Use the Tooling Split command to create interlock surfaces around the perimeter of the parting surfaces to create mold tooling. Save mold bodies and create assemblies of molds. Create assembly files for mold from part files. Create exploded assembly view of mold. Create interlocking surfaces on molds using the tooling split command.

Use extruded, revolved, and swept surfaces to create geometry. Trim, extend, knit, and thicken the surfaces to finish the thin-walled model. Extrude a sketch to create a surface. Revolve a sketch about an axis to create a surface. Trim a surface using a sketch or another surface as the trim tool. Sweep an open profile along a path to create a surface. Combine multiple surfaces into a single body using knit surfaces. Thicken a surface body to create a solid body.

Locate and diagnose problems in geometry imported from other CAD software. Then, use surface tools to repair the damaged geometry. Diagnose problems in a model with verification on rebuild, import diagnostics, and check entity. Heal faulty faces using the import diagnostics tool. Delete faulty faces and use various surface tools to re-create the geometry. Display curvature and check the minimum radius of curvature. Delete and replace fillets to create smoother blends. Extend, trim, and knit surfaces.

Use SimulationXpress to analyze deformation of parts by applying fixtures and loads and defining materials. Vary load and/or pressure and customize materials. Learn to start and run SimulationXpress to analyze a single body part. Get comfortable working with items on design tree. Understand that pressure and/or load can be applied only to faces uniformly and constantly. Understand that custom materials properties must accurately represent part materials.

Compare the geometry of two parts to find face and volumetric differences. It is particularly useful for comparisons to imported geometry. Find differences in the geometry of similar parts. Find differences in the volumes of similar parts.

Create flexible tubing routes between existing components in an assembly. Edit tubing routes to accomodate tubing clips and cylindrical envelopes. Use the Repair Route command and the Re-route Spline option to resolve any errors. Create flexible tube routes. Edit routes using tubing clips and envelopes.

Create a cut list to organize the bodies in a weldment part. Add custom properties to the components of a weldment structure so the propertie appear in the cut list. Similar to a BOM in an assembly, the cut list provides details of the weldment members. Create and edit a cut list. Edit custom properties. Edit the material of the bodies in a weldment part.

Use the Freeform feature to create organic features by adjusting the outward and inward shape of a face. Modify faces using control curves and control points to create curvilinear designs. Use the Freeform feature to create a shape with an organic feel. Create control curves and control points. Deform a face using control curves, control points, and the triad. Edit a sketch to make the freeform grid follow the shape of the face to be deformed.

Learn to create structural members and pipes for weldments models from an existing sketch. Explore how to properly trim adjoining members and create bends or welded elbows. Create weldment pipes from an existing sketch. Learn to properly group pipes to create proper trimming at corners. View cut-list properties for a specific pipe.

Paste or \"paint\" the properties of an existing feature onto other features. The features may be in the same part or a another part. Copy and paste feature properties from one feature to another.

Create display states to control the visibility and display style of components. Display states can be linked to configurations of an assembly. Display states can control hide/show state, display mode, appearance, and transparency of components. Add display states to an assembly. Modify visual properties of components with display states. Explore component selection techniques. Use the display pane. Open an assembly to a specific configuration and display state. Link display states to configurations.

Explore the Edge Flange feature, including edge selection, bend direction, and other pertinent options. Create an edge flange. Learn and understand the different options for edge flange.

Add a jog to an existing flange. A jog adds material to a sheet metal part by creating two bends and a flat from a sketch line. The mirror feature adds symmetry in sheet metal designs. Add a jog to an existing flange. Incorporate symmetry in sheet metal designs. Position a jog.

Determine if proper draft exists in a part to be molded. Without proper draft, the part may fail to successfully eject from the mold. Evaluate draft on a molded part. Examine the different classes of drafted faces.

Explore the differences between solid and surface bodies and learn why surface modeling can be a solution to challenging modeling tasks. Understand the difference between a surface and solid body in SOLIDWORKS. Learn why surface modeling should be used.

SustainabilityXpress estimates a models carbon footprint, energy consumed during its lifecycle, Air acidification, and water eutrophication. Information is analyzed such as the material used, maufcturing process, manufacturing region, use region, and end of life. Explore how different materials and manufacturing processes affect the environmental impact for a design Specify product use information to determine values for transportation and end of life. Understand the information displayed in the Environmental Impact charts. Learn how to set an environmental impact baseline to compare changes to. Generate a report of the Sustainability output.

Create a side core with draft from sketches on molds with trapped molding areas. Use feature freeze bar to exclude features from being rebuilt. Create side cores on molds. Exclude features from being rebuilt.

Create and modify splines using spline points, relations, control polygons, and spline handles. Splines can have multiple spline points or as few as two spline points. Sketch with splines. Edit the number of spline points. Modify the shape of splines with relations, control polygons, and spline handles.

A parting line borders the surfaces that belong to the core and the cavity of a mold. Learn to automatically select a parting line or manually select one for more complex models. Learn how to scale parts to adjust for shrinkage. Perform a Draft Analysis to display faces with positive and negative draft. Create a parting line feature manually and automatically.

Learn to use a grid system, which is a type reference geometry, to represent a skeleton of structural members. Create a grid system to represent the center lines of structural members.

Create, edit and save custom routing assembly templates using an existing routing assembly template. Create and save a custom routing assembly template. Specify different drafting standards, units, and other document properties as the defaults that will be used when you create a new route with the custom template.

A multibody sheet metal part has multiple sets of specific sheet metal features in the same feature tree. There are also multiple flat pattern features. The cut list shows each individual body. Learn the process for creating a multibody sheet metal part, and also some of the uses of such a part. Use sheet metal tools to create a new sheet metal body. Use a linear or circular pattern, mirror, or move/copy to duplicate a body. Use Insert Part to add a body into an existing sheet metal part. Divide a sheet metal body into multiple bodies. Learn some of the basic uses of multibody sheet metal design.

Learn to use modeling techniques that allow for efficient transition between part design and delivery of the finished castings. Create a motorcycle gear case by designing the production tooling for the part. Start by designing the core, or the negative space, of the gear case. Design the pattern, or outside faces, of the gear case as a separate solid body. Save the tooling bodies as new part files. Combine the solid bodies, subtracting the core from the pattern. Apply machining features to finish the model.