDF. How to publish an eDrawings file.
4 years ago
Learn DimXpert in Assembly to define dimensions and tolerances for overall sizes and installation interfaces in assembly environment. All the existing DimXpert capabilities in part are supported in assembly. Use Auto Dimension Scheme define the installation hole spacing. Use Location and Size dimension tools to define hole sizes and assembly feature dimensions and tolerances. Apply manual basic dimensions. Select edges instead of faces for easier definition. Place dimensions per mouse move just like in 2D drawings or sketches. Update flag notes automatically. Display coordinate systems per feature control frames.
4 years ago
Use SimulationXpress to analyze deformation of parts by applying fixtures and loads and defining materials. Vary load and/or pressure and customize materials. Learn to start and run SimulationXpress to analyze a single body part. Get comfortable working with items on design tree. Understand that pressure and/or load can be applied only to faces uniformly and constantly. Understand that custom materials properties must accurately represent part materials.
4 years ago
Adjust the mesh density to adjust accuracy of a simulation. Run a simulation. Use the SimulationXpress wizard to view results such as the stress, displacement, deformation, and factor of safety of the simulation. Generate and save an eDrawings file or word document both of which display the results of the simulation. Adjust a mesh in a simulation. Run a simulation. Interpret the results of a simulation. Generate an eDrawing file or Microsoft Word document with the results.
4 years ago
Based on analyses result, optimize factor of safety, maximum stress or maximum displacement value to an acceptable value. Vary a dimension within the range to try to meet the requirement. Make the design leaner or reduce material cost if it meets or exceeds the factor of safety. Achieve factor of safety through optimizing design. Use built-in automation capability to optimize a model. Run simulation.
4 years ago
Learn about SOLIDWORKS Simulation, a powerful and intuitive structural analysis tool for product engineers. Discover the SOLIDWORKS Simulation product suite, tour the user interface, learn how to test assemblies and thin structures, and much more.
Learning Path
4 years ago
This module covers how to use Annotation Views to organize Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI). View PMI using the Dynamic Annotation Views tool. Insert orthogonal Annotation Views and add a custom Annotation View using the By Selection option. Reassign PMI to different Annotation Views to organize the display. Use viewports to view the model from multiple perspectives at the same time.
4 years ago
This module covers three technical summaries for using SOLIDWORKS MBD. For drafted parts: Create DimXpert Location dimensions between drafted surfaces by suppressing draft or using intersection geometry. For sheet metal: Use a separate configuration for the flat pattern of a sheet metal part. Use reference dimensions to dimension between sheet metal bend lines. For weldment structures: Use cut lists to display dimensions for structural members of weldment structures. Add 3D Notes to the weldment structure and apply weldment symbols.
4 years ago