Create a cut list to organize the bodies in a weldment part. Add custom properties to the components of a weldment structure so the propertie appear in the cut list. Similar to a BOM in an assembly, the cut list provides details of the weldment members. Create and edit a cut list. Edit custom properties. Edit the material of the bodies in a weldment part.

Learn to create structural members and pipes for weldments models from an existing sketch. Explore how to properly trim adjoining members and create bends or welded elbows. Create weldment pipes from an existing sketch. Learn to properly group pipes to create proper trimming at corners. View cut-list properties for a specific pipe.

Learn to use a grid system, which is a type reference geometry, to represent a skeleton of structural members. Create a grid system to represent the center lines of structural members.

A structural member profile is a cross-section of a beam, tube, channel, or other structural member type. Sweeping this profile along segments of a layout sketch creates the structural member\'s geometry. There are full collections of profiles and sizes available for download, and it is also possible to create customized profiles. Learn how to access the additional content for standard structural member profile sizes. Create a custom weldment profile by saving a sketch as a Library Feature Part. Use the Structural Member command to create a structural member from a structural member profile. Use the Locate Profile option to choose a sketch point for aligning a structural member.

Use the Property Tab Builder stand-alone utility to build a customized user interface, or ‘tab’, and add file properties. Create Custom or Configuration Properties. Choose from seven different types of controls. Take data from external sources such as text or Excel files.

Understand what a connection element is and its role in a weldments part. Learn various types of connection elements and how to define and insert them in a structure. Learn how to define a connection element Insert a connection element Edit and modify the inserted connection element

Learn about the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Advanced Weldments exam. Understand some of the SOLIDWORKS skills you need to achieve certification. Review some of the questions from the sample exam.

Detail a weldments model using a cut list table and import weld information from the model into a drawing view. Add and modify a cut list table. Import weld information from a model into a drawing view.

Structure System is an advanced weldment environment that lets you create and modify structural members of different profiles in a single feature. Add primary members using sketches, points, edges, reference planes, and surfaces. Add secondary members using primary members and reference planes.

Create a cut list to organize the bodies in a structure part. Add custom properties to the components of a structure so the properties appear in the cut list. Create and edit a cut list. Edit custom properties. Edit the material of the bodies in a structure.

Learn to shorten, extend, or add corner treatments to a structure using the Corner Management tool. Learn to trim and extend structural members. Add simple and complex corner treatments.

Utilize sheet metal and weldment features in one part using a multibody part. Use fillet and weld beads on sheet metal parts. Create a sheet metal fixture on a weldments part. Use filllet beads and weld beads on a sheet metal part.

Utilize cut list properties for multibody sheet metal parts. Assign custom properties to the individual sheet metal bodies. Create a customized cut list table for the sheet metal part.

Create fillet beads and weld beads in a part. Learn the advantages of and differences between both features. Understand when to use each kind of weld. Create fillet beads and weld beads. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of each feature as well as when to use them. Use intermittent and staggered welds.

Create a weldment frame from a series of layout sketches. The weldment environment uses standard weldment profiles to define the type of structural members in the weldment. Members of the same type and size are created in one feature. Create a weldment frame. Insert structural members. Relocate the profile sketch. Change corner treatments.

Learn to shorten, extend, or add corner treatments to weldment models using the Trim/Extend command. Learn to trim and extend structural members in a weldment model. Learn to optimize selections for trimming to minimize rebuild time and interference issues. Add corner treatments where two members meet in a weldment model.

Learn about the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Advanced Weldments exam. Understand some of the SOLIDWORKS skills you need to achieve certification. Review some of the questions from the sample exam.

Learn how SOLIDWORKS PDM displays BOM types in the Windows Explorer interface.