The goal of this course is to teach you the fundamental skills and concepts of routing including how to create piping, tubing, electrical ducting, cable tray, and HVAC routes. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to to download the complete set of files.

SOLIDWORKS Routing is a unique application that combines the power of standard SOLIDWORKS files and features, such as parts, assemblies, drawings, and 3D sketches with routing-specific files like routing components and route sub-assemblies, to model 3D routed systems. This course focuses on the fundamental skills, concepts, and techniques central to creating and editing electrical routes. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to to download the complete set of files.

In this course, you will learn how SOLIDWORKS Plastics can be used to solve many of the common issues that affect plastic part designers and mold makers. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to to download the complete set of files.

In this course, you will learn how to use SOLIDWORKS Motion to analyze the kinematic or dynamic behavior of your SOLIDWORKS assembly model. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to to download the complete set of files.

In this course you will learn how to solve fluid flow and heat transfer problems using SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation. SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation is an easy to use computational fluid dynamics software package. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to to download the complete set of files.

This course teaches you how to manage SOLIDWORKS files while introducing the SOLIDWORKS file structure, file references, saving files, and file associativity. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to to download the complete set of files.

The following course relates to the features found in SOLIDWORKS Electrical Schematic, each modules provides insight into how to best leverage the available tools to achieve results. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to to download the complete set of files.

The goal of this course is to teach you to create sheet metal parts, flat patterns and drawings in SOLIDWORKS. Sheet metal design functions and techniques are useful for creating sheet metal parts to enclose or house product designs. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to to download the complete set of files.

The goal of this course is to teach you how to use the Mold Tools in SOLIDWORKS. In addition, manual surface modeling techniques will be introduced which can assist with solving mold making problems. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to to download the complete set of files.

In this course, you will learn the fundamentals of the SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional Application Programming Interface (API). The API is used to automate tasks as well as to add functionality to a SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional vault through the creation of standalone programs and add-in applications. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to to download the complete set of files.

The goal of this course is to introduce you to the SOLIDWORKS Application Programming Interface (API). The API is used to automate redundant and lengthy design tasks using SOLIDWORKS software and to create completed engineering applications that can run both inside and outside of the SOLIDWORKS application. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to to download the complete set of files.

The Manufacturing Definition Creator role provides users with the xDrawing app and the resources to fully annotate and share product manufacturing information. This role includes the flexibility to annotate products using model based definition as well as 2D drawings.

Introduction to the material nonlinearity, namely metal plasticity. Effect of mesh quality on the quality of the numerical stress results. Solve problem with linear small displacement solution and identify a need for the nonlinear solution due to high stress. Define nonlinear study boundary conditions and loads. Define nonlinear material model with von Mises plasticity. Use simplified bi-linear plasticity material model. Review the stress and displacement results at various times. Study effect of mesh quality on the quality of the stress results. Use the mesh sectioning feature to review stress distribution within the bodies.

Introduction to the force control and displacement control methods in nonlinear module. Experience and resolve solution instabilities when solving nonlinear problems. Define nonlinear study boundary conditions and loads. Stabilize force control method to arrive to a final solution. Solve the problem using the displacement control method. Adjust boundary conditions for the displacement control method. Compare nonlinear results from the force control, and the displacement control methods.

Review the difference between small displacement linear, and large displacement nonlinear analyses. Introduce the concept of time curves, and discuss basic options. Solve small displacement linear analysis to demonstrate inaccurate solution. Define a nonlinear simulation study. Use time curves to control variation of the nonlinear loading. Use fixed increment stepping, and autostepping stepping procedures to solve the nonlinear problem. Postprocess results of the nonlinear simulation. Compare results from nonlinear studies with various setup parameters.

Review the basic functionality of the SOLIDWORKS Nonlinear module. Show activation of SOLIDWORKS Simulation Add-In. Learn three basic nonlinear phenomena in engineering calculations. Review of control methods available in the module. Review of basic material models available in the module.

3D Creator is a role on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform that contains the xDesign app for 3D modeling. You can quickly get started with creating a new physical product, sketching, adding features, creating reference geometry, using patterns, editing models, and creating assemblies. In addition, you can learn about the flexibility of super features, working with multibody parts, and using direct editing tools.

Learn about the basics of using a Structure System to create structures.

Understand what a connection element is and its role in a weldments part. Learn various types of connection elements and how to define and insert them in a structure. Learn how to define a connection element Insert a connection element Edit and modify the inserted connection element

Learn to shorten, extend, or add corner treatments to a structure using the Corner Management tool. Learn to trim and extend structural members. Add simple and complex corner treatments.

Use the Property Tab Builder stand-alone utility to build a customized user interface, or ‘tab’, and add file properties. Create Custom or Configuration Properties. Choose from seven different types of controls. Take data from external sources such as text or Excel files.

Add new non-graphic properties to fully describe a SOLIDWORKS part, assembly, or drawing. Add Custom Properties using user-defined text and SOLIDWORKS special properties. Understand the downstream uses of properties in drawing annotations and tables. Use properties to select assembly components.

Easily manage your data and product lifecycle in the cloud, helping you to increase business agility and bring innovative products to market faster.

Use Modify Configurations options to create and manage configurations in user-defined tables. Configure sketch and feature dimensions with Configure Dimension. Use Configure Feature to configure suppression of features. Configure the part material with Configure Materials. And, use Configure Component to configure the component suppression, fixed state, and configuration.