In this module, you will learn how to collaborate across disciplines with full flexibility and traceability to define and develop innovative products.

In this module, you will learn how to collaborate using the platform’s various applications to deploy a single source of truth collaborative environment for better decision making and operations excellence.

In this module, you will learn how to collaboratively innovate through flexible team-based project planning and execution.

Manufacturing Definition Creator 角色为用户提供 xDrawing 应用程序和资源,可以全面标注和共享产品制造信息。 这个角色让您可以灵活使用基于模型的定义和 2D 工程图对产品进行标注。

3D Creator is a role on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform that contains the xDesign app for 3D modeling. You can quickly get started with creating a new physical product, sketching, adding features, creating reference geometry, using patterns, editing models, and creating assemblies. In addition, you can learn about the flexibility of super features, working with multibody parts, and using direct editing tools.

Easily manage your data and product lifecycle in the cloud, helping you to increase business agility and bring innovative products to market faster.

Learn the basics of using the 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS role, with the SOLIDWORKS Connected app, to creating new, open existing, and saving documents to the platform.

In this module, you will learn how to use 3DLean to improve team meetings animation and boost cross-team collaboration.

DraftSight is a feature-rich CAD tool for every type of design. This course will take you through the basics of DraftSight, from managing drawings with the 3DEXPERIENCE to using core tools that can complete any design and publish to a hard copy of PDF. Learn how to create and modify designs, clarify with dimensions, and use blocks to simplify the drawing content. If you want to learn about how to use DraftSight to do 3D modeling and work with Constraints try the DraftSight 3D Modeling and 2D Constraints Fundamentals and Basic Concepts learning path. After completing the learning path, put your knowledge to the test and showcase your experience by taking the DraftSight Associate Certification.

本学习模块旨在帮助您快速启动和运行 DELMIA Shop Floor Machining 应用程序。本模块将介绍从在 SOLIDWORKS 中准备 CAD 数据到在 DELMIA Shop Floor Machining 中生成 G 代码等所有基础知识。

3D Sculptor 是包含用于 3D 建模的 xShape 应用程序的 3DEXPERIENCE Platform 角色。使用直观的推-拉交互创建复杂曲面。使用图像和草图作为模板创建 3D 曲面建模。完成后,自动将细分曲面转换为几何图形。

Structural Mechanics Engineer 角色入门。了解角色的基础知识,并对零件和装配体执行简单的结构分析。

이 모듈에서는 확장 가능한 환경과 체계적인 애플리케이션을 설정하도록 3DEXPERIENCE Platform on Cloud를 구성하는 방법을 알아봅니다.

In this learning module you will enhance your xDesign skill by solving various CAD problem statements to prepare for the SOLIDWORKS 3D Creator - Associate! Learning is designed for in class assignments as well as users that want to learn more on their own. You will create sketches to apply various features like extruded bosses, cuts, revolves and sweep. You will also define mates to create assemblies of parts.

In this learning module you will enhance your SOLIDWORKS skill by solving various CAD problem statements to prepare for the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate Exam (CSWA)! Learning is designed for in class assignments as well as users that want to learn more on their own. You will create sketches to apply various features like extruded bosses, cuts, revolves and sweep. You will also define mates to create assemblies of parts.

Easily manage your data and product lifecycle in the cloud, helping you to increase business agility and bring innovative products to market faster.

探索云服务学习模块,了解如何将 SOLIDWORKS 连接到 3DEXPERIENCE Platform,从而提供与任何人协作的简便方法。


3D Creator 角色入门。了解 xDesign 应用程序的基础知识,并创建一个简单的零件和装配体。

In this learning path, you will learn how to use the platform management tools and the Platform Manager role to setup and configure the 3DEXPERIENCE platform for SOLIDWORKS users. You will create and configure a design environment, review setup and permissions, map properties, configure revisions, and control lifecycle status.

Are you new to SOLIDWORKS CAD? This brief learning path will help you create your first sketch, part, assembly, and drawing.

The Structural Designer role delivers linear static, natural frequency, buckling and steady-state thermal simulation capabilities for fast and efficient product testing experience. In this learning path, you learn how to access the role and the Linear Structural Validation app. You also learn how to perform a linear static analysis on a part and on an assembly.

SOLIDWORKS includes a suite of specialized tools for surfacing, sheet metal, weldments, mold design, and routing. This learning path provides a brief introduction to these additional areas of the software.

この学習モジュールのレッスンでは、 SOLIDWORKS の部品、アセンブリ、および図面の概要について簡潔に説明します。 ロールバックを使用して部品を調べ、どのように作成されたかを確認します。フィーチャーの順序を変えて、フィーチャー、スケッチ、スケッチ平面を編集します。 アセンブリに部品を追加したり、既存の部品の向きを変更してアセンブリを作成します。合致を追加して構成部品を接続します。 既存の部品ファイルから図面を作成し、基本ビューを追加して、寸法や吹き出しを追加/操作します。