Define an accurate 2D profile or sketch using Geometric and/or Dimensional Constraints. Geometric Constraints create and uphold relationships between sketch entities while Dimensional Constraints specify distances or angles between the sketch entities. Assign Geometric Constraints such as Horizontal, Vertical, Coincident, Perpendicular, Parallel, Tangent, etc. Create Dimensional Constraints with numeric values with labels. Manage Dimensional Constraints for edit, delete and create user-defined parameters.

9 月 前
Manipulate the 3D Model view properly to work on the geometry as intended. Use a variety of tools to enable rotating the model freely, updating the model view type and to add custom coordinates systems to get the right location and angle. View the 3D model at different angles such as Top, Bottom, Left and various isometric angles. Use the computer mouse or orbit command to freely pan, zoom and rotate the 3D model. Learn to view with different view types such as Wireframe, Hidden, Gouraud, Flat with Edges, etc. Setup custom coordinates systems with CCS defining based on a view or entity.

9 月 前
Create some very complex 3D surfaces or geometries by defining a mesh with custom contours and numerous editable points for better control and design. Create basic primitive mesh shapes as a starting point to the design. Generate individual mesh faces using 3D Face tool. Control a network of mesh points by defining an outer perimeter with the Edge Mesh tool to fill it in. Use the 3D Mesh command allowing to define the location of every point in a mesh.

9 月 前
Review a variety of 3D solid modeling tools exclusively for DraftSight Premium. Learn to use some common 3D tools to create simple primitive shapes and complex custom 3D geometries. Create 3D basic geometric forms such as Box, Wedge, Cylinder, Sphere, and Torus. Generate sketch-based or complex 3D shapes using Extrude, Revolve, Sweep, PolySolid, Push and Pull, and Loft.

9 月 前
從現有零件檔案產生工程圖、插入基本視圖,以及插入與操控尺寸及標註。 製作零件的基本工程圖。 插入標準視圖。 從模型輸入尺寸到工程圖中。 變更尺寸。 示範模型及其工程圖之間的關聯性。

1 年 前
Learn how to create different types of drawings and use their configuration settings to control various aspects. Create a new drawing and use Project Configuration to define its title block and mark. Create 2D cabinet layouts and place components. Generate drawings automatically based on inputs defined in their configuration managers.

2 年 前
Learn about various drawing types that you can create in SOLIDWORKS Electrical. Understand how Wiring Line Diagrams can be used to create high-level synoptic drawings. Use Scheme drawings to create detailed designs using electrical symbols, components and wires. Create Mixed Scheme drawings to combine high-level and detailed schematic information on one page.

2 年 前
使用處理組合件模型時專用的工程視圖指令,包括區域深度剖視圖、位置替換視圖及爆炸視圖。 使用工程視圖屬性來代表組合件模型組態。 產生區域深度剖視圖來顯示組合件的內部零組件。 使用現有或新的模型組態來產生位置替換視圖。 產生爆炸組合件工程視圖。

2 年 前
瞭解進階 3D PDF 功能,以便與可能尚未安裝 SOLIDWORKS 的下游生產者清楚溝通 3D 設計意圖。 使用免費的 Adobe Reader,將 SOLIDWORKS 或 STEP 檔案附加至 3D PDF。 插入多張圖頁。 插入多個視埠。 插入多個表格。 顯示實體輪廓線和圖例模式。 將註解與表格平坦地顯示於螢幕上。 使用免費的 Adobe Reader,將檔案附加至 3D PDF。

3 年 前
此單元涵蓋用來定義 3D 模組的其他「產品及製造資訊」(PMI) 工具。 套用參考尺寸並重複使用特徵尺寸。 套用並自基準定標。 從 Design Library 加入預設註解並加入 3D 註解。 產生並儲存要重複使用的公差樣式。 加入表面加工及熔接符號。

3 年 前
Get the models closer to the finished geometry by learning to modify, remove, combine, slice or replicate the 3D geometries. Use Boolean operations such as Union and Subtract. Reshape the edges of 3D geometries using Fillet Edges or Chamfer Edges with different options. Remove or split the material of 3D geometries using the Slice tool Replicate geometry in multiple instances throughout the design with Mirror 3D and Pattern 3D

3 年 前
瞭解組合件中的 DimXpert,以針對組合件環境中的整體大小和安裝介面定義尺寸及公差。 組合件支援零件中的所有現有 DimXpert 功能。 使用「自動尺寸配置」來定義安裝鑽孔間距。 使用「位置」及「大小」尺寸工具,來定義鑽孔大小及組合件特徵尺寸與公差。 套用手動基本尺寸。 選擇邊線而不是面,以便更容易定義。 每次移動滑鼠都放置尺寸,就像在 2D 工程圖或草圖中一樣。 自動更新旗標註解。 在每個特徵控制框架顯示座標系統。

4 年 前