In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of the SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional Application Programming Interface (API). The API is used to automate tasks as well as to add functionality to a SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional vault through the creation of standalone programs and add-in applications.
6 年 前
The goal of this course is to explore many of the surfacing features inside SOLIDWORKS. Along with how to create and apply these surfacing features, additional features and methods commonly used in ergonomic and industrial designed models are also introduced.
4 年 前
The goal of this course is to teach you the fundamental skills and concepts of routing including how to create piping, tubing, electrical ducting, cable tray, and HVAC routes.
4 年 前
The goal of this course is to introduce you to the SOLIDWORKS Application Programming Interface (API). The API is used to automate redundant and lengthy design tasks using SOLIDWORKS software and to create completed engineering applications that can run both inside and outside of the SOLIDWORKS application.
4 年 前
瞭解如何將組合件輸入 SOLIDWORKS Treehouse,然後修改組合件。 編輯組合件中零組件的自訂屬性、數量和抑制狀態。 在 SOLIDWORKS Treehouse 中將子組合件和零件新增至組合件。 在 SOLIDWORKS 中開啟組合件,並檢閱在 SOLIDWORKS Treehouse 中所做的修改。
4 年 前
Import 2D PDFs or 2D/3D CAD Files to start creating your inspection reports: Import additional files. Navigate between all the files of your project. Organize your project.
4 年 前
Define default tolerance values to ensure manufactured product falls within specification as drawings often don't have explicit tolerance values associated with them: Manually edit tolerance value. Set default tolerances.
4 年 前
Customize your inspection projects balloons to highlight different aspect of your parts or different classifications: Change the color, text size, and balloon shape. Add/Remove prefix and suffix. Set balloon customization at the document level or in a template.
4 年 前
Digger 工具是 SOLIDWORKS Composer 的一項專利技術,它能讓您放大檢視零件、建立細部放大圖並淡出全景,以查看內部零組件和機械結構。Digger 工具能讓使用者輕易的為組合件的內部零組件創建出細部放大圖,無須在組合件中手動隱藏全景。此外,該工具可以將零件或組合件的特定部位放大,幫助使用者更好判斷全景和組合件。 在本課程您還會看到如何使用 Digger 工具來為組合件的外部和部分內部區域創建出多個細部放大圖。
4 年 前
由於向量圖形可以在不扭曲影像的清況下進行縮放,當試圖將影像插入其它文件 (例如 PDF 或 Word 文檔) 時,向量圖形非常好用。向量影像看起來清晰且專業,也非常適用於行銷用途。 本課程中,您會看到在此爆炸視圖中加入細部放大圖,並為它們建立出向量影像。
4 年 前
Use the New Avoid Area command on an operation to designate an area not to be machined. Create avoid areas on a face mill operation using the 2D sketches in the part. Examine the avoid areas by expanding the face mill operation.
4 年 前
Use the Coordinate System command to define and assign a Fixture Coordinate System for the active machine. Select the method for defining coordinate system. Define and select a coordinate system. Examine the option for creating a SOLIDWORKS coordinate system.
4 年 前
Create operation plans to define the tools and operations for machining the parts features. Generate operation plans for all machinable features. Review the operations in the CAM Operation Tree. Examine an individual operation strategy, tool selection and operation information. Review and resolve operation warnings.
4 年 前
Create operation plans to define the tools and operations for machining the parts features. Generate operation plans for all machinable features. Review the operations in the CAM Operation Tree. Examine an individual operation strategy, tool selection and operation information. Review and resolve operation warnings.
4 年 前
Run a toolpath simulation to examine material removal. Run a toolpath simulation. Control the toolpath simulation. Utilize display options.
4 年 前
Reorder operations manually to optimize the machining workflow. Perform manual operation reordering via drag and drop. Reorder multiple features using multiselect.
4 年 前
Use the Sort Operations command to automatically reorder operations. Examine sort operations process options. Set sort by order for operation type.
4 年 前
Use the Edit Definition command to modify roughing operations. Change pocketing pattern. Set side parameters. Set depth parameters.
4 年 前
Duplicate dimensions are often grouped together on a drawing but might need to be inspected separately: Extract and identify the quantity. Change the quantity. List characteristics separately.
4 年 前
It is important, when creating an inspection report, that the items are ballooned in the correct order. Also numbering schemes can help quickly identify characteristics: Change the order of the characteristics. Define balloon sequences. Manually change a balloon number.
4 年 前
此單元涵蓋 3D PDF 範本編輯器。零組件包括:文字類型、BOM 表格、模型區域,以及 3D PDF 視圖縮圖標籤。 針對零件: 變更範本標誌。 將自訂屬性從「範本編輯器」對應至 SOLIDWORKS。 針對組合件: 將現有「主題」資料夾加入「發佈至 3D PDF」對話方塊。 發佈及使用 3D PDF 及 eDrawing 檔案。
4 年 前
Use the Edit Definition command to optimize a roughing operation to increase toolpath efficiency and reduce machine cycle time. Modify the optimization of a rough mill operation. Set optimization method to shortest path. Set start point options. Simulate the toolpath to examine results.
4 年 前
此單元說明 SOLIDWORKS MBD 概要。 其中涵蓋在 3D 中定義模型、擷取 3D 視圖,以及發佈 3D PDF 和 eDrawing 檔案等程序。 瞭解如何將產品及製造資訊 (PMI) 加入 3D 模型。 使用「複製排列特徵」工具產生集合的複製排列。 熟悉 3D PDF 範本編輯器。 如何發佈 3D PDF。 如何發佈 eDrawing 檔案。
4 年 前
瞭解組合件中的 DimXpert,以針對組合件環境中的整體大小和安裝介面定義尺寸及公差。 組合件支援零件中的所有現有 DimXpert 功能。 使用「自動尺寸配置」來定義安裝鑽孔間距。 使用「位置」及「大小」尺寸工具,來定義鑽孔大小及組合件特徵尺寸與公差。 套用手動基本尺寸。 選擇邊線而不是面,以便更容易定義。 每次移動滑鼠都放置尺寸,就像在 2D 工程圖或草圖中一樣。 自動更新旗標註解。 在每個特徵控制框架顯示座標系統。
4 年 前