Catálogo de treinamento
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Nível de acesso:
Use the New Contain Area command on an operation to restrict toolpaths to a specific area. Copy the face mill operation containing the avoid areas and delete the avoid areas from the copy. Create contain areas on the copied face mill operation using the 2D sketches in the part. Generate a toolpath for the copied face mill operation. Examine the contain areas of the face mill operation.
3 anos atrás
Use the Combine Operations and Link Operation commands to combine like operation types. Combine operations for all like rough and contour mill operations. Drag and drop a hole feature from one center drill operation to a like center drill operation. Link like contour mill operations between two different setups.
3 anos atrás
Use Interactive Feature Regognition (IFR) to manually create a machinable feature. Create a corner slot feature using the 2.5 axis feature command. Review geometry selection options to define the feature. Set the feature end condition. Modify the machining strategy for the feature.
3 anos atrás
Use the Edit Definition command to modify contouring operation leadin and leadout parameters. Modify leadin type. Modify leadin amount and overlap. Modify arc radius and arc angle.
3 anos atrás
Use the edit definition command to modify contouring (finish) operations. Review contour operation parameters. Review side parameters settings. Review feeds and speeds tab.
3 anos atrás
Use Automatic Feature Regognition (AFR) to automatically extract the machinable features to be machined. Set options to define feature types to extract. Review the hole recognition and feature groups options. Review options to automatically generate operations and toolpaths. Extract machineable features and review the features in the CAM Feature Tree.
3 anos atrás
Use the Stock Manager to define the material, stock type and size to machine the part from. Select the stock material. Select stock type to define size and shape. Set the stock size options. View the stock preview.
3 anos atrás
Use the Post Process command to generate NC code from the parts toolpath and operation information. Select the post processor within the machine dialog. Run the Post Process command and set a file name and location for saving. Generate the NC code and select the option to Open G-Code in the SOLIDWORKS CAM NC Editor. Review the NC code within the SOLIDWORKS CAM NC Editor.
3 anos atrás
Use the Machine dialog to define the parameters of the machine tool used to manufacture the part. Set machine properties to select machine type and duty for manufacturing. Select tool crib to be used by machine. Select the post processor used to generate NC code. Set posting parameters for post processor.
3 anos atrás
Use the Edit Definition command to optimize a roughing operation to increase toolpath efficiency and reduce machine cycle time. Modify the optimization of a rough mill operation. Set optimization method to shortest path. Set start point options. Simulate the toolpath to examine results.
4 anos atrás
Use the Edit Definition command to modify roughing operations. Change pocketing pattern. Set side parameters. Set depth parameters.
4 anos atrás
Use the Sort Operations command to automatically reorder operations. Examine sort operations process options. Set sort by order for operation type.
4 anos atrás
Reorder operations manually to optimize the machining workflow. Perform manual operation reordering via drag and drop. Reorder multiple features using multiselect.
4 anos atrás
Run a toolpath simulation to examine material removal. Run a toolpath simulation. Control the toolpath simulation. Utilize display options.
4 anos atrás
Create operation plans to define the tools and operations for machining the parts features. Generate operation plans for all machinable features. Review the operations in the CAM Operation Tree. Examine an individual operation strategy, tool selection and operation information. Review and resolve operation warnings.
4 anos atrás
Create operation plans to define the tools and operations for machining the parts features. Generate operation plans for all machinable features. Review the operations in the CAM Operation Tree. Examine an individual operation strategy, tool selection and operation information. Review and resolve operation warnings.
4 anos atrás
Use the Coordinate System command to define and assign a Fixture Coordinate System for the active machine. Select the method for defining coordinate system. Define and select a coordinate system. Examine the option for creating a SOLIDWORKS coordinate system.
4 anos atrás
Use the New Avoid Area command on an operation to designate an area not to be machined. Create avoid areas on a face mill operation using the 2D sketches in the part. Examine the avoid areas by expanding the face mill operation.
4 anos atrás