Use the New Avoid Area command on an operation to designate an area not to be machined. Create avoid areas on a face mill operation using the 2D sketches in the part. Examine the avoid areas by expanding the face mill operation.

The following course relates to the features found in SOLIDWORKS Electrical Schematic, each modules provides insight into how to best leverage the available tools to achieve results. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to to download the complete set of files.

In this course, you will learn how to use SOLIDWORKS Motion to analyze the kinematic or dynamic behavior of your SOLIDWORKS assembly model. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to to download the complete set of files.

In this course, you will learn about what types of dynamic environments exist and the tools available for their simulation. Dynamic problems can be computationally intensive. For that reason, dynamic loads are divided into several basic types. Each will call for a different simulation tool to treat it efficiently. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to to download the complete set of files.

In this course you will learn how to solve fluid flow and heat transfer problems using SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation. SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation is an easy to use computational fluid dynamics software package. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to to download the complete set of files.

The goal of this course is to teach you how to use the Mold Tools in SOLIDWORKS. In addition, manual surface modeling techniques will be introduced which can assist with solving mold making problems. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to to download the complete set of files.

The goal of this course is to explore many of the surfacing features inside SOLIDWORKS. Along with how to create and apply these surfacing features, additional features and methods commonly used in ergonomic and industrial designed models are also introduced. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to to download the complete set of files.

The goal of this course is to teach you to create Weldment parts and drawings in SOLIDWORKS. Weldment functions are designed for modeling structural members and are especially useful for creating frames and woodworking projects. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to to download the complete set of files.

使用 SimulationXpress 通过应用夹具和载荷并定义材料来分析零件的变形。 改变载荷和/或压力并自定义材料。 了解如何启动并运行 SimulationXpress 以分析单个几何体零件。 您可以在设计树中方便地处理各项目。 了解压力和/或载荷只能均匀连续地应用到面。 了解自定义材料属性必须准确地表示零件材料。

Navigate through all the documents of your inspection project: Move between pages. Zoom In/Out. Hide or show extracted annotations.

Extract information from your 2D drawings using the "Optical Character Recognition" or OCR tool: Read and interpret notes, dimensions and GD&T. Define the operation, classification or method. Highlight key characteristics.

本模块介绍了使用 SOLIDWORKS MBD 的三个技术总结。 对于拔模零件: 通过压缩拔模或使用相交几何图形来在拔模曲面之间创建 DimXpert 位置尺寸。 对于钣金: 为平板型式的钣金零件使用单独的配置。 使用参考尺寸来在钣金折弯线之间标注尺寸。 对于焊件结构: 使用切割清单来为焊件结构的结构构件显示尺寸。 将 3D 注释添加到焊件结构并应用焊件符号。

SOLIDWORKS Routing is a unique application that combines the power of standard SOLIDWORKS files and features, such as parts, assemblies, drawings, and 3D sketches with routing-specific files like routing components and route sub-assemblies, to model 3D routed systems. This course focuses on the fundamental skills, concepts, and techniques central to creating and editing electrical routes. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to to download the complete set of files.

When significant structural deformations, high stresses or complex contacts exist in applications, limitations of the static linear study are likely going to be reached. In such situations nonlinear computational algorithms need to be utilized. In this course, you will learn about the basic types of nonlinearities, and how to approach their solutions. Note Download files for this course are quite large, so we are not able to provide every sample file. If you would like to see more of the demonstration files, you can download the complete set of files for the original book. Go to to download the complete set of files.