使用「模具分割」指令,環繞分模表面的周長產生互鎖表面,以產生鑄模工具。 儲存模具本體並產生模具的組合件。 從零件檔案產生模具的組合件檔案。 產生模具的爆炸組合件視圖。 使用「模具分割」指令,在模具上產生互鎖表面。

2 年 前
Use the New Avoid Area command on an operation to designate an area not to be machined. Create avoid areas on a face mill operation using the 2D sketches in the part. Examine the avoid areas by expanding the face mill operation.

4 年 前
使用伸長、旋轉和掃出的曲面來產生幾何。 修剪、延伸、縫織和加厚曲面,以完成薄壁模型。 伸長草圖以產生曲面。 圍繞一個軸旋轉草圖,以產生曲面。 將草圖或其他表面作為修剪工具來修剪曲面。 沿路徑掃出開放輪廓以產生曲面。 使用縫織曲面,將多個曲面結合為單一本體。 加厚曲面本體以產生實體本體。

2 年 前
在從其他 CAD 軟體輸入的幾何中找到和診斷問題。 接著使用表面工具維修受損的幾何。 確認重新計算、輸入診斷及檢查圖元,以診斷模型中的問題。 使用「輸入診斷」工具修復失敗面。 刪除失敗面,並使用各種表面工具來重新產生幾何。 顯示曲率並檢查曲率的最小半徑。 刪除和取代圓角,以產生更平滑的混合成果。 延伸、修剪和縫織表面。

2 年 前
The following course relates to the features found in SOLIDWORKS Electrical Schematic, each modules provides insight into how to best leverage the available tools to achieve results. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to https://www.solidworks.com/support/training/training-files to download the complete set of files.

5 月 前
In this course, you will learn how to use SOLIDWORKS Motion to analyze the kinematic or dynamic behavior of your SOLIDWORKS assembly model. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to https://www.solidworks.com/support/training/training-files to download the complete set of files.

5 月 前
In this course, you will learn about what types of dynamic environments exist and the tools available for their simulation. Dynamic problems can be computationally intensive. For that reason, dynamic loads are divided into several basic types. Each will call for a different simulation tool to treat it efficiently. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to https://www.solidworks.com/support/training/training-files to download the complete set of files.

5 月 前
In this course you will learn how to solve fluid flow and heat transfer problems using SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation. SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation is an easy to use computational fluid dynamics software package. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to https://www.solidworks.com/support/training/training-files to download the complete set of files.

5 月 前
The goal of this course is to teach you how to use the Mold Tools in SOLIDWORKS. In addition, manual surface modeling techniques will be introduced which can assist with solving mold making problems. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to https://www.solidworks.com/support/training/training-files to download the complete set of files.

5 月 前
The goal of this course is to explore many of the surfacing features inside SOLIDWORKS. Along with how to create and apply these surfacing features, additional features and methods commonly used in ergonomic and industrial designed models are also introduced. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to https://www.solidworks.com/support/training/training-files to download the complete set of files.

5 月 前
The goal of this course is to teach you to create Weldment parts and drawings in SOLIDWORKS. Weldment functions are designed for modeling structural members and are especially useful for creating frames and woodworking projects. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to https://www.solidworks.com/support/training/training-files to download the complete set of files.

5 月 前
精通介面和常用的功能,成為 SOLIDWORKS Visualize 的專家。 探索介面的四個主要區段,並瞭解如何讓相片品質的射線追蹤充份發揮功能。 探索介面的四個主要區段。 瞭解 Visualize 中的射線追蹤模式。 熟悉攝影機操作快速鍵。 瞭解如何使用整合式 Visualize Cloud Library。

1 年 前
使用 SimulationXpress,套用固定物和負載並定義材質,來分析零件的變形。 隨負載及/或壓力和自訂材質變化。 瞭解如何啟動和執行 SimulationXpress 以分析單一本體零件。 熟悉在設計樹狀結構上使用項目。 瞭解壓力及/或負載只能均勻且一致地套用在面上。 瞭解自訂材質屬性必須精確代表零件材質。

4 年 前
在組合件的現有零組件之間產生彈性軟管路線。編輯軟管路線以容納軟管夾具和圓柱封包。 使用「修復路線」指令和「重新調整不規則曲線路線」選項,來解決任何錯誤。 產生彈性軟管路線。 使用軟管夾具和封包來編輯路線。

2 年 前
從「全景」標籤輕鬆管理所有環境、光線和背景圖,就像虛擬照像館般設定專案的光。 瞭解如何加入和調整 HDR,並將您的模型完美置於背景圖中。 僅使用單一 HDR,就能為您的 CAD 資料設定光。 加入多個 HDR 並在其間切換,以找到您要的光線效果。 為每個 HDR 調整最常使用的設定。 使用背景圖,將您的模型置入任何全景中。

1 年 前
產生除料清單以整理熔接零件中的本體。加入自訂屬性至熔接結構的零組件,使屬性顯示在除料清單中。 與組合件中的 BOM 類似,除料清單也提供熔接成員的細節。 產生和編輯除料清單。 編輯自訂屬性。 編輯熔接零件中的本體材質。

2 年 前
Navigate through all the documents of your inspection project: Move between pages. Zoom In/Out. Hide or show extracted annotations.

1 年 前
Extract information from your 2D drawings using the "Optical Character Recognition" or OCR tool: Read and interpret notes, dimensions and GD&T. Define the operation, classification or method. Highlight key characteristics.

2 年 前
此單元涵蓋使用 SOLIDWORKS MBD 的三項技術摘要。 針對拔模零件: 在拔模表面之間抑制拔模或使用相交幾何,以產生 DimXpert 位置尺寸。 針對鈑金: 針對鈑金零件的平板型式使用個別的模型組態。 使用參考尺寸標註鈑金彎折線之間的尺寸。 針對熔接結構: 使用除料清單顯示熔接結構之結構成員的尺寸。 將 3D 註解加入熔接結構並套用熔接符號。

4 年 前
SOLIDWORKS Routing is a unique application that combines the power of standard SOLIDWORKS files and features, such as parts, assemblies, drawings, and 3D sketches with routing-specific files like routing components and route sub-assemblies, to model 3D routed systems. This course focuses on the fundamental skills, concepts, and techniques central to creating and editing electrical routes. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to https://www.solidworks.com/support/training/training-files to download the complete set of files.

5 月 前
使用「自由形態」功能調整面外部和內部的形狀,以產生有機物特徵。 使用控制曲線和控制點來修改面,以產生曲線設計。 使用「自由形態」功能產生有機物質感的形狀。 產生控制曲線和控制點。 使用控制曲線、控制點和三度空間參考,使面變形。 編輯草圖,使自由形態網格線依循要變形的面形狀。

1 年 前
When significant structural deformations, high stresses or complex contacts exist in applications, limitations of the static linear study are likely going to be reached. In such situations nonlinear computational algorithms need to be utilized. In this course, you will learn about the basic types of nonlinearities, and how to approach their solutions. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to https://www.solidworks.com/support/training/training-files to download the complete set of files.

5 月 前