Create a swept flange using profile and path sketches. Create profile and path sketches for a swept flange. Use the Swept Flange feature to create a swept flange. Define sheet metal parameters within the Swept Flange tab.
2 years ago
Create face fillets to modify and repair imported geometry. Define the size and shape of the fillet using selected faces and edges instead of a constant radius value. Use options such as Curvature continuous, Constant width, Tangent propagation, and Hold lines to define the face fillet. Modify imported geometry using a face fillet. Ensure curvature continuity with faces adjacent to the fillet. Set a constant chord length of a fillet. Define a stopping edge, or hold line, for a face fillet.
4 months ago
Use surface tools to create complex blends at the intersections of surfaces. The tools used in this module include trim surfaces, lofted surfaces, and fill surfaces. Trim surfaces using a sketch as the trim entity. Create a blend between surfaces using a lofted surface. Fill an area that is completely bounded by surfaces using the fill surface tool.
2 years ago
Use the ConfigurationManager to add configurations to an assembly and show two versions of its components. Also, explore the advanced options of configuration properties. Use the ConfigurationManager to add configurations to an assembly. Use the advanced options of the configuration properties to control new components and mates. Create two versions of the assembly to represent different available components.
6 months ago
Create 2D or 3D curves defined by mathematical equations. The curve can be explicit where y is a function of x, or parametric where x, y, and z are functions of t. Create a 3D spline using a parametric mathematical equation. Create a sweep feature using one 3D spline as the path and another as the guide curve.
2 years ago
Learn to use a grid system, which is a type reference geometry, to represent a skeleton of structural members. Create a grid system to represent the center lines of structural members.
1 year ago
Search for, manage and view exisiting reports created by SolidWorks Utilities. Export reports to a briefcase or delete reports. Search for, manage, and view SolidWorks Utilities reports. Export and delete reports.
1 year ago
Copy instances of one or more features or bodies by mirroring them across a reference plane or planar face. The resultant copy is reversed, as if seen in a mirror, maintaining symmetry. Create mirror patterns of features and bodies. Control results with geometry pattern option.
6 months ago
Add a jog to an existing flange. A jog adds material to a sheet metal part by creating two bends and a flat from a sketch line. The mirror feature adds symmetry in sheet metal designs. Add a jog to an existing flange. Incorporate symmetry in sheet metal designs. Position a jog.
2 years ago
Add draft to cast and molded parts. Understand the various types of draft features you can create. Perform Draft Analysis to determine which faces need draft added to them.
4 months ago
Use the Split Route tool to add junction points to existing routes. Create geometry at the J-point to orient an in-line fitting. Use the Split Route tool to add a junction point to an existing route. Create 3D geometry at a junction point. Use 3D geometry to orient an in-line fitting.
1 year ago
Create a cut list to organize the bodies in a weldment part. Add custom properties to the components of a weldment structure so the propertie appear in the cut list. Similar to a BOM in an assembly, the cut list provides details of the weldment members. Create and edit a cut list. Edit custom properties. Edit the material of the bodies in a weldment part.
1 year ago
Determine if proper draft exists in a part to be molded. Without proper draft, the part may fail to successfully eject from the mold. Evaluate draft on a molded part. Examine the different classes of drafted faces.
2 years ago
When edges of a part are too close to allow for fillets to be created properly, often making use of separate solid bodies can help. Separate features into separate solid bodies. Apply fillets to the individual bodies. Use the Combine command to add the bodies back together. Apply an additional fillet to the part to complete the model.
2 years ago
Create and modify splines using spline points, relations, control polygons, and spline handles. Splines can have multiple spline points or as few as two spline points. Sketch with splines. Edit the number of spline points. Modify the shape of splines with relations, control polygons, and spline handles.
2 years ago
Use the Interference Detection tool to identify any overlap between parts in an assembly. Clearance between parts can also be detected using the Clearance Verification tool. Use the Interference Detection tool to identify interferences between assembly components. Explore the options available within the Interference Detection tool. Use the Clearance Verification tool to identify clearances between assembly components. Explore the options available with the Clearance Verification tool.
6 months ago
Learn about the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Advanced Surfacing exam. Understand some of the SOLIDWORKS skills you need to achieve certification. Review some of the questions from the sample exam.
4 months ago
Apply options to constant radius fillets to modify adjacent features, faces, and edges. Use options to control geometry in a constant radius fillet. Keep or eliminate features contained within the fillet region. Set the overflow type to determine how fillets behave when they are larger than the available space. Smooth corners where two fillets edges meet.
4 months ago
Create a side core with draft from sketches on molds with trapped molding areas. Use feature freeze bar to exclude features from being rebuilt. Create side cores on molds. Exclude features from being rebuilt.
2 years ago
Check for sharp edges, sliver faces, discontinuous geometry and more. This affords you the opportunity to fix these issues before finalizing a design. Check a model for insignificant geometry, sliver faces, sharp edges, and discontinuous geometry. Specify search criteria.
2 years ago
Copy and derive a sketch to use the original sketch more than once. A copied sketch is not related to the original, whereas a derived sketch changes if the original sketch every changes. Create a derived sketch that retains the same shape as the original sketch. Copy a sketch. Modify the position and dimensions of a sketch. Create a loft through three profile sketches.
2 years ago
Use the Untrim Surface tool to fill gaps or repair sharp corners or jagged edges by extending a surface along its natural boundaries. Close the gaps in a surface body. Extend a surface body to remove a sharp corner.
4 months ago
Create fillet beads and weld beads in a part. Learn the advantages of and differences between both features. Understand when to use each kind of weld. Create fillet beads and weld beads. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of each feature as well as when to use them. Use intermittent and staggered welds.
1 year ago
Verify that a model is symmetric. This is helpful for splitting a part into the smallest symmetrical body for simulation analysis. Evaluate a model for symmetry. Understand the options and results within the Symmetry Check tool. Split a part into the smallest symmetrical body for use in simulation analysis.
2 years ago