本模块介绍 DimXpert 的高级方法。 它介绍了如何利用多个配置来组织产品制造信息 (PMI)。 了解相交几何图形。 使用自动尺寸方案创建极坐标尺寸。 为组织的 PMI 创建多个配置。 使用复制方案工具将 PMI 从一个配置转移到另一个配置。 将 DimXpert 标注导入到 2D 工程图中。

Use Modify Configurations options to create and manage configurations in user-defined tables. Configure sketch and feature dimensions with Configure Dimension. Use Configure Feature to configure suppression of features. Configure the part material with Configure Materials. And, use Configure Component to configure the component suppression, fixed state, and configuration.

Add new non-graphic properties to fully describe a SOLIDWORKS part, assembly, or drawing. Add Custom Properties using user-defined text and SOLIDWORKS special properties. Understand the downstream uses of properties in drawing annotations and tables. Use properties to select assembly components.