Use the Property Tab Builder stand-alone utility to build a customized user interface, or ‘tab’, and add file properties. Create Custom or Configuration Properties. Choose from seven different types of controls. Take data from external sources such as text or Excel files.

「與結合一起複製」指令會複製現有零組件及其結合。 可針對新結合選擇新參考,以允許修改放置。 使用「與結合一起複製」指令產生零組件的新副本及其結合。 瞭解所複製結合的結合參考何時重複。 瞭解部分複製的結合何時需要新的結合參考。

瞭解如何將組合件輸入 SOLIDWORKS Treehouse,然後修改組合件。 編輯組合件中零組件的自訂屬性、數量和抑制狀態。 在 SOLIDWORKS Treehouse 中將子組合件和零件新增至組合件。 在 SOLIDWORKS 中開啟組合件,並檢閱在 SOLIDWORKS Treehouse 中所做的修改。

探索 SOLIDWORKS Treehouse 的使用者介面,這個組合件結構規劃工具適合管理階層和設計人員使用。 瀏覽使用者介面以探索如何使用 SOLIDWORKS Treehouse。 為具有零件和工程圖的新組合件產生結構。

Compare opening an assembly using each of the three assembly modes: Resolved, Lightweight, and Large Design Review. Discover the differences between each mode. Examine the best use for each mode and how to use them. Understand the options when switching between modes.

Take advantage of selected global and local settings, techniques, and tips that can lead to faster assemblies. Examine helpful settings in System Options and Document Properties. Understand how to work with large assembly FeatureManager design trees. Learn a few tips to speed up view manipulations.