Understand the components of SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard, the role of each component, and how the components interact with each other. These components include: Microsoft® SQL Server® Express. SOLIDWORKS PDM Database Server. SOLIDWORKS PDM Archive Server. The three SOLIDWORKS PDM Client types.
2 年 前
Learn how to a create SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard vault and setup a local client view. Create and configure a SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard vault. Setup a local client view connection to the newly created vault.
2 年 前
Understand how to validate a newly created PDM vault by performing standard PDM operations. Add and share files and folders via the Windows Explorer vault view. Version a SOLIDWORKS part file and transition through a workflow to release.
2 年 前
Understand the steps to perform as complete backup of PDM. Use Microsoft® SQL Server® Management Studio to backup PDM vault databases. Use the SOLIDWORKS PDM Archive Server configuration tool to backup vault user credentials. Locate and backup the vaults file archives.
2 年 前
Understand how to install and configure the components of SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard. Install and configure Microsoft® SQL Server® Express. Install Microsoft® SQL Server® Management Studio. Install the SOLIDWORKS PDM Database Server. Install the SOLIDWORKS PDM Archive Server. Install the SOLIDWORKS PDM CAD Editor client.
2 年 前
Automate the conversion of imported part geometry into a SOLIDWORKS feature-based, parametric model. Open an imported data file in SOLIDWORKS. Use the Import Diagnostics tool to repair imported geometry. View the FeatureWorks options. Use the Automatic feature Recognition Mode. Map the features to the part model. Guide the Automatic Recognition Mode for the best results.
2 年 前
Control the conversion of imported part geometry into a SOLIDWORKS feature-based parametric model by converting specific features interactively. Interactively convert feature types. Convert features types that cannot be used with automated methods. Recognize multiple similar features at the same time. Re-recognize geometry and change it to a different type. Add patterns from the list of recognized features.
2 年 前
Use Volume features to recognize geometry that does not match any other feature type. The volume feature can be replaced with a standard SOLIDWORKS feature. Recognize volume features. Recognize boss and cut revolve features. Use the Up To Face option with cut extrudes. Replace volume features with standard cut features. Edit the mapped features.
2 年 前
Convert imported sheet metal part geometry into SOLIDWORKS feature-based, sheet metal, parametric models. Recognize common sheet metal features such as Base Flanges and Sketched Bends. Flatten the result to view the flat pattern. Use a hybrid approach combining the automatic and interactive methods.
2 年 前
Convert imported assembly and multibody geometry into SOLIDWORKS feature-based, parametric models. Recognize imported assembly geometry as multiple parts. Use Edit Feature to recognize only selected features from the part. Use child features to recognize multiple features with a single selection.
2 年 前
Learn about SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation software. View sample applications from the real world. View sample real world examples where the software was used.
2 年 前
Prepare SOLIDWORKS geometry for Flow Simulation analysis. Create lids manually. Create lids using the Lid Creation tool. Check if the geometry is water tight for internal flow analysis. Detect leaks in improperly sealed geometry.
2 年 前
Build the SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation project. Use Wizard to define Flow Simulation project. Define boundary conditions. Define goals. Mesh the model geometry.
2 年 前
Run SOLIDWORKS Flow simulation and monitor it. Postprocess Flow simulation results. Launch the SOLIDWORKS Flow simulation and monitor it in the solver window. Monitor execution of the simulation in the solver window. Postprocess results using cut plots, surface plots, flow trajectories. Create 2D graphs from the calculated results, extract results on desired geometrical entities.
2 年 前
Mesh the Flow Simulation geometry using automated meshing approach. Understand the Basic mesh, and Initial mesh concepts. Control the Global Initial mesh refinement level. Analyze the Minimum Gap Size feature value as the project settings change. Plot mesh on cut plots.
2 年 前
Mesh the Flow Simulation geometry using manual meshing approach. Control Basic mesh settings. Apply manual mesh setting and options. Define control planes. Define and apply local mesh controls. Plot mesh on cut plots.
2 年 前
当模型的内部切除特征对于设计尤为重要时,最好创建代表零件负空间的实体特征。 完成负空间后,可以使用组合命令从另一实体几何体减去该包络体。 使用表示流形内部空间的实体几何图形来创建零件的负空间。 创建一个围绕该几何图形的单独实体几何体来作为流形的主几何体。 使用删减操作组合零件中的实体几何体。
2 年 前
同时使用自下而上和自上而下的装配体建模设计方法来在装配体中插入和修改部件。 使用自下而上的方法将部件插入到装配体中。 使用自上而下的方法修改部件。 使用自上而下的方法创建新部件。
2 年 前
创建多种类型的衍生工程图视图并了解每种视图类型的独特特性。 衍生工程图视图是通过参考现有工程图视图创建的。 通过“折叠”现有工程图视图来创建投影视图。 垂直于选定边线投影视图以创建辅助视图。 使用局部视图以放大比例显示视图的一部分。 相对于模型中的平面或平面的面创建工程图视图。 通过裁剪和隐藏不必要的实体集中显示工程图视图的一部分。 使用断裂视图缩短现有工程图视图。
2 年 前
将标注插入到现有工程图视图中,包括自定义注释、几何公差和块。 创建标注和符号。 从几何图形和注释创建块。 将块保存到文件中。 将块插入到工程图中。
1 年 前
了解如何使用壳体来对薄壁结构建模。 使用壳体管理器在薄壁结构上创建壳体。 应用对称夹具以减少计算工作量。
1 年 前
从一系列布局草图创建焊件框架。焊件环境使用标准的焊件轮廓来定义焊件中的结构构件的类型。 具有相同类型和大小的构件都在一个特征内创建。 创建一个焊件框架。 插入结构构件。 重新定位轮廓草图。 更改边角处理。
1 年 前
Learn how to add new users and groups and assign permissions. Add users to a newly created vault. Create groups and add users to groups. Assign permissions to users at the group level.
1 年 前
Understand various software options for creating designs for use with 3D printers. Learn about the different tools that SOLIDWORKS offers to make 3D printing easy. Learn about Augmented Intelligence tools that can help design complicated parts. Learn about products like 3DXpert to assist in printing assemblies. Learn about new 3D printing technology.
1 年 前