Identify interfering components and adjust mates to repair the assembly for the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional sample exam. Find the center of mass of an assembly relative to a coordinate system. Insert and mate a new component. Use the Interference Detection tool to identify interferences between components.

Modify configurations in the part for the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional sample exam. Change the suppression state of features and adjust dimensions in specific configurations. Obtain the mass properties of the part.

Add additional components to the assembly for the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional sample exam. Download and insert components into the assembly. Add mates to position the components. Move the components using Collision Detection. Measure the angle between two edges.

Create the first part for the assembly portion of the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional sample exam. Create a part for the assembly using the views and dimensions on a drawing. Obtain the center of mass of the part based on a reference coordinate system.

Insert features in an assembly that exist only in the assembly and not the individual part files. Add a Hole Wizard assembly feature. Create an assembly feature cut to act as a section view. Modify the feature scope to determine which parts are affected by the assembly feature.

Model parts in the context of an assembly, using references to other components to complete the design. The design intent for new parts (sizes of features, placement of components in the assembly, etc.) comes from other components in the assembly. Build a virtual part in the context of an assembly by employing Top-Down assembly modeling techniques. Create features in the assembly context by referencing geometry in mating parts. Understand InPlace mates and external references. Identify external references in the FeatureManager design tree.

Define mated entities and mate types for components that you use frequently. When you add the component to the assembly, some mates can automatically be added for you. Define the mate entities and mate types for a frequently used component. Add a component with mate references to an assembly. Select the configuration of a component that you drag into an assembly.

Use both bottom-up and top-down assembly modeling design techniques to insert and modify components in an assembly. Insert components into an assembly using a bottom-up approach. Modify a component using a top-down approach. Create a new component using a top-down approach.

When the internal cut features of a model are of most importance in a design, one approach is to create solid features that represent the negative space of a part. Once the negative space is complete, the Combine command can be used to subtract the volume from another solid body. Use solid geometry representing the interior space of a manifold to create the negative space of the part. Create a separate solid body surrounding the geometry as the main body of the manifold. Combine the solid bodies in the part using a subtract operation.

Learn to use modeling techniques that allow for efficient transition between part design and delivery of the finished castings. Create a motorcycle gear case by designing the production tooling for the part. Start by designing the core, or the negative space, of the gear case. Design the pattern, or outside faces, of the gear case as a separate solid body. Save the tooling bodies as new part files. Combine the solid bodies, subtracting the core from the pattern. Apply machining features to finish the model.

Update the parameters that control the overall shape and size of the part for the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional sample exam. Manual edit individual dimensions and globally change the values of variables. Rebuild the model to ensure that all features update correctly.