瞭解如何使用「疲勞」模組在重複的負載條件下分析結構。 套用 S-N 曲線至材質,以進行重複的負載分析。 套用修正係數以取得更貼近現實情況的結果。 檢視損害繪圖以分析材質壽命。
4 月 前
Introduction to the material nonlinearity, namely metal plasticity. Effect of mesh quality on the quality of the numerical stress results. Solve problem with linear small displacement solution and identify a need for the nonlinear solution due to high stress. Define nonlinear study boundary conditions and loads. Define nonlinear material model with von Mises plasticity. Use simplified bi-linear plasticity material model. Review the stress and displacement results at various times. Study effect of mesh quality on the quality of the stress results. Use the mesh sectioning feature to review stress distribution within the bodies.
3 年 前