Discover DFMXpress and see how to check the manufacturability of parts for certain manufacturing processes. Set up geometric rule parameters for each type of part. Identify features that may inhibit a part's ability to be manufactured. Review machined, sheet metal, and molded parts.

Use the rules panel to link the captured models to the forms you created for data entry. Utilize logic and math operators to define the rules. Drive the output model and drawing by entering parameters into the form.

Use the form panel to create data entry fields where you can input numeric or text fields to drive the captured items. Understand the types of data entry fields that you can use. Create control parameters to limit the values that you can enter into the data entry fields.

Capture the dimensions, features, custom properties, and configurations to drive the customized output model. Modify parameters of a model while maintaining the design intent of the model. Select components with parameters that you want to capture.

Discover DriveWorksXpress and see how to automate the design process. Create custom variations of a model from a base model. Understand the 5 major steps that DriveWorksXpress requires to drive the database and update the models. Explore the DriveWorksXpress interface.

Learn how to optimize designs to reduce model weight by varying model dimensions. Apply parameters and constraints to optimize your design to meet goals. Learn how design studies are used with Simulation.