Add draft to cast and molded parts. Understand the various types of draft features you can create. Perform Draft Analysis to determine which faces need draft added to them.
4 months ago
Use the Physical Dynamics options when moving components to allow realistic interaction between assembly components. Physical dynamics identifies collisions between faces and allows components to push one another when they come into contact. Understand options within the Move Component command. Use the Physical Dynamics option to simulate interaction between components being moved. Understand the limitations of using Physical Dynamics versus a Motion Study. Learn how to troubleshoot issues when using the physical dynamics option.
4 months ago
Use the Freeform feature to create organic features by adjusting the outward and inward shape of a face. Modify faces using control curves and control points to create curvilinear designs. Use the Freeform feature to create a shape with an organic feel. Create control curves and control points. Deform a face using control curves, control points, and the triad. Edit a sketch to make the freeform grid follow the shape of the face to be deformed.
4 months ago