了解如何将装配体导入到 SOLIDWORKS Treehouse 中,然后对该装配体进行修改。 编辑装配体中的部件的自定义属性、数量和压缩状态。 在 SOLIDWORKS Treehouse 中将子装配体和零件添加到装配体。 在 SOLIDWORKS 中打开装配体并检查在 SOLIDWORKS Treehouse 中所做的修改。
Import 2D PDFs or 2D/3D CAD Files to start creating your inspection reports: Import additional files. Navigate between all the files of your project. Organize your project.
Define default tolerance values to ensure manufactured product falls within specification as drawings often don't have explicit tolerance values associated with them: Manually edit tolerance value. Set default tolerances.
Customize your inspection projects balloons to highlight different aspect of your parts or different classifications: Change the color, text size, and balloon shape. Add/Remove prefix and suffix. Set balloon customization at the document level or in a template.
Use the New Avoid Area command on an operation to designate an area not to be machined. Create avoid areas on a face mill operation using the 2D sketches in the part. Examine the avoid areas by expanding the face mill operation.
Use the Coordinate System command to define and assign a Fixture Coordinate System for the active machine. Select the method for defining coordinate system. Define and select a coordinate system. Examine the option for creating a SOLIDWORKS coordinate system.
Create operation plans to define the tools and operations for machining the parts features. Generate operation plans for all machinable features. Review the operations in the CAM Operation Tree. Examine an individual operation strategy, tool selection and operation information. Review and resolve operation warnings.
Create operation plans to define the tools and operations for machining the parts features. Generate operation plans for all machinable features. Review the operations in the CAM Operation Tree. Examine an individual operation strategy, tool selection and operation information. Review and resolve operation warnings.
Run a toolpath simulation to examine material removal. Run a toolpath simulation. Control the toolpath simulation. Utilize display options.
Reorder operations manually to optimize the machining workflow. Perform manual operation reordering via drag and drop. Reorder multiple features using multiselect.
Use the Sort Operations command to automatically reorder operations. Examine sort operations process options. Set sort by order for operation type.
Use the Edit Definition command to modify roughing operations. Change pocketing pattern. Set side parameters. Set depth parameters.
Duplicate dimensions are often grouped together on a drawing but might need to be inspected separately: Extract and identify the quantity. Change the quantity. List characteristics separately.
It is important, when creating an inspection report, that the items are ballooned in the correct order. Also numbering schemes can help quickly identify characteristics: Change the order of the characteristics. Define balloon sequences. Manually change a balloon number.
本模块介绍 3D PDF 模板编辑器。其组件包括:文本类型、材料明细表、模型区域和 3D PDF 视图缩略图选项卡。 对于零件: 更改模板徽标。 从模板编辑器将自定义属性映射到 SOLIDWORKS。 对于装配体: 将现有主题文件夹添加到“发布到 3D PDF”对话框。 发布和使用 3D PDF 和 eDrawings 文件。
Use the Edit Definition command to optimize a roughing operation to increase toolpath efficiency and reduce machine cycle time. Modify the optimization of a rough mill operation. Set optimization method to shortest path. Set start point options. Simulate the toolpath to examine results.
本模块是 SOLIDWORKS MBD 概述。 它介绍了在 3D 中定义模型、捕获 3D 视图以及发布 3D PDF 和 eDrawings 文件的流程。 了解如何在 3D 中将产品制造信息 (PMI) 添加到模型。 使用阵列特征工具创建集合阵列。 熟悉 3D PDF 模板编辑器。 如何发布 3D PDF。 如何发布 eDrawings 文件。
了解装配体中的 DimXpert 在装配体环境中如何定义整体大小和安装接口的尺寸和公差。 零件中的所有现有 DimXpert 功能在装配体中均受支持。 使用自动尺寸方案来定义安装孔间距。 使用位置和大小尺寸工具来定义孔大小与装配体特征尺寸和公差。 应用手动基本尺寸。 选择边线而非面以简化定义。 如同在 2D 工程图或草图中一样,每次移动鼠标时放置尺寸。 自动更新标识注解。 按特征控制框架显示坐标系。
SustainabilityXpress 可以估算模型所产生的碳足迹、生命周期中所消耗的能量、空气酸化和水体富营养化。 将分析诸如已使用材料、制造流程、制造区域、使用区域和寿命终结等信息。 了解不同的材料和制造流程如何影响设计的环境影响。 指定产品使用信息以确定运输和寿命终结值。 了解环境影响图表中显示的信息。 了解如何设置环境影响基准以将更改与其进行比较。 生成 Sustainability 输出报告。