Use Volume features to recognize geometry that does not match any other feature type. The volume feature can be replaced with a standard SOLIDWORKS feature. Recognize volume features. Recognize boss and cut revolve features. Use the Up To Face option with cut extrudes. Replace volume features with standard cut features. Edit the mapped features.

Learn about how SOLIDWORKS Simulation can help you analyze the nonlinear static structural behavior of your part and assembly models. Review the basic functionality, review the difference between small linear displacement and large nonlinear displacement, use force control and displacement control methods, and see the effects of material nonlinearity and mesh quality on the stress results.

SustainabilityXpress 可以估算模型所产生的碳足迹、生命周期中所消耗的能量、空气酸化和水体富营养化。 将分析诸如已使用材料、制造流程、制造区域、使用区域和寿命终结等信息。 了解不同的材料和制造流程如何影响设计的环境影响。 指定产品使用信息以确定运输和寿命终结值。 了解环境影响图表中显示的信息。 了解如何设置环境影响基准以将更改与其进行比较。 生成 Sustainability 输出报告。

使用方程式计算材料明细表中的值。 使用各种函数(如 IF、AVERAGE、COUNT 等等)来计算数据。 通过用数量乘以单位成本来计算总成本。 确定装配体中所有部件的总成本。

Learn different ways to manage drawings in DraftSight. How to create a new drawing Create a custom template Export a drawing to a PDF Save and reserve a drawing in the 3DEXPERIENCE

了解 SOLIDWORKS Professional Advanced 钣金认证考试。 了解获取认证所需掌握的一些 SOLIDWORKS 技能。 完成考试示例中的一些问题。