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Hello to all, Welcome to the new edition of the SOLIDWORKS Support Monthly News! This monthly news blog is co-authored by members of the SOLIDWORKS Technical Support teams worldwide. Why I can’t dimension holes in the flat pattern By Mario IOCCO Error “The SOLIDWORKS Document Manager Library is invalid. Please see your administrator.” while doing Pack and GoBy Vinod KALE Recently, an issue was reported while performing a ‘Pack and Go’ from SOLIDWORKS or Windows Explorer shows an error ‘The
2 Jahre Vor
Hello to all, Welcome to the new edition of the SOLIDWORKS Support Monthly News! This monthly news blog is co-authored by members of the SOLIDWORKS Technical Support teams worldwide. Enabling Measure Functionality in SOLIDWORKS for eDrawings file By Sagar Agrawal We’ve had multiple queries over the past months on how to enable measure functionality in SOLIDWORKS for eDrawings file. There are two ways to output eDrawings from SOLIDWORKS.
2 Jahre Vor
Growing up and playing with LEGO® as a budding engineer, had you ever thought about how strong your LEGO® pieces were? We shall investigate this thought using SolidWorks Simulation, an FEA module that runs natively within the SolidWorks User Interface. We will use modules that are available in the Simulation Premium package to illustrate the full extent of SolidWorks Simulation capabilities to see not only linear behaviour, but also the non-linear behaviour of our LEGO® piece and determine, is
3 Jahre Vor
Anyone who follows Game of Thrones will know how devastating the Scorpion ballista is. But how did Qyburn design the giant dragon killing ballista? We think we have the answer
4 Jahre Vor
Hello to all, Welcome to the new edition of the SOLIDWORKS Support Monthly News! This monthly news blog is co-authored by members of the SOLIDWORKS Technical Support teams worldwide. Distributed Coupling for Bolt Connectors in SOLIDWORKS Simulation By Julien Boissat As you may have already seen in the SOLIDWORKS 2020 What’s New, Pin and Bolt Connectors in SOLIDWORKS Simulation now support Distributed Coupling. Here is new PropertyManager for the Bolt Connector, showing the Distributed and the
4 Jahre Vor
Introduction Bonjour à toutes et à tous, Ce billet vise à présenter deux outils très pratiques lors des calculs statiques de Simulation : La faible raideur
4 Jahre Vor
Si votre conception ne fonctionne pas dans le monde réel, vous pouvez considérer que c’est un échec. Il s’agit d’un principe de base que tout bon concepteur comprend aisément. C’est aussi la raison principale pour laquelle le prototypage physique a traditionnellement joué, pour les fabricants, un rôle important dans le processus de développement des produits. Le prototypage leur permet de tester la résistance physique d’une nouvelle conception, d’évaluer ses performances réelles et de s’assurer
4 Jahre Vor
Hello to all, Welcome to the new edition of the SOLIDWORKS Support Monthly News! This monthly news blog is co-authored by members of the SOLIDWORKS Technical Support teams worldwide. The justification for the Yield and Tensile Strength values for materials in the ‘SOLIDWORKS DIN Materials’ database By Julien Boissat The Yield Strength and Tensile Strength of DIN (or EN) standard metals typically vary with the material thickness. For example, the EN 10025-2 and 10025-3 standards define the
5 Jahre Vor
Topology studies in SOLIDWORKS Simulation give you insight to help determine the best design for a set of constraints (included in SOLIDWORKS Simulation Professional and Premium packages). SOLIDWORKS 2019 now adds SOLIDWORKS Simulation Topology Study Constraints to achieve the desired results. You can control the Frequencyand Stress/Factor of Safety. Frequency Constraint Frequency constraints can specify the lower/upper limits or range of permissible frequencies for mode shapes.
5 Jahre Vor
O SOLIDWORKS tem diferentes opções de licenças que vão de encontro com as mais variadas necessidades de nossos clientes e usuários. Na indústria de software, o licenciamento geralmente cai em uma das duas categorias: licenças vitalícias (ou seja, comprar para possuir serviço de inscrição opcional) e licenças com prazo (ou seja, pague como você usa ou ‘alugue’ o software por um período específico, como 90 ou 360 dias). O SOLIDWORKS é oferecido nas duas modalidades e os clientes podem usar
6 Jahre Vor