The Hole Series feature adds holes to multiple components in an assembly. Unlike a typical assembly feature, the Hole Series adds part-level features to the individual components. Create a Hole Series feature in an assembly. Create a Hole Series feature from an existing hole feature. Understand the difference between the Hole Series feature and a typical assembly feature.
1 year ago
The Belt/Chain assembly feature links idlers, pulleys, or sprockets together to achieve the intended rotation of several components simultaneously. Optionally, you can create a belt or chain component part. Select edges of pulleys and idlers for a belt/chain assembly feature. Set the properties of a belt/chain assembly feature.
1 year ago
The Copy with Mates command copies existing components along with their mates. New references can be selected for the new mates to allow for modified placement. Use the Copy with Mates command to create new instances of components along with their mates. Understand when mate references for the copied mates are repeated. Understand when some of the copied mates require new mate references.
1 year ago
Define mated entities and mate types for components that you use frequently. When you add the component to the assembly, some mates can automatically be added for you. Define the mate entities and mate types for a frequently used component. Add a component with mate references to an assembly. Select the configuration of a component that you drag into an assembly.
1 year ago
Center a component relative to two faces of a groove using a width mate. Add a width mate to center a component relative to two faces of another component. Understand the degrees of freedom that are constrained by a width mate.
1 year ago
Constrain a point or a vertex of a component to a path in an assembly. Then, control the pitch, yaw, and roll of the component as it moves along the path. Specify the entities for a path mate. Edit a path mate to control pitch, yaw, and roll of the component.
1 year ago
The linear coupler mate links the translation of one component to the translation of another component. The translation occurs along an axis you define relative to the assembly origin or a reference component. Select the faces and reference components to define a linear coupler mate. Set the ratio of motion of one component relative to another.
1 year ago
Add each of the six mechanical mate types to control the degrees of freedom of components when designing mechanisms. Mate a cylinder, plane, or point to a series of tangent faces with a cam follower mate. Limit the rotational movement between two components with a hinge mate. Move one component linearly to move another component rotationally with a rack and pinion mate. Add a pitch relation between the rotation of one component and the translation of another with a screw mate. Rotate two components relative to one another with a gear mate or a universal joint mate.
1 year ago
Use the Assembly Visualization tool to display, sort, and select components by property. Navigate the assembly visualization pane to sort or group components. Change the color of components to improve visualization in the graphics area. Add custom columns to the assembly visualization pane. Export the information in the assembly visualization pane.
1 year ago
Define sensors to monitor specific properties of a model and alert you if a value is outside a range you specify. Add a sensor to monitor property values. Set up an alert to notify you if the property value is outside acceptable limits.
1 year ago
Large Design Review mode offers faster performance and enhanced visual features while limiting access to details of constituent parts and subassemblies. Large Design Review mode is ideal for visual presentations, rough measurements, and section views. Open an assembly in Large Design Review mode. Review the available tools and features in Large Design Review mode. Explore the limitations of Large Design Review mode.
1 year ago
Add fasteners from the Toolbox library to the hole wizard holes and cylindrical cuts on selected faces or to an entire assembly. Add a sensor to monitor property values. Set up an alert to notify you if the property value is outside acceptable limits. Automatically add fasteners to an assembly. Edit the settings for the default fasteners. Edit existing fasteners. Add washers and nuts to secure fasteners.
1 year ago
Create smart components by selecting components and features in a defining assembly. Then, insert smart components into an assembly to add the components and create the features. Create smart components in a defining assembly. Insert smart components into an assembly to create components and features. Select reference faces for the features of a smart component.
1 year ago
Select components according to their position relative to assembly envelopes and hide, suppress, or delete the selected components. Utilize assembly envelopes as reference components that are ignored by bills of materials and mass property calculations. Convert components to assembly envelopes. Select components based on their position relative to an assembly envelope. Hide or show components selected using an assembly envelope.
1 year ago
Insert features in an assembly that exist only in the assembly and not the individual part files. Add a Hole Wizard assembly feature. Create an assembly feature cut to act as a section view. Modify the feature scope to determine which parts are affected by the assembly feature.
1 year ago
Create references between parts in the assembly using external references. Understand the difference between in-context and out-of-context external references. Lock, unlock, and break external references to stop the propagation of design changes.
1 year ago
Replace one component with another in an assembly. Replace selected instances of a component in an assembly with a new part. Optionally, re-attach mates to simplify the insertion of the replacement component.
1 year ago
Add additional components to the assembly for the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional sample exam. Download and insert components into the assembly. Add mates to position the components. Move the components using Collision Detection. Measure the angle between two edges.
1 year ago
Automatically create a piping route between connections. You choose from one of many possible routes. You can specify that the route goes around model geometry or through reference geometry. Drag and drop flanges. Create a new piping route. Create route geometry using auto-route. View multiple route solutions. Evaluate route solutions.
1 year ago
Make changes to route geometry using 3D sketches. Edit routes by deleting, trimming, and adding sketch geometry. Delete existing fittings and add replacements fittings. Edit existing routes. Delete existing fittings. Add replacement fittings.
1 year ago
Create flexible tubing routes between existing components in an assembly. Edit tubing routes to accomodate tubing clips and cylindrical envelopes. Use the Repair Route command and the Re-route Spline option to resolve any errors. Create flexible tube routes. Edit routes using tubing clips and envelopes.
1 year ago
Understand the characteristics of a large assembly, how SOLIDWORKS opens an assembly, and what can cause it to slow down. Also, a quick look at some possible solutions. Explore what makes a large assembly. Learn the sequence of steps SOLIDWORKS uses to open an assembly. Discover some common large assembly slowdowns.
1 year ago
Compare opening an assembly using each of the three assembly modes: Resolved, Lightweight, and Large Design Review. Discover the differences between each mode. Examine the best use for each mode and how to use them. Understand the options when switching between modes.
1 year ago
This is an introduction to some of the assembly techniques that can further reduce the time required to open and edit your large assembly. Learn the advantages of using assembly techniques. Examine some details about each technique. Understand how the testing tool Assembly Visualization can help you find components that need to be simplified.
1 year ago