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in-tech GmbH develops innovative electronic systems that support automation and connectivity for the automotive, industrial, and transportation sectors. The company employs around 1,500 engineers, software developers, and technicians in eight countries. The company’s products include electronic systems that make testing of automotive systems more efficient, accurate, and reliable. Its orangeSwitch, for example, enables automated switching between tests of electronic control units (ECUs).
2 years ago
À la question qu’un journaliste de la rédaction d’Entreprendre lui posait en avril 2016, à savoir « toutes les entreprises peuvent-elles intégrer le design comme levier de développement ? » «Oui !», répondait sans hésiter Anne-Marie Boutin, présidente de l’APCI (Agence pour la promotion de la création industrielle). « Et même, elles le doivent !
3 years ago
CRÉER UNE GÉOMÉTRIE À L’AIDE D’UN VOLUME FERMÉ SUR SOLIDWORKS INSCRIVEZ-VOUS À LA NEWSLETTER FORMEZ-VOUS SUR SOLIDWORKS L’une des fonctionnalités de l’icône de la commande Intersection consiste à créer une géométrie à l’aide d’un volume fermé. Il s’agit d’une méthode simple pour trouver le volume interne de pièces complexes. PREMIÈRE ÉTAPE surface plane solidworks La première étape consiste à obturer toutes les entrées et sorties qui mènent au volume interne. Si vos différentes entrées et
4 years ago
Halloween_1 The witching hour is upon us. Now that it’s October, creepily-costumed children are ready to march the streets paved with the amber glow of candle-lit Jack O’Lanterns. Halloween has steadily become a staple celebration every bit as essential as Christmas and New Year’s Eve. For an annual festivity that’s been around for hundreds of years, it’s about time that technology caught up by putting the digital into the devilish.
4 years ago
Rugby_1 It’s physical, it’s aggressive and it’s hard-hitting. But rugby is also surprisingly gentlemanly. The scrum-tastic scramble to victory is often credited with a nature as friendly as the game is tough. Yet when international rivalries come into play, all that civility can go out of the window.
4 years ago
Alita_1 Science fiction becomes science fact. That is, in itself, a fact. Researchers have long-sought to keep pace with the imagination of writers and creators. Storytelling’s inventive steps have become leaps of reality as the discipline of science endeavours to deliver what is written on the page or projected onto the cinema screen.
4 years ago
What image does the phrase ‘virtual reality’ conjure? Chances are it’s someone in an oversized helmet, clumsily navigating their way through a videogame. Is that right? Well, adjust your expectations.
4 years ago
Plug in. Switch on. Power. Whether reaching for the on button, recharging our devices or brewing the third pot of coffee for the day, our needs demand vast supplies of power.
4 years ago
Weather_1 “Hey Siri – is it going to rain this afternoon?” It’s a fairly regular question to hear these days, especially if the neighbours are preparing a barbecue and your washing needs hanging out. We’re device-deep into the smart age of instantly accessible information, and getting our phones to give us the heads-up on the humidity is very much part of that. Weather forecasting has embraced the digital age, making huge leaps over the past few years.
4 years ago
Furniture_1 Are you sitting comfortably? No really, are you? Since mankind moved out of the Stone Age and onto the chaise lounge, humans have been finding increasingly satisfying ways to park their derrieres. With the digital revolution however, furniture has faced an upgrade that’s more than just updating the upholstery.
4 years ago Outdoor furniture. It sounds almost like a contradiction in terms. However, it’s absolutely essential if you’re to enjoy those long, hazy sun-kissed summer evenings under nature’s canopy. Whether entertaining, lazing or simply grabbing some grub, relaxing in the garden is enriched infinitely by furniture that weathers the storm.
4 years ago
We’ve got smartphones that connect to our smart cars, which we’ll soon be driving around in our smart cities. The information age isn’t limited to leaving your house, however. Home is where the smart is – and no more so than in its heart, the kitchen. Kitchen_1 Appy eater How is the humble home of food preparation pushing science and technology forward?
4 years ago
Basketball_1 Five versus five. Two very high goals. And the bounciest ball in all of team sports. Basketball is one of the most distinctive and instantly recognisable games across the globe.
4 years ago
SOLIDWORKS World 2019 is coming to its final countdown. As you pack up gears, remember to bring several design models. At the SOLIDWORKS booth, in several minutes, Mike Sande and I can help build your own 3D online configurators using SOLIDWORKS Sell, similar to the one as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1.
5 years ago
Clothing: a billion-dollar industry. We all wear clothes, whether you’ve an ounce of fashion sense in your body or not. If sartorial trends aren’t your thing, you may not have noticed that it’s an industry moving fast with the digital age. In fact, fashion’s evolution is positively pelting down the catwalk.
5 years ago
Ernesto Mosqueda Some people do not realize what they’re truly passionate about until much later in their lives. You might think you want to be in a certain industry or field for the rest of your life, until that back fires and you start to loathe your occupation. Fortunately for Ernesto Mosqueda, he found his passion for SOLIDWORKS as an adult, changed his profession, and now has new aspirations on what he wants to do for the rest of his life. Starting at the ages of seven and eight, Ernesto
5 years ago
People. There are over seven and a half billion of them sharing this planet, and over half live in cities. That’s three billion people with transport needs. With our burgeoning population expanding exponentially, the need to re-think urban transportation is crucial.
5 years ago
Before I begin the real topic of this blog, I like to comment on my journey through CAD technology and what I’ve experienced over the last 40+ years in my career. CAD has come a long, long way in my lifetime. Back in the late 1970’s at Xerox, I was introduced to Computer Graphics or CG as we called it back then. CG ran on terminals hooked up to VAX’s to do 3D design using wireframe techniques.
5 years ago
The myth of the lone inventor is one of the most pervasive in our culture; it is also one of the most incorrect. Quintessential lone geniuses such as Edison, Einstein and Tesla were far from recluses. Many of their greatest breakthroughs were born of deeply collaborative relationships with other inventive minds.
5 years ago
The SOLIDWORKS xDesign development team take pride in listening to customer feedback and keeping our promise of continuous improvements and innovation. SOLIDWORKS xDesign is a cloud solution so every time we update the cloud all our users see all the new features become available to you on all your devices immediately. No more manual installs and updates or scheduling downtime to do this tedious task. Combined with enhancements made to core platform capabilities, the latest update of xDesign is
5 years ago
Recently I was attending a SOLIDWORKS User Group Summit and people asked me “So xDesign is CAD on the cloud?” This question always makes me smile because SOLIDWORKS xDesign is beyond being just a browser-based online 3D CAD. Yes, you do get innovative 3D CAD capabilities, yes, everything runs in the browser, yes, on any device, yes, you can start using it right away (without installing any software), yes, you are always running the latest version, yes, you never need to install software updates
5 years ago
Like many others, I was very excited by the announcement of SOLIDWORKS xDesign at SOLIDWORKS World 2016 in Dallas. I had played with other cloud CAD offerings but, being a diehard SOLIDWORKS user, I was holding out for its solution. I don’t think Gian Paolo Bassi had even left the stage by the time I had registered on the beta sign-up website from my tablet during the General Session. I kept tabs on xDesign news for the next few months and noted a few user group meetings (mostly on the east
5 years ago
SOLIDWORKS is a proud sponsor of the Magic Wheelchair organization, which builds epic costumes for kiddos in wheelchairs at no cost to families. SOLIDWORKS is providing SOLIDWORKS software to volunteer design teams. The SOLIDWORKS R&D team has been matched up with Jonah, a wheelchair-bound eleven-year-old, and team is excited about the challenge of gifting him with the most incredible costume they can bring to life. You can catch up on the work SOLIDWORKS is doing with this amazing organization
5 years ago
SOLIDWORKS xDesign Public Lighthouse Program was in full swing last few weeks through xDesign Your Way to Milan Challenge! Among the frenzied and fun-filled moments, five xDesign users made their way to participate in SOLIDWORKS xDesign hackathon. Their entries reflected their personal story and passion in solving a problem through a design that touches on various aspect of our life. We’ll share their stories on the blog in the coming weeks.
5 years ago