Understand the prerequisites of the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional exam. Learn what you can do to best prepare for the CSWP exam. Identify the areas of the SOLIDWORKS software that you should study.
2 years ago
Learn about the segments that make up the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional exam. Identify the three segments of the exam: Part Modeling, Configurations and Part Modifications, and Assembly Modeling. Understand that you can take each segment as many times as necessary, after a waiting period between attempts has elapsed.
2 years ago
Understand the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional exam. Identify the benefits of becoming certified. Learn about some of the SOLIDWORKS skills you need to achieve certification.
2 years ago
This lesson contains exercises so you can improve your proficiency with Additional Tools before taking the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) exam. The additional tools include reference geometry, configurations, making changes to a model, and more. There are 10 practice exercises for Additional Tools so this is the second of two lessons containing these exercises.
2 years ago
This lesson contains exercises so you can improve your proficiency with Additional Tools before taking the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) exam. The additional tools include reference geometry, configurations, making changes to a model, and more. There are 10 practice exercises for Additional Tools so this is the second of two lessons containing these exercises.
2 years ago
This lesson contains exercises so you can improve your proficiency with Assemblies before taking the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) exam.
2 years ago
This lesson contains exercises so you can improve your proficiency with Features and Parts before taking the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) exam. There are 12 practice exercises for Features and Parts so this is the second of two lessons containing these exercises.
2 years ago
This lesson contains exercises so you can improve your proficiency with Features and Parts before taking the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) exam. There are 12 practice exercises for Features and Parts so this is the first of two lessons containing these exercises.
2 years ago
This lesson contains exercises so you can improve your proficiency with Sketching before taking the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) exam.
2 years ago