This module is a SOLIDWORKS MBD overview. It covers the process of defining a model in 3D, capturing 3D Views and publishing a 3D PDF and eDrawings file. Learn how to add Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) to a model in 3D. Create a Collection Pattern using the Pattern Feature tool. Become familiar with the 3D PDF Template Editor. How to publish a 3D PDF. How to publish an eDrawings file.

Discover how to analyze a portion of a larger assembly to save time and to get more accurate results using submodeling. Create a submodel study from a parent study. Discover how loads transfer automatically into a submodel study. Save time and computational resources while maintaining accurate results. Use eDrawings to save the results.

Review the various end condition options for extruded features. Examine the end conditions defined by distance from the sketch: Blind, Through All, and Midplane. Examine the end conditions defined by existing 3D geometry: Up to Next, Up to Vertex, Up to Surface, Offset from Surface, and Up to Body. Identify geometry differences based on the selected end condition.

Create a cavity in mold blocks. Insert a molded part between two mold blocks. Account for shrinkage of the material when creating the cavity. Create an exploded view to show the mold blocks and the molded part.

Insert features in an assembly that exist only in the assembly and not the individual part files. Add a Hole Wizard assembly feature. Create an assembly feature cut to act as a section view. Modify the feature scope to determine which parts are affected by the assembly feature.

Learn how to optimize designs to reduce model weight by varying model dimensions. Apply parameters and constraints to optimize your design to meet goals. Learn how design studies are used with Simulation.

Move the components within a sub-assembly using flexible sub-assemblies. Modify the component properties of a sub-assembly to change it from rigid to flexible. Drag components of a flexible sub-assembly in the main assembly to observe their motion. Learn about the impact that flexible sub-assemblies have on overall assembly performance.

Use the Move/Copy Bodies tool to translate and rotate solid bodies in a part file. Insert one part into another part as a solid body. Copy the solid body multiple times. Move the instances of the copied bodies. Combine the solid bodies into a single, solid body.

Create sketch geometry by tracing pictures in the sketch. Insert, move, rotate, and scale sketch pictures. Sketch splines and arcs on top of the sketch picture. Mirror the sketch geometry about a centerline.

Split a straddle face into two faces along a parting line. Analyze the part with respect to the direction of pull of the mold to determine the best location for the parting line. Use ths Split Line tool to create the parting line.

Use the Move Face and Delete Face tools to modify non-parametric, imported geometry. Increase the size of a model by moving faces of the body. Remove and patch filleted faces of a model by deleting the faces. Increase the diameter of a cylindrical boss by offsetting the cylindrical face.

Break a part into multiple solid bodies using sketches, faces, planes, or surfaces. Split a single bodied part into multiple solid bodies. Save each solid body as a new part. Modify the new parts.

Use both bottom-up and top-down assembly modeling design techniques to insert and modify components in an assembly. Insert components into an assembly using a bottom-up approach. Modify a component using a top-down approach. Create a new component using a top-down approach.