Prepare SOLIDWORKS geometry for Flow Simulation analysis. Create lids manually. Create lids using the Lid Creation tool. Check if the geometry is water tight for internal flow analysis. Detect leaks in improperly sealed geometry.

Learn about SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation software. View sample applications from the real world. View sample real world examples where the software was used.

Build the SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation project. Use Wizard to define Flow Simulation project. Define boundary conditions. Define goals. Mesh the model geometry.

Mesh the Flow Simulation geometry using automated meshing approach. Understand the Basic mesh, and Initial mesh concepts. Control the Global Initial mesh refinement level. Analyze the Minimum Gap Size feature value as the project settings change. Plot mesh on cut plots.

Run SOLIDWORKS Flow simulation and monitor it. Postprocess Flow simulation results. Launch the SOLIDWORKS Flow simulation and monitor it in the solver window. Monitor execution of the simulation in the solver window. Postprocess results using cut plots, surface plots, flow trajectories. Create 2D graphs from the calculated results, extract results on desired geometrical entities.

Mesh the Flow Simulation geometry using manual meshing approach. Control Basic mesh settings. Apply manual mesh setting and options. Define control planes. Define and apply local mesh controls. Plot mesh on cut plots.

Discover FloXpress to perform a first pass fluid flow analysis on a model using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Understand some of the assumptions when using FloXpress. Explore the interface of FloXpress. Walk through

Learn how to set up the CFD analysis in FloXpress. Understand the four pages for setting up an analysis: Check Geometry, Fluids, Flow Inlet, and Flow Outlet.

Discover the SOLIDWORKS Simulation product suite by exploring all of the modules. Analyze heat transfer and fluid flow using SOLIDWORKS Flow. Use Sustainability to reduce the environmental impact of your designs. Explore stress-strain analysis using SOLIDWORKS Simulation. Analyze rigid body dynamics using SOLIDWORKS Motion. View the fill patterns of plastic injected parts using SOLIDWORKS Plastics.

Generate and interpret the results of the CFD analysis using FloXpress. Use the same setup on different configurations of a model. Interpret flow paths that demonstrate the fluid behavior within the enclosed volume of a model.